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RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] **Wildharpsurgeon began hassling causticLucidity


Inactive Member
Retired Member
$ execute /usr/bin/ircll
** Loaded
$ /agent Wildharpsurgeon
$ /session causticLucidity -otp -r 7

** Dialing causticLucidity... (otp)

** Running... 7proxieslol.script

** Routing connection... 
** 1. @e0c88948.de96f118.pub.nep
** 2. @e07f8479.static.tpgi.6ca6b00c.pub.nep
** 3. @a12de325.bstnma.fios.36f5c1fe.laz.pub
** 4. @e768ff23.hsd1.co.5aa6454b.laz.pub
** 5. @8f6cb9f9.hsd1.va.5aa6454b.laz.pub
** 6. @2e138044.29655c0f.f5eb36d.141bd0a1X.X.X
** 7. @6ca5f03e.a55584.46.231.edu.lor

** Successfully routed

** Connecting to (causticLucidity@13dbff19.ph.ph.6ca6b017.edu.lor)

** Wildharpsurgeon [Localtime:15:43] began harassing causticLucidity [Localtime:03:40] +(OTP@262144RBIT-AESDP)

** [NOTICE]: This communication is encrypted. Please ensure the timekey sensitive pad has been shared with your partner or they will be unable to read the messages you send them or successfully encrypt their own.


<Wildharpsurgeon> Duh.
<causticLucidity> duh?
<Wildharpsurgeon> As in no shit.
<causticLucidity> If this was so obvious, why didn't you do it sooner?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Been running a cyberbrain since I was a teenager, its no biggie.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Simple, because they're a bunch of religious nutjobs.
<causticLucidity> What a fucking waste...
<causticLucidity> Why can't we put a reactor in someone?
<causticLucidity> Even I usually cary a QNC in any of my constructs.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Not really, it keeps them free from jamming and allows proper usage of automated medical compounds.
<Wildharpsurgeon> We can put a reactor in, I don't see anything in their dogma against that.\
<causticLucidity> Then why don't we?
<causticLucidity> Something well sealed.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well, do you think that they'd want to be carrying around a glowing beacon to orbital sensors?
<causticLucidity> So switch it off when you're not using it.
<causticLucidity> Or... Just use quasicrystaline pickups inside the body, around the bones.
<causticLucidity> They'd power equipment on their own and absorb any of that sensor crap.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Oh sure, but you tell me how well that's going to work when you pump the pilot full of automated medical nanomachines or a medical healing compound comparable to hemosynth?
<causticLucidity> Tune it down. Use it as an internalized sensor. MRI on the go, with out the magnets.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Look, what you're going to need is a self-contained reactor with no output footprint. That means no radioactive isotopes.
<causticLucidity> Like what, an aether pickup inside someone?
<causticLucidity> Because biology doesn't have the fuel desity we need.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Nekovalkryja model NH-28, Nodial Integrated Weapon System.
<Wildharpsurgeon> They had built in aether reactors.
<causticLucidity> Then go for it.
<Wildharpsurgeon> They were also mostly inorganic.
<causticLucidity> But I wouldn't use the Aura in that way.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well clearly.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Really though, what we need to do is build to compliment the inherant features of our piloting demographic.
<causticLucidity> I'm not a pilot. Big fucking surprise.
<Wildharpsurgeon> NAM for example builds their machines to plug into cybernetics present in a given soldier. Why don't we create our hardware to work with the biology of our pilots? Occhestians have a significantly higher threshold for neural abuse, for example.
<causticLucidity> What's that lady's name... My'ean? She's a Winter pilot who was working with the Hawk when we started beta-testing it.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Blackwolf, you know the traditionalists don't like their real names being used with aliens, like me.
<Wildharpsurgeon> If I recall, Wolf was... what caste again?
<causticLucidity> Fyunnen, I think.
<causticLucidity> Biiig lady. Likes sweets.
<causticLucidity> I've only seen her profile, though.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Fyunnen have a superior muscle and bone density, their metabolic rate is also quite impressive.
<causticLucidity> Yeah. She could probably move the Sparrow unpowered pretty well if we left the joints unlocked.
<Wildharpsurgeon> This is true, you know, the Fyunnen traditionalists still wear... plate armor.
<causticLucidity> Excuse me?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Seriously, plate armor, they even have been placing a nerimium laminate on them lately.
<causticLucidity> Why?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Unpowered personal protection on-par with power armor exterior plate materials.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Their bodies are strong enough to move around with it.
<causticLucidity> But why?
<causticLucidity> And where are you going with this?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Perhaps we need to have a hardware suite suitable for our given pilot material.
<causticLucidity> ...Uh?
<causticLucidity> Lorath, please. Speak it.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well, if you still had your legs, and if you were piloting one of these, what do you think you'd want to do with it?
<causticLucidity> My trade no great. You confuse birdy.
<causticLucidity> Huh...
<causticLucidity> Put stuff where my legs used to be.
<causticLucidity> Like winter-style engines or something.
<causticLucidity> ...Maybe I should remodel the legs on one of these and wear them as pants.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well, yeah, but I'm saying if you still had those legs, and what you were intending to get--- You know that's a good idea.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I mean, look at those FEET.
<causticLucidity> ...Wh. what about them?
<Wildharpsurgeon> They're so well structured, very appealing, ideal design.
<causticLucidity> My handiwork. She said. Tweaking her glasses.
<causticLucidity> Like a boss.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Mmm, I see, then it would be cruel if you were not able to use them.
<causticLucidity> What are you suggesting? I can't tool around in military equipment. It'd turn heads at the dorm. They'd kill me.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I'm suggesting, that you make a non-milspec model for yourself, I mean, even put a flesh job on e'm and hide the feet in some boots.
<causticLucidity> ...That sort of defeats the point, doesn't it?
<causticLucidity> And anyway... I already have a pair of falsies. I mean, its just a strip of plastic and a clasp but I can run in it, so its good enough.
<causticLucidity> Anyway, back to business. This is prattle and you're starting to annoy me.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well, at least this conversation once again places you in a spot of being too big for your given britches~
<causticLucidity> What are britches?
<Wildharpsurgeon> We can't have a britches upgrade, you know... and they're a sort of pants.
<causticLucidity> It seems to have something to do with apes.
<causticLucidity> Don't you mean bitches? Again, sorry. My trade isn't the best.
<causticLucidity> OH. BREECHES.
<Wildharpsurgeon> No, no, not bitches. Britches. Bitches get into the britches.
<causticLucidity> You're comparing my shorts to breeches? This tells me two things about you.
<causticLucidity> One, that you want to get into them. And by extension, my pants (I'm flattered)
<causticLucidity> And two,One, that you've been drinking.
<causticLucidity> *And two, that you've been drinking.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Of course I've been drinking.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I'm fucking Nepleslian.
<causticLucidity> I could tell you what three is but there are some things you don't want to know about your own mother.
<causticLucidity> So Nepleslians engage in coitus with their parents?
<Wildharpsurgeon> ... Oh no you did not just bring up Mama.
<causticLucidity> 'Mar-mar?' 
<causticLucidity> That's not her name, according to these records.
<causticLucidity> Her name is breeches. That you want to climb into.
<Wildharpsurgeon> And your mother still has a belief structure!
<causticLucidity> Yeah. Shit pisses me off. At least my old man sees the light of reason.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Yeah, well, your old man is also classified as a radical.
<causticLucidity> ...How do you know that?
<causticLucidity> Forget it.
<causticLucidity> I don't want to know.
<causticLucidity> What else do you know about him?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Hey, now that would be telling.
<causticLucidity> Nobody knows more about him than I do.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Besides, who knows what crazy things I'll say~ I've been drinking after all~
<causticLucidity> Even that hag doesn't really know him.
<causticLucidity> I mean, he tries so hard, and for what?
<causticLucidity> To come home to some nutjob spouting bullshit about her skymother?
<Wildharpsurgeon> That spouting would have kept your legs in one piece you know.
<causticLucidity> Actually, it would have killed me.
<causticLucidity> But nice try.
<causticLucidity> Your kungfu no good.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Hey, I'm just saying what I know from research.
<causticLucidity> What else do you know about him?
<Wildharpsurgeon> The Lmanel biological make-up is strongly impacted by delta wave paterns.
<causticLucidity> You're saying because I'm an athiest, I...?
<causticLucidity> Fuck you.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Clearly.
<causticLucidity> But no, seriously.
<causticLucidity> Fuck you.
<Wildharpsurgeon> And hey, that's my goal, baby~
<causticLucidity> Wh?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Fuck, a verb, to fornicate.
<causticLucidity> Don't you have your own piece of ass to be chasfjioasdhfdsaf
<causticLucidity> don't talk like that
<causticLucidity> its
<causticLucidity> weird
<causticLucidity> Look, this is getting personal and we're not getting any work done.

Somewhere offline, Aiesu was chewing on her tie while she typed.

<causticLucidity> So.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Fornication between Lorath of the Lmanel genetic caste is amicable to cross-species coupulation due to the capability of Lmanel physiology to provide accomidation for penetration by phallic anatomy of consider--- And fine fine... we'll get back to business
<causticLucidity> Were you asserting that if you did 'tap' me, it would be beastiality?
<causticLucidity> wait
<causticLucidity> wait
<causticLucidity> Hold the fuck up
<causticLucidity> No. You were asserting I...
<causticLucidity> Huh.
<causticLucidity> I think I know why Blackwolf is called Blackwolf now.
<Wildharpsurgeon> In my culture, historically, there were these people called furries. they conducted fornication with eachother while adorned with garments which brought about the imagery of various lower lifeforms being in an anthromorphicised form.
<causticLucidity> I mean, she's Fyunnen but she spends a lot of time with Lmanel.
<Wildharpsurgeon> What I'm saying is, I'd be a furry if I tapped you.
<Wildharpsurgeon> And... oh?
<causticLucidity> That's... disgusting. And I don't have fucking rabbit ears or any of that other bullshit.
<causticLucidity> I'm not even aspected. I failed aspectation.
<Wildharpsurgeon> And thus the missing legs.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Because you didin't spout that skymama stuff.
<causticLucidity> I hesitated.
<causticLucidity> I shouldn't lie and say I believe something I don't.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Thus preventing your brain from producing the proper delta waveform.
<causticLucidity> What's 'six litre bottle of Nepleslian bodily fluids'?
<causticLucidity> I'm unfamiliar with some of the words.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well... it is either urine, or semen.
<causticLucidity> ...
<Wildharpsurgeon> Both maybe.
<causticLucidity> I thought it might be the latter and brought some.
<Wildharpsurgeon> What for?
<causticLucidity> Gift for the bioresearch team.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I give them plenty.
<causticLucidity> I was talking about the university.
<causticLucidity> Even I have a sense of humor.
<Wildharpsurgeon> College girls are easy.
<causticLucidity> I'm a post-grad. Masters in software engineering, neurology, psychophysics, chemestry and neurometrics. Your university is the equivalent of our college.  As much as you think of yourself, I know I'm just slightly smarter than you are.
<causticLucidity> Your kungfu no good, Nepleslia.
<causticLucidity> Besides, we have a saying here.
<causticLucidity> College boys
<causticLucidity> are easy.
<causticLucidity> Are you a college boy, Doctor~?
<causticLucidity> I think you were.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Funky City University. YE 15.
<causticLucidity> How old were you?
<Wildharpsurgeon> I can make more flavors of drugs, explosives, and androids than you can count.
<causticLucidity> Because you're a chemist.
<causticLucidity> I'm an engineer.
<causticLucidity> I solve...
<causticLucidity> Practical problems.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Then try this one.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Cottontail, how are we going to solve the primary reactor issue with that power armor without frying our pilot?
<causticLucidity> Cotton tail?
<causticLucidity> Well
<Wildharpsurgeon> A term for a variety of rabbit that the Nepleslians keep around.
<causticLucidity> Huh... You know I'm not even properly aspected, right?
<Wildharpsurgeon> True, but I think you tried hard enough.
<causticLucidity> Hard enough not to have a cloacca.
<causticLucidity> Oh snap
<Wildharpsurgeon> You've done your ancestors proud.
<causticLucidity> Oh ha.
<causticLucidity> And anyway... Pickups and maybe some hydrogen based system. We could just re-use some molecular storage, bonding the hydrogen with whatever solid object we wanted.
<causticLucidity> Slow burn.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Minimal output.
<causticLucidity> Insufficient?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Not for a stealth armor.
<causticLucidity> To be fair...
<causticLucidity> Um.
<causticLucidity> Don't the pickups in the core suit already fufil this functionality?
<Wildharpsurgeon> This is true, but what if the pilot is without their core suit?
<causticLucidity> You're shouting up a trunk you didn't need to in the first place.
<causticLucidity> Then... I guess....
<causticLucidity> We could ... Ugh.
<causticLucidity> Exploit body cavities.
<causticLucidity> And anyway, what idiot uses this thing without the core suit?
<causticLucidity> You'd be burned pretty quickly.
<Wildharpsurgeon> The Lorath female has considerable space for putting things actually.
<causticLucidity> ...Oh ha. Very funny.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Assuming you don't have an egg waiting for fertilization in your uterus.
<causticLucidity> In utero?
<causticLucidity> Nobody will agree to that...
<causticLucidity> Its... Groady?
<Wildharpsurgeon> What if we make it vibrate?

Aiesu shuffled uncomfortably in her seat.

<causticLucidity> Isn't this sexual harassment?
<Wildharpsurgeon> I don't think your culture has laws for that.
<causticLucidity> No.
<causticLucidity> We don't.
<causticLucidity> But yours does.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Sure, but I'm an outlaw criminal remember?
<Wildharpsurgeon> I'm part of a bad crowd.
<causticLucidity> Huh... If you're in Funky City, there's someone who could give you a visit.
<causticLucidity> I think you'd like her.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Whoa there, females and Funky City don't exactly mix.
<causticLucidity> She knows this.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I'd buy that for a shiny stone.
<causticLucidity> Oh ha.
<causticLucidity> But really. If you're in the neighborhood, drop her a line through the usual method.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Get hammered and drop my pants in a bar?
<causticLucidity> ...Your culture is stranger than I thought.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Your culture is the strange one.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I don't even know where to begin.
<causticLucidity> Oh hey you were right. This pizza stuff is really good.
<causticLucidity> I had a bunch of stuff flown in from Nepleslia. Once a year, I get to treat myself.
<causticLucidity> Anonymously, obviously.
<Wildharpsurgeon> You didin't order anything... weird on it, did you?
<causticLucidity> ...What's weird on a pizza?
<causticLucidity> I don't remember this being a seafood dish.
<causticLucidity> It has these little finger sized invetebrates and some tiny fish on it.
<Wildharpsurgeon> ... You ruined it.
<causticLucidity> And what I think are squid.
<Wildharpsurgeon> You ruined it, you're a terrible person.
<causticLucidity> I ordered one of each of the 300 varieties the company does.
<causticLucidity> One a day for the next almost-year.
<causticLucidity> I just have to pick them up from the container in the shipping yard... Or hire a courrier to do it for me.
<causticLucidity> Gyygh. Its so cold in here. I can see my own breath.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Urgh, that implies they're frozen.
<causticLucidity> Aren't they meant to be?
<Wildharpsurgeon> You don't freeze pizza.
<causticLucidity> They were chilled. Like... Cold but not hard.
<causticLucidity> In these boxes, with wrapping around them.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Still, it ruins the dough!
<causticLucidity> You add these packets of stuff, hydrate and then... 
<causticLucidity> Oh wow.
<causticLucidity> There's cheese in the hard outer part I wasn't going to eat.
<causticLucidity> Is this normal?
<Wildharpsurgeon> ... You're clearly not as smart as implied.
<causticLucidity> My country is very xenophobic.
<causticLucidity> Well, my nation, actually.
<Wildharpsurgeon> When I was growing up, my people ate other people.
<causticLucidity> Wh
<causticLucidity> Really?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Yeah, really, so don't tell me about xenophobia.
<causticLucidity> To be fair, I'm one of the freaks who's wired the other way. I love foreign culture.
<causticLucidity> Oh wow this is delicious.
<causticLucidity> I never usually get nice stuff like this.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Anata wa hontōni gaikoku bunka ga sukidesu ka?
<causticLucidity> I don't speak Yamataian.
<causticLucidity> Even my trade is bad.
<causticLucidity> Why do you think my daughters all have translational software?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Anata wa kawaī ne.
<causticLucidity> ...I know that one means either... cute or scary.
<causticLucidity> Probably both, given the circumstance.
<causticLucidity> You know, there was some weird snoop on my network a few hours ago.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Alright, I'll buy it, and hm? A snoop?
<causticLucidity> Yamataian. I didn't get a name or address but the infiltration was sophisticated.
<causticLucidity> Honeypot, naturally. They only got false intelligence.
<causticLucidity> But that's what they were looking for. Information.
<Wildharpsurgeon> That's all the Yamataians do.
<Wildharpsurgeon> They pry and they snoop into things that are not their business.
<causticLucidity> The most widely searched theme was the characters e, l, e and n. I think its short for something.
<causticLucidity> A name or a project or something.
<causticLucidity> Any ideas?
<causticLucidity> Oh hey. What's gumbo?
<causticLucidity> Whoever was connected had no idea how to snarf a refferential system. Some idiot who's used to sequential systems, like Yamatai uses.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Gumbo is a Nepleslian dish which has a variety of ways of being prepared.
<Wildharpsurgeon> But its almost always spicey.
<causticLucidity> Huh... I'd like to try some, some time.
<causticLucidity> spicy is good.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Its not like black pepper or wasabi.
<causticLucidity> Thank goodness.
<causticLucidity> I tried wasabi once.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well, it involves capsaicin, you won't be able to taste the spice.
<causticLucidity> Huh.. Really?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Really.
<causticLucidity> Then what do we spice our own food with?
<causticLucidity> Do you find Lorath food spicy?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Your food is 'zesty'.
<causticLucidity> What's zesty mean?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Its like a spice without a 'hot' feeling.
<causticLucidity> Huh.
<causticLucidity> Are you logging any of this?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Only inside of me~
<causticLucidity> ....
<causticLucidity> What
<Wildharpsurgeon> I have an internal storage device.
<causticLucidity> Oh, I bet you do. Be right back.

* $Cmd /whisper Sananakamura Hun, I need more beer, did you go to the store?
* <S.Nakamura> I did. I got those funny chewy things you like lol
<causticLucidity> Back. I just got another pizza. these are really good.
* <M.Gunn> Ah~ You're so good to me. <3 Remind me to give you a round of acupuncture later as a thanks.

<causticLucidity> This one has red circles on it.
<causticLucidity> I think its meat.
<Wildharpsurgeon> It is, those are called pepperoni.
<causticLucidity> They don't really taste like much of anything.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Yeah, you got pepperoni favored with capsaicin.
<causticLucidity> oh wait. No, there's a sweetness in the juice.
<causticLucidity> There's this other stuff too. White chunky things and some little pink squares.
<causticLucidity> Nepleslian food is really rich, isn't it?
<Wildharpsurgeon> So rich, your figure will fill out considerably.
<causticLucidity> Even?
<causticLucidity> I'm going to put on another pizza.
<causticLucidity> Oh man this is good. I think I have a new favourite.
<Wildharpsurgeon> You know, we could optimize a means of drawing power from a pilot by pumping them full of calories prior to a planned sortie.
<causticLucidity> Well, our food is calorifically sparse compared to yours, so...
<causticLucidity> I say a pizza before every engagement.
<Wildharpsurgeon> But you're not a pilot, you don't get to benefit.
<causticLucidity> Hell, I'd join up.
<causticLucidity> Oh, I so do
<Wildharpsurgeon> You know they'd put you in a new body.
<causticLucidity> One I wouldn't have legal control of.
<causticLucidity> I don't think so.
<causticLucidity> All I've got is my bones.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I think you will, as long as it is a biological model.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well, you're missing some of those.
<causticLucidity> I tried bonding new ones but the nerves won't take.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I could be a total asshole and cite Lorath dogma about that.
<Wildharpsurgeon> I'll spare you though.
<causticLucidity> Gee, thanks
<causticLucidity> So you get to eat like this every day?
<causticLucidity> No wonder Yamataians think Nepleslians are overweight
<Wildharpsurgeon> We've got more muscle mass.
<causticLucidity> Huh.
<causticLucidity> Wait. Will I put on muscle if I eat this?
<Wildharpsurgeon> We also do not have pre-programmed hemosynthetic balancing organs which prevent weight gain.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Mmm, you'll put on muscle if you exercise a lot.
<causticLucidity> I'm on the track every day.
<causticLucidity> Well, night.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Night cottontail.

** Wildharpsurgeon ceased harassing causticLucidity [17]
**causticLucidity [Localtime:05:17] began belittling Wildharpsurgeon [Localtime:17:20]  +(OTP@262144RBIT-AESDP)

<causticLucidity> You're going?
<Wildharpsurgeon> Well... I think I should actually, my female associate brought home some sustinance and I wanted to share with her.
<causticLucidity> Alright.
<causticLucidity> And stop calling me cotton tail.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Hah, alright, Velvetine.
<causticLucidity> Velvetine? What's that?
<Wildharpsurgeon> A cloth material. Though, it is also associated with an application of the material in the construction of a doll of sorts mentioned in a children's story.
<causticLucidity> What happens to this doll?
<Wildharpsurgeon> But, I'll let you research that on your own.
<causticLucidity> ....
<causticLucidity> Right.
<Wildharpsurgeon> Nuh-uh, that would be telling~
<Wildharpsurgeon> Catch you on our next work-cycle.
<causticLucidity> You're still waiting around, after the female told you to return to her?
<causticLucidity> So disobedient~
<Wildharpsurgeon> Culture differences Velvetine.

** Wildharpsurgeon ceased harassing causticLucidity [17]
** Connection Terminated
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