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RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] Unapologetic, maybe

There was that defeated sound, the defeated sound of Aiesu's proclamation that she was not hungry. It was like listening to a child or a teenager proclaim they were not hungry out of a combination of upset, disappointment, and defiance. What Aiesu's words produced was a frown on Miles' lips, as they pressed upon the smoking device which was still perched between them as he cooked.

"What I want, is to make you better." Miles said honestly. "That, and for you to eat breakfast. We have a busy day ahead of us, and I don't need to have your metabolic rate in a fuss because you haven't eaten." and there was the authoritative touch, as Miles placed bacon within pancake batter, and continued to cook. "Trust would also be good, but, considering your tendency to be rebellious, stubborn, and defiant, I'm going to have to skip on that until you finally accept I'm not here to bring ruin and woe upon your house."
"What else could you be here for?" she said with a shaky voice. She soon made her way to a wardrobe on the far side of the room -- sifting through for another blanket.

She settled back into the bed-pit, pulling the sheet over herself, curling into what was presumably the fetal position.

"Go. Away."
"Well, I could be here for any number of reasons. A vacation, spying, sex tourism, you name it, all sorts of possibilities. Fun ones too." Miles spoke, his voice growing in volume to follow Aiesu's retreat. "All of which could be considered more fun than trying to convince an unwilling patient to receive treatment for her own well being."

Quietly, Miles spoke to himself; "Hey, sex tourism... that's not a half bad idea. Maybe hit up a brothel or something... I hear those Occhestian slaves are hot as all hell."
"Huuuh . . . If you're anything like most Nepleslians, you should really try Fyunnen."

She could picture the sound of his screams as his hips broke. Perhaps she could still smile.

"I-Its an experience I hear you won't soon forget." Aiesu hissed a chortle to herself under the sheets.
"I'm not into extreme muscles." Miles replied, as he worked his skills upon the pan, and served out a bacon-pancake for Sana, for whenever she would arrive, then he set to work on his own breakfast. "Besides, look at my fiance, I could have rebuilt her to have all sorts of muscle like that, but instead, I kept her hug-ably soft to the touch, while also providing suitable chassis space for impressive power-to-weight ratio." It was a smidgen of a tangent on Miles' part, until he revisited the matter at hand. "Well, if you don't eat breakfast, I'll have to tube feed you while conducting the biometric data evaluation... your choice, normal eating, or having a tube inserted and a liter of nutrient rich fluid pumped into your belly regardless if you like it or not."
The sound of a high voltage discharge could be made out through the walls from the bed-pit several times over, rather relentlessly along with the hissing growl of someone refusing to back down.
There was a momentary pause from Miles as he listened to the sounds from the bed, and it evoked an immediate response; "Whoa whoa, is that the bacon, or is that you?" he quipped, as he decided to spare Aiesu the burns, as he remotely linked up to the collar again.

"Tamper Prevention Stage Four implemented, nerve impulses from extremeties identified, blocking brain-to-muscle communication to extremeties, maintaining sensory input." Spoke the collar into Aiesu's brain. Clearly, in skipping steps, Miles was wanting to spare Aiesu the punishment which the collar was able to dispense for her ill behavior.

"Aiesu, its 'Time Out' for you until you calm down." Miles stated firmly from the kitchen, as he sent a message to Sana's cybernetic components, informing her that breakfast was ready.
Sana was already in the living room, squatted in front of the bed-pit watching Aiesu writhe, struggle, screech.

"Huuuh..." she began in a low dopey voice -- "She looks kind of angry, doesn't she?" she said. She soon took Aiesu's plate, returning it to the kitchen and then taking her own.

"I see the genius doctor is coming to terms with his patient?" Sana began, stuffing a morsel into her mouth to chew thoughtfully. "I think getting carried away last night undid all your hard work. She obviously doesn't trust you... This is pretty good."
"Based on how pissed off she was last night... and the screaming now?" Miles asked rhetorically, as he served his own plate of food, then took to moving to the living room, sitting down, facing Aiesu as he continued; "She'd likely make like a Nepleslian sci-fi-horror shark themed B-movie, all up on my neck... that, or some sort of monstrous killer rabbit... I'd likely soil myself in that case." There was a chuckle from Miles, as he remembered a movie imported by the Nerimian Defense Initiative. "Ha-ha... yeah... look at those fangs."

There was a wistful moment of thought, before Miles decided to address the matter Sana brought up. "Well, it was not exactly the wisest course of action on our part." he spoke, putting emphasis on the shared responsibility; after all, it was Sana's idea as to what happened with Lalah. "Though, its not like she trusted me to begin with, that's why I brought the collar. Besides, its not like we were having any sort of cooperation when we got here, right?"

There were a few moments where Miles went about picking at his food. "Thanks by the way, about the food, haven't cooked with real ingredients for a while." as he worked into his breakfast, the Nepleslian doctor gave a light shrug. "Either way, look at us, I don't see why this could not work out for the best. We had a good time, we have the patient properly prepared for cooperation, and we have a general outline for treatment procedures... I don't see why we can't have her new legs on her and calibrated by the end of the day." Of course, Miles had a bit of an advantage in regard to how much time was available in a day, considering the average Lorath day was twice the length of a Nepleslian or Yamataian day/night cycle. "Once the legs are on, we can start treating... you know... the damage that is going to kill her the moment she stops taking her medication." Miles spoke, loudly enough to rub in the fact with Aiesu, to remind her, he was there to help her.
"Well" Sana just smiled, pointing with the strange fork-like utensil as she spoke "I can't imagine bondage is a good way to build trust" she said, setting her plate aside.

She soon sat aside Aiesu, stroking her hand along the sheet that covered Aiesu's back.

"You don't look happy, do you?"

"What were you expecting?"

"He just wants to help" Sana still held that perfect smile.

"He's got a funny way of doing it. I want both of you out. I'd rather die than endure more of this."

"...Are all L'manel so melodramatic, I wonder?"
As Sana and Aiesu spoke, Miles worked on eating, and instead of using the native eating implement, he was instead using some sort of folding fork, spoon, and knife utility tool, truly, he was a showcase as to why the Lorath often saw male methodology as excessive.

"All Lorath are that melodramatic." Miles spoke, as he gave a light shrug; "It is part of the cultural charm. They are an emotion rich people, who are not hesitant to make their needs and wants known. They're honest." he explained, as he moved onto the next portion of the matter; "Besides, bondage is a good way to build trust, after all, how a dom treats a sub, or a captor treats a captive, or more accurately in this case, how a doctor treats a vulnerable patient, is a direct example of how trustworthy the person in control is, besides..." Miles started, as he looked to Sana; "You trust me, don't you?" He gave a mischievous grin, the sort that said so much, but without a word.
Sana smiled back, nudging Aiesu.

"As a doctor" a muffled voice came "I know exactly how little of a clue you really have" she grumbled. She sneezed audibly.

"Huh... She's shaking" Sana said, reaching beneath the covers, only to ellict a yelp. Withdrawing her hand and tending her bite mark, Sana eyed the ceiling thoughtfully.

"She's really cold too."
"And not hungry either." Miles spoke, frowning lightly as his mind quickly grasped the situation. She has it bad. I have no idea how she manages to keep up with such a habit without raising any red flags. I saw how much of that Duq stuff she ate last night, and I know how much our pain killer supply on Ondine goes down when the real her is on board.

"I've got just the thing for her." Miles announced as he set aside his plate, and left the room for a while. It was a rather open-ended departure, until he returned from the guest room across the hall, with a hard-shelled suitcase in hand, with a rather formidable lock mechanism, clearly one of the pieces of luggage which Aiesu had not been able to ransack. He soon set it down near the pit bed, as he sat down on the floor, and with a sweep of his thumb, the locks disengaged before he popped open the scuffed up and faded brown suitcase.

Within the confines of the luggage were at least three dozen different semi-opaque brown bottles strapped to the top of the case in convenient little elastic loops, each of them filled with various pills and capsules for oral ingestion. Secured by more robust elastic straps were larger bottles which contained an assortment of orally ingested or inhaled liquid chemicals. Encased within a small clear-plastic topped box, with a small cooling device, were somewhere around thirty small vials with drugs for injection. There was even a compartment which housed implantable devices intended for long-term solutions to treatment.

Miles' fingers moved about the case, looking for what he had in mind, as he soon pulled one of the brown pill bottles from its spot, opening it he withdrew a small pill before he put the bottle away again, then he closed up the case. With the pill in hand, he held it out to Sana. "Since you're the one with the hardened armored endoskeleton, I'd like you to put this under her tongue. Make sure she keeps it there, so it will dissolve and enter her bloodstream."

As Miles gave the order, his cybernetics began to communicate with the servers belonging to the university campus, as he put in several prescription orders with the hospital section pharmacy. I'm going to have to keep track of her dosing. I can't work on her if she self-medicates.
Sana stared Miles down for a moment before taking the pill, her expression softening as some part of her augmented design kicked in. She slipped her hand beneath the sheets and was greeted with a wet crunch.

"I think..."

She tried to laugh, an expression of disgust rather than pain pinning her lips into a grimace.

"I think she just took the flesh off the finger..." laughter rode as an undertone of her voice. "Yup... And I can feel her swallowing it... Grossssss" Sana groaned, pulling a face like a Yamataian school-girl.
"Well, at least we have access to worthwhile repair equipment." Miles spoke, finding the silver-lining to the situation, though, it was clear he was not exactly bothered by the situation as he smiled a sort of prideful smile, a smile that was born from the affection he felt for Sana, and the way she took to the situation like a good Nepleslian wife-to-be should. "At least she's eating too, I was worried she was not going to eat breakfast." he added, despite it being rather macabre.

There was a distant thought in Miles' head though, something he pinned as a note in his digital mind; Check Aiesu's medical records for tests regarding bite-strength, or conduct appropriate tests.
Maybe five to ten minutes later, Sana noticed something. There was no longer the squeeze of teeth. Instead, the L'manel beneath the sheets had taken to suckling on Sana's other fingers, not unlike a pacifier.

Sea-green eyes narrowed as she tilted her head before she rolled her shoulders and smiled again.

"She changes her tone when she gets what she wants, doesn't she?"

"Schutupp" a voice sounded back from beneath the sheets.
There was a chuckle from Miles as he watched the moment unfold before him. That transition from flesh maiming aggression to almost childlike docility. "She's middle management through and through." spoke the Nepleslian, and it was the truth, she had the genuine temperament befitting her position within Lazarus, and in a way, it made sense to Miles as to why she was in the position, it was in her very nature to seek out what she wanted, with little sympathy, and no apologies, until she would get it.

"I do suppose we should spoil her a bit, she has been gracious enough to provide us with sleeping arrangements, a kitchen to cook in, groceries for the cooking, and who knows what else in the long run." Miles scratched his cheek as he thought on the matter, as his breached ethics leaked and oozed with a dubious thought, and messages flew over to the pharmacy for some additional prescriptions.
A pale hand reached out, trying to find a set of glasses on the polished wooden rim of the bed-put before returning to the bed-pit, a soft "Ah" of surprise sounding from the sheets.

Feeling hands about her wrist, Sana slowly peeled her hand away from Aiesu. Pale white plastic looking bone with silvery marks of scratched paint flexed along her index finger, bites into her other fingers -- the flesh a milky white synthetic rather than organic flesh -- leaking an almost semenal fluid from the gaps made - dripping down her arm.

"She's going to have a tummy-ache, you know."
Miles moved closer to the pair in the bed, as he reached over and gently took Sana's wrist in his hand, and moved her closer so he could examine the damage. "Impressively clean cuts." He commented, as he noted there was no irreparable damage that would require replacement components. "Looks like she avoided eating anything too questionable... I think her gut can handle digesting the material though, but I'll give her a little something to help with the inevitable indigestion when it comes along." Miles then directed his attention to the mass beneath the sheets; "This is why you don't eat strangers."

"Sana, how about you get her out of bed, so she can finish her real breakfast and we can get ready for the day? We've got work to do, or at the very least, pretend to do."
Sana was trying not to laugh, something about the way Miles spoke down to Aiesu feeling almost like a family.

"Mm, sure, sure. I kind of want to explore the dorm anyway."
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