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Approved Submission [Lazarus] Volumetric Compression technology


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Submission Type: New technology
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lazarus:volumetric_compression

Faction: N/A
FM Approved Yet?: N/A
Faction requires art?: No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?: No
Contains New art?: No
Previously Submitted?: No

Notes: Not all that different from Veyrinite's spacial compression functionality, but its performed using centrifuges instead and used for storage rather than as a defensive medium.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hmmm, wouldn't this still fall under the no 'New dimensions or planes of existence' rule we have? Considering that you are essentially creating another 'plane' of existence by opening up a portal to said plane.
Several big issues I see besides the whole new dimensions.

1. A CFS field when active is a hazard to life forms, to maintain your compressed space the CFS is always running.
2. You say the compressed space entry point must be in normal space. So once the ship goes into hyperspace or CDD the connection is destroyed and then contents destroyed.
3. Creating and maintaining the compressed space the energy requirements would be prohibitive. A small ship would not have enough power for this and the propulsion. The amount of energy to create and maintain the bubble would be constant because without the power the bubble goes away.
This type of tech was something people (notably Uso) have tried to introduce into the setting before (on the Antaeus Battleship IIRC) and it's not been popularly received. The question is, would this make the setting a better place to RP? I'm not convinced it would.
1. Then I need to go through this and fix that.
2. Untrue: When the vehicle in question goes into other spaces, it simply cannot access the contents of the bubble. The bubble is a permanent self-sustaining fixture.
3. Again, see above: The bubble itself is self-sustaining. Its actually creating a linking portal between and three and six dimensional space that's the difficult part.

1. How about the capacity to have a plot without the use of a starship?

2. Or to explain the independence of people like bounty-hunters quite easily - living inside their weapon of choice and paying much lower docking fees or being able to hide in ways they previously wouldn't conventionally?

3. Or as an alternative to just flitting food and resources out of thin-air with energy-to-matter extrusion that creates limitations and problems for characters that they have to solve? I'm shocked lost SAOY starships in higher dimensions haven't become their own f**king CIVILISATIONS with the sheer and insane independence they have from anything even resembling basic logistics.

The fact you haven't even tried to explore that avenue for story purposes tells me you only looked at the short terms of what those technologies could do to solve an immediate short-term problem and not the wider basically economy-breaking implications: How does Yamatai even have an economy when such equipment exists? Why would anyone ever need to mine or transport or ship anything anywhere ever again?

This achieves the independence you wanted from supply-chains with those technologies in a very limited way while also enhancing the logistical chains themselves instead of just sweeping the entire issue under the carpet.

It has the potential to be more interesting to roleplay than the existing solution is.

Unlike Uso, I have no intentions of sliding anything sneaky under the radar of the tech-folk here.

Hmmm, wouldn't this still fall under the no 'New dimensions or planes of existence' rule we have? Considering that you are essentially creating another 'plane' of existence by opening up a portal to said plane.
12 dimensional space is already accepted in the SARP, iirc. Its how both sub and hyperspace actually function.
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The bubble is created by the CFS, since its not a natural pocket it has to be maintained by power supplied by the CFS. Otherwise it will revert back into its original state.

That being said, if the projector is destroyed there would be no way to restore the bubble because it would no longer exist.

You can't have it both ways, if the CFS is used to create the bubble then it has to be used to maintain said bubble.
In which case, I need to work out a way for the bubble to be made as a permanent fixture. Its meant to be a manufactured thing, not something you create just by running the device. I need to clarify.

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So I presume that the pocket has to be created by technicians at the time the system is installed. Is that correct? Second how does the bubble follow the ship. Because it seems a bit much to have the bubble stay in one place and they can open a doorway into it from 30-50 LYs away.

Also how does one define the size of the bubble. as written there is nothing to give guidance.
Good question and this is why I love you guys.

Yes, the pocket needs to be 'constructed', since its a permanent fixture, at a factory. The scale of the bubble's interior is not important: Only its maximum interior mass. Its maximum payload will always be the same. As for how it follows the ship? It doesn't. Its an address-point. The address-point gets locked to a projector. If the projector is destroyed, if the address is still known, another device in approximate range can open the pocket again if its last position is known.
Okay, this question is actually more important. So the bubble can only be locked to one projector at a time. And what would happen if someone tried to link to someone else's bubble.
From where? In three dimensional space, both the address-space of the compression must be known and the projector/portal device must also be in proximity to the relative-position/shadow position of the compression. Given how an address cannot be extrapolated from the detection of a bubble (and is known only at the moment of the compression's creation), its very secure.
I'm not worried about security. I'm more concerned with someone using this as an exploit. Ship lands on planet A. Person on Planet B dials to the Bubble, loads troops in. Then closes and person on Ship opens door and lets the troops out, and repeat.
What, like how the Protoss work in Starcraft? Like I said, you need physical proximity. As in, you need to have 'taken' the bubble with you or be near its last known location so what you're describing isn't possible.

Kind of tempted to work it in though and add a time-lag based on distance. That's how the Protoss work in Starcraft II and I've never ever seen that kind of thing before outside of maybe the Culture Saga by Ian M Banks.
I would say don't. Kindly just add that sentence to it that about you can't connect with the bubble from another system as long as the connection to the projector is active.
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