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[Legal] Discussion of Punishment for Lor


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1. The Lorath will immediately furnish a complete listing of all their spacecraft and keep it up to date as ships are destroyed and added.
The Lorath continue to be in violation of the law. Hoshi no Iori suggests we cut off the aid they're requesting as punishment.
Sounds good.
Anisa agrees, however we also reccommend leniency.

It is quite interesting that they still have not complied in the slightest, however they still can't do it quite as quickly as we can. We should keep that in mind.
"Excuse me?" The Lorath Senator muttered in suprise. "You wish to cut off aid that hasn't even arrived to my homeworld, because we haven't had time to write a list about destroied vessals, while nearly half of the planet burns?"

He shakes his head. "I find this comical, in a morose manner of appliance." He said while rubbing his forehead. "Can you not atlest give us time to orgonize ourselves before we capitulate? We have experienced a near genocide here."
William looked around, "Tami agrees with the Senator from Lor, and questions the timing of this suggestion; I do suggest that a timeline be established though, the Lorath must eventually comply, however it seems reasonable to give them some time in the matter, given thier circumstances"
Tee looked up from his work upon the latest defendant of Lor, "Why am I not surprised?" He asked with a certain amount of scorn before continuing, "It is not a difficult thing to do Senator, a simple statement of your ships names, and how much are lost - it is hardly something which would take much time to do."
"Alright, let's send no aid unless we get this simple list, then," said Hoshi no Iori's Nekovalkyrja senator. "It's not a difficult task and it should have been done long ago."
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