Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 lewdy pa2tie

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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ON> Queen's Slave

Uso was sitting infront of the CIC of the Queen's slave. The room was really more of a common area that had been converted to a different set of tasks. A display table was in the center, projecting a floating fleet of NMX and Uso's own ships. Around the sides of the room were chairs, no doubt for passengers, but some of those had been changed into lockers, or simply held power armors that were buckled in and half disassembled.

Akemi reflexively decided to take the seat closest to Uso and had a thorough look around. "Man, it's pretty utilitarian in here. I was kinda expecting something flashier since you put on a good front but then again when you do you don't need much. Hmm. So where to begin. What's your current situation on the planet control wise?"

"A bit of resistance left in the mountains a few miles away from here, but nothing worth mentioning. It also looks like I'm going to need a little bit more from you. How much is it going to cost to bring in meat? I need to feed 5000 vekimen and they strongly prefer raw meat." Uso asked, getting straight to the point. The neko's hair pulled up into a tight bun behind her head, her clothing tight fitting and fitting quite exactly against her body.

"Well I should lie and say it'll cost a jillion credits but my business is all about meat and fish so I can get stuff cheap. Plus I'm guessing you guys don't care much where it's coming from or what it is so that helps. Also I imagine we can always obviously pay people with little bits of the technology we take for granted to go hunting for us on the planet itself. Feeding 5000 is easy as pie." Figuring they could just casually start trading questions and answers like this Akemi decided to make another inquiry before he let the other Neko continue. "What I'm wondering more specifically is what your position is. Do you go by a cool title? How much do you govern things?"

"I have a spacer that is fond of calling me Empress Tyrant-pants," Uso said with a smile, turning her attention towars Akemi in earnest, "Are you that bored with running a restaurant? Or are you a self-styled leader of men with aspirations beyond your small shops?"

Akemi returned the smile and shrugged weakly, raising his open palms to his shoulders and extending his long, slender fingers. "Well naturally I gotta say the latter when you put it that way," he answered indifferently. "Really I'm just someone that likes to have fun whatever I'm doing. I think I can make a good leader, but I don't want to toot my own horn. I simply made my business because I wanted to create something that entertains people that I could see myself partaking of. I saw Neppies and said hey, wouldn't it be neat to go even more extreme and out Nepleslian the Nepleslians. And I wanted to meet people so I said why not work with anyone no matter who they are, even Mishhu. I've got nothing against anyone. All I care about is doing things legally or legally enough so I don't have my shops banned anywhere."

"Bored then. That's something I can relate to. How much experiance do you have with the NMX?" She asked.

"Man, always with the cutting words," Akemi said sounding a little taken aback or put off. "Not much I guess. All I did was fight them during my time in service. I'd really like to bang a Nightmare one day. Maybe get that sick fur they have that's really made of tiny controllable tentacles that they can use as clothing. It's pretty neat."

"Which service?" Uso asked, turning her attention back to the display table, "No matter how we play the upcoming battle, there's no way we're going to be able to take out more than a third of the NMX fleet near I'ee. In the process we're going to get most of our attack drones wiped out. So we've got to find a way to kill the remaining ships on the cheap. Got any ideas for how to do that without spending any time on building or buying new ships?"

"Just Yamataian space infantry. I'm a Neko after all." Akemi thought for a moment feeling as if he'd been asked a trick question. He sure hoped Uso had ample resources to fall back on for advice and assistance and she wasn't already scraping the bottom of the barrel for help. "I dunno, why not ask your spacer pal if there's some stuff they know of somewhere you can salvage and use to fight them? Who are these I'ee and why do you care about them anyway?"

"I always enjoyed the spy stuff because it was hard. Having to use what limited resources you have to make the most possible impact.... 'course this is a different scale than I'm used to." Uso said, "If we can push the NMX away from the I'ee, it shows that we can play in the big leagues. The 'Spacers are going to try to help, though I'm not sure how many ships Arccos is going to be able to provide. So what we've got is some drones, some civilian freighters, and Me. I just have to conjure the right magic words to make this all work. Unfortunately squids are not the easiest to share a headspace with. I can't just call them stupid and hope they get angry. I need to have something I can say to them that will get them to chase us. Then we could just lead them right into a Nepleslian fleet and call it a day."

"Wouldn't a Yamataian fleet work just as well?" Akemi felt compelled to ask given his time in the military and its reputation. "They love getting involved in things. What would be real nice is if you could reason with them somehow as last I checked they're supposed to be on the way out. They could be super multitasking in my kitchens with their zillions of tentacles between banging hot alien chicks. Heck, maybe they could do both at the same time. Always with the rape and the murder. Too bad you aren't a Mishhu so you could appeal to them that way."

"It would, but I have my reservations about involving them. We have 'Spacer's on the crew and we would probably have the Yamataians move in after the operation. It would be harder to stay out from under them in that case. Nepleslians are much more easily used." Uso paused for a bit, hesitant about addressing the next part of the question, "I don't exactly have a lot of pull with the NMX. I also am not certain I could pretend to be an NMX officer convincingly enough to fool the NMX. Of course it would be easiest to get these guys recalled to home somehow, but that would require knowing a chatty squid to talk to."

Feeling there was little to lose in tossing out thoughts at this point Akemi decided to do just that. It wasn't as if he could be reasonably expected to come up with a practical solution to a problem that wasn't his own when he knew next to nothing about it. "Well I'm not really suggesting you try to fool the NMX, but since you're thinking about it a tad I guess I'll point out you could always see about capturing one and trying to steal his memories or something. Is there any place you think you could try to convince them to attack instead? Ooh, what if you could somehow get a high ranking Mishhu to betray his buddies so he could take control of whatever is left of the fleet when the fighting ends?"

"Well, for that I would need a high ranking Mishhu... Assuming we can fight the smaller portion of the NMX fleet on the edge of the system, then we might have anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to do stuff before the rest of the fleet arrives. Maybe we could find an officer in the wreckage... even so talking him into calling off his fleet? We'd need to offer him something pretty sweet."

Deciding to employ some levity to keep the conversation from getting stale Akemi attempted to at least briefly change the subject. "It'd sure be nice to talk some about you and your planet some instead of this heavy stuff the entire trip. What's going on with whatever ruling bodies are down there? Gonna keep the nobility around? I quite like the sound of count Koga and sir Akemi."

The sounds of talons clicking against metal was al that gave away the Vekimen as he slowly walked onto the Queen's Slave. He looked absolutely exahsted even for an alien as he stepped into the CIC. Looking at the group, he huffed a little. "Well... Is there anything USO needs from the Vekimen?" He asked simply. "The digging is under way, and the Vekimen don't realize the plant matter you're feeding us are plants, but it is having an effect on us. Nothing horrible, just uncomfortable. We have started loading the Fabricator with dirt, and the work is being done in shifts. We..." He started, placing a hand on his head. "We have been working hard. I wanted to ask you how production is going on the surface. Is everything going to plan? Are we producing too much?" He asked.

"I'm letting the others deal with the nobility. If they make themselves useful like......." Uso casually pointed over at the Lizard, and then looked over at him dumbfounded, "......Liz here, I'll be happy to call them whatever they want. And speaking of wants, Akemi here is going to get you that meat you wanted. Not 100% on what the time table is but we'll make it happen as soon as possible. As for production, you're doing fine. We're able to meet the projected demands of the fabricator and it looks like we're going to have several ships produced before the end of the month along with a few thousand missiles."

Uram looked rather thankful at the idea of proper food. Many of the less civil Vekimen were wanting him to ask if they had criminals or something, and at this point he was fighting pretty hard to keep his muzzle shut. "Good. Faster we get that the better. Zahen has been bugging me to ask about technology. The Research team is waiting for stuff to study. They really want near the fabricator, but you need that so I managed to convince Zahen to stay away from it. Being able to turn dirt into other things would be so very helpful to the Vekimen" He chuckled, pointing at a chair. "Can I sit down?"

"Yes, I mean... can you? You've got a lot of tail. How does that all fold into place?" Uso asked.

Uram simply walked up to the chair, spun it around so the back of it faced forward, and straddled it allowing his tail free motion. He then promptly laid his head down on the table.

"Dumb question..." Uso said, looking at the Lizard for a moment, "I'm sure Vier will be happy to show you the ins and outs of the fabricator. But do ask her about it first, we can't have interuptions to the production schedule...." Uso would lean against the table before adding, "... wow I sound boring."

Uram grunted in confirmation. "Hey, if it means I can stop moving for a bit, that would be great. I haven't slept in... I lost track after 70 hours..." He mumbled. "And you aren't boring, I just need to find a way to relax"

"So who's Vier?" Akemi decided to ask, in order to avoid addressing the scaly person. He was reflexively turned off by the less human than average appearance.

"A composite person maybe? You'd have to ask her really." Uso replied.

"What's she look like? Hit me up with the thought waves my fellow mewmew," Akemi replied, acting a little Nepleslian.

"Never talk like that again." Uso said firmly.


After a brief pause Uso would turn to the topic of Vier, "... she's got black hair, grey eyes.... a bit smaller than me in height... and there's usually between 1-4 of her people lookin bodies running around. She also exists as the green junker drones."

Uram had started snoring in the middle of the breif conversation, having fallen fast asleep on the table. His eyes were covered by the goggles.

Akemi was thankful the lizard had decided to take a nap. He would have much preferred it to have been a Delsaurian. They always seemed pretty cute to him for some reason. Plus they were Nepleslians like many of his customers naturally were given that his operations were centered in their space. "That's neat. So what's the deal with the I'ee? Why do the Mishhu want to attack them? You said you wanted to show people you can play in the big leagues but you could always find an easier cause to champion and stockpile equipment so you can defend against a Mishhu fleet when it's actually aimed at you. What makes them worth expending so much capital?"

"Near as I can tell the NMX are there for some other reason. They don't seem too interested in the I'ee... the I'ee just happen to be where the NMX are. As for why: They are going to help us build infrastructure. They don't need to be the most technologically advanced species to build water and power systems... plus they are absolutely murdorable. You should see them when they get all riled up. It is inspiring." Uso said.

"Well I am a lover and protector of all things cute so I can see the appeal." Akemi started having a little trouble coming up with what to say next which he decided to chalk up to the lizard's presence. "Cute is justice," the Neko declared, suddenly clenching a fist in front of his chest. "So how easy was it to take the planet?"

Uso did her best to surpress a smile... but couldn't quite do it, sounding like a giddy school girl, "Arccos killed a guy by throwing a horse at him!"

"That does sound pretty sick," Akemi emphatically agreed to assure the other Neko there was no need to hold back her enthusiasm. He was very pleased to see her let loose and act the way he usually did for a moment. "So who's this Arccos person? Have you got any particular plans for what to do with the planet after you've handled whatever you deem essential? Got a particular vision, perhaps one of being worshiped as a god with your face etched into a mountainside?"

"I don't think you appreciate it... I mean these guys were professional soldiers, they were shooting at us and everything despite us having powered armor... It was glorious. Like, pure, stupid, fun. The kind of fun you're not supposed to have." Uso said, ".... and yeah, I thought about etching my face into a mountain and all but why limit yourself to a mountain? I could have my face etched into the planet so that it could be seen from orbit! 'Course, that's long term goal stuff. Right now I'm focused on what's infront of me."

Akemi's eyes gleamed with impish delight. "Come on now, there's no such thing as a type of fun you're not supposed to have. There's a time and a place for everything. You could always go another step further and stamp your name on the forehead of each native or something. How about turning the planet into a resort world? If you did enough terraforming they might even be alright with that."

"Well we can't compete on industry or technology. A tourist destination certainly seems like it would be the easiest way to get this world up and running. A thriving service industry doesn't require high skill workers either. More reasonably, instead of carving something into the planet or the people, we could put an array of ships in orbit. Turn their shields to maximum and filter for certain colors... we could make the largest view screen ever."

"And we could have those ships serving people whatever the planet has to offer if they don't actually want to immediately set foot on it or merely want to drop by quickly for some fun," Akemi added. "They could be trade posts too. I already have pleasure ships that travel around serving people like the Nepleslian military. You don't need to pay for prime real estate that way. Sure seems like it's a good thing I came around." The silly little man smiled and wiggled his eyebrows to show he was only making a big deal out of himself for fun and not trying to posture.

Uso would look over at the sleeping lizard, "You know, a nap doesn't sound half bad right now..." She said aloud, before turning her attention towards Akemi, "There will be plenty of time for that later. As soonas my original comitments are fufilled, I'll turn my attention towards building fun stuff with the same level of effort as we're spending on saving the I'ee."

She woud chuckle to herself a bit before adding, "But yes, it does look like we're going to do the pleasure-planet thing."

Happy to hear that Akemi decided to return to another topic he had quite an interest in and figured would also be pleasant, at least for himself. "Speaking of effort, since I'm suddenly thinking about what you said regarding the nobles again, would you mind telling me a bit about the situation with them? Like could I be one of the people to take care of them? It'd sure be fun to goof around acting like a fantasy character with a title and I'd like to try organizing things using their knowledge and drawing from their manpower. It'd be awful nice to peacefully get along with them and slip right in to their society if you guys aren't going to purge them or something. Might save a lot of time and energy."

"They are free to make whatever deals they want," Uso replied, "We aren't going to kill them needlessly. We already killed enough of them to scare the fight out of em. Now we just have to train them to be useful.... and I think I kinda pawned that task off on Arccos.... look, how about we continue this later? I need a nap and, well... lizards gonna lizard."