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RP: Origin Liaison Work is Serious Business

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
A light, rhythmic tapping resounded throughout the conference room as a strong finger broadcasted the impatience of its host. It was possibly the fifth time someone from his species had sat in this room, but a grizzled Wolfgang Lehrer wasn't as pleasant as the civilians who had negotiated with Origin initially. Grimacing under the light of the room, the Abwehran Hybrid adjusted his goggles with his upper left arm as his chin rested upon his upper right hand. The Warrant Officer's lower left hand held a folder of papers that he was casually glancing over, while the culprit behind the incessant tapping (his lower right) continued out monotonously.

It had been a week since he had arrived on Dawn Station and he had needed it. It was often hard for Abwehrans to adjust to lower gravity, so he had to return to his own quarters often to relax a bit. Deciding he had enough of a break, the former Marine had requested a meeting with representatives from all of the Origin Departments. His job, after all, was to be liaison between Origin and his Government. Too bad poor Oberstabsfeldwebel Lehrer hadn't realized what type of job he had been assigned too. All ready, he was receiving messages from his superiors for 'results'. It could only make the former Marine grumble incoherently. Did they expect him to be a miracle worker? It took a good day for Subspace Communication messages to reach him from Abwehr. Even then, Lehrer had to research this new technology thoroughly to even have a grasp of the concepts. He wasn't a bloody theoretical physic--well, it wasn't theoretical any longer. Either way, he wasn't a scientist, he was a void-spawned Engineer and he would damn well speak with these civvies when he was ready.

Sighing loudly, the Engineer brought his mahogany, upper-left hand to run an index finger along his scar and pondered some of his findings. There was so much that could be used to increase his people's technology by leaps and bounds, but most of it relied on that thrice-damned Aether Tech. The whole concept of drawing energy from another dimension brought shivers down his spine. While Wolfgang wasn't the most devote follower of Universalism, the thought one of those reactors going critical was enough to make his skin crawl. Now that was something he could understand as an Engineer.
Aerin sat, almost patiently, in her seat, sipping idly on some kind of drink that smelled like alcohol. She watched the Abwehran as he waited for her partners to show up. Kensuke would not show up, as he was busy elsewhere, but Rob and Ray would probably be on their way soon. Aerin had been waiting for something to do since her ship was in drydocks after having nearly been destroyed a third time, and a meeting with a foreign liaison, especially one who was an engineer, was a good thing to do by her judgement.

Growing tired of waiting, however, the tiny CEO broached conversation with the Abwehran. "So. How has your stay at Dawn been so far? I know it's mostly too low-G for you to be comfortable, but I hope it's been interesting enough to keep you occupied."
Glancing up from his folder, the much taller occupant of the room glanced at the raven-haired CEO through his dark goggles. "Not a bad piece of work you have here," he commented casually in Trade as he shrugged his upper shoulders while closing up the folder with his lower hands and setting it down. "I understand it's still under-construction, but it seems to be a solid structure. It still freaks me out now and then how...well, empty it is crew wise," he gruffly stated with a grimace. While I've read it can hold close to 5 mill at max. cap., 1000 working personnel just seems small for something of this magnitude. I mean, something nearly the equivalent of this would need close to 20,000 where I'm from," he explained as his right arm scratched the back of his head. "And practically 60% of them would be technicians."

Pausing for a moment, Wolfgang straightened up his seating posture with all four hands upon the table. Suddenly, he felt like one of his old instructors from the Academy. Well, the feeling was with in reason. They may look close to the same age, but it was hard for the Warrant Officer to forget that this little Yamataian woman was practically half his age chronologically. Heck, with her height it was hard not to imagine her being a child where he came from, but even blunt old Wolfgang knew telling a lady that was liable to get him in trouble. "Either way, I can get used to the gravity after a while. Little light on the atmo, but not enough to get me light-headed. I'd probably get 'alpine-happy' if I try doing PT in this, but that could be solved with a re-breather."

A momentary pause later and a light growl would erupt from his lips. "Where's that male harem of yours anyway," he muttered in mention of her partners. "You'd think they'd left their chronometers behind or something."
It was a good thing Aerin had set her drink down, because at the Harem comment, Aerin began laughing, almost violently. she seemed to find the comment incredibly funny, and Wolfgang probably wouldn't get it. Almost as if on cue, the two men, one after the other, made their way into the meeting room. Aerin shut up quickly enough, stifling her laughter with her glass, before answering Wolf's previous observation. "most of the station is automated, and a lot of it is empty space that will be filled eventually. we don't need as many people to man the station because of the DESTINY system."

Rob and Ray sat down to either side of Aerin, and ray cleared his throat slightly. it seemed that they were ready. "Sorry for making you two wait." the Geshrin apologized, getting in gear for a meeting. "So, what was it that you requested us for?" he asked, attempting to be polite.
Wolfgang was horribly confused when Aerin began to laugh. Was what he said really that funny!? It didn't seem that way to him, but maybe it was just the fact that he had mentioned male harem. Either way, he couldn't retort at all even if he wanted to since the other two had arrived.

"So, what was it that you requested us for?"

"Cause my government is bitching at me," he replied with a grimace. "No matter though, I need to do my job anyway and that's Liaisoning like I'm supposed to," he stated as he opened his folder with his lower hands. "I thought it would be better getting all three of you together rather than visiting you separately. Mostly because this is just the initial meeting, but partially because I've got several requests from the Empire." the former Marine explained as his upper right hand ran a finger along his scar.

"First off, my government is kicking off another round of reorganizations for its military," he stated calmly though his expression turned sour for a moment. "This includes upgrading most of its armament in response to the encroaching NMX threat. Currently, Kaiserlich F&E and the native manufacturers are working on several designs to improve the survivability of Light Infantry as well as arming them with better equipment. Unfortunately, the new Field Rifles are a tad on the overpowered side which make them unusable for shipboard activities. They'd like to know if Origin Defense Manufacturing has anything available or could design an appropriate weapon for such a role." He explained before pausing to look up at the trio.
Rob answered Wolfgang's question about shipboard weaponry, fairly quickly. "We have a couple of light laser rifles that would be perfect for shipboard duty, as well as a pistol, they don't have the penetration capabilities of solid munitions, but they do have plenty of stopping power via flash-vaporization" he explained, scratching his chin as he did so.

Ray picked up the slack as Rob stopped talking "Does your military have any mobility issues that could be solved by Origin motors?" the Geshrin questioned, politely "We've now changed tooling so that nearly all of our vehicles can be easily converted to fusion power."

Aerin smiled at her business partner's eagerness, putting a hand on his shoulder "If I can be patient, you should too, Ray."

The Geshrin then apologized quietly, and chuckled "Sorry bout that, I'm not quite used to formal meetings yet, some old habits never change."
"Pistols aren't an issue," Wolfgang replied with a shrug. "Our standard service pistols don't have the penetrating power to go through ship bulkhead. However, if you have any compact energy weapons for close-quarters just name them and I'll see if they'll work out." the former Marine explained after the interruption. He didn't seem offended at all by Ray jumping the gun. In fact, he seemed to take it in stride.

"From what I've heard, a few of your Off-Road Vehicles have entered Schirmherrschaft service. Though I believe they're found more in the colonies at the moment than on the homeworld." the large man explained as he tapped the index finger of his lower left hand upon the table. "I'm certain they'd be willing to purchase more of them if its in their budget."
"Well, We do have two very good close quarters energy weapons, one of which is good for security work and another which is probably more suited to battle." Rob started, tapping at something below the table as two volumetric screens appeared, one showing the Fatboy and the other showing the SEP. The man began with the SEP "Our first candidate is the Standard Energy Pistol, which is an energy pistol as well as a stun gun and light SMG, with a very high rate of fire and very good battery capacity, but slightly lower power. the other, the SmAR 'Fatboy' is a submachine rifle, with a bit more stopping power, and a modular design, which can also be easily linked to battlefield data systems." The Nepleslian flicked at the two volumetric screens sending them closer to Wolfgang so he could interact with them, seeming satisfied with himself.
Wolf glanced over the designs that were nearly shoved in his face with a neutral expression. Another thing that nearly spooked the Marine was those damned Volumetric Windows. Appearing and disappearing into thin air like that was a real annoyance; it was especially annoying when you weren't expecting them. However, the Engineer didn't allow it to cloud his judgment as he reviewed both designs.

"That Standard Energy Pistol would actually be a good Law Enforcement and Security sidearm with that stun feature. Sure as void better than those rubber shot rounds we tend to use," Wolf muttered as he ran the index finger of his right hand along his scar. "And that Fatboy seems to be a good Shipboard CQC weapon, though I think it would be better to integrate its targeting functions to the new Light Infantry Armor I keep on hearing about from back home rather than using a completely separate system. However, that volumetric targeting system would be handy for anyone just wearing a Skinsuit." the Abwehran went over his ideas aloud before glancing at Rob with a grin.

"I think my Government would take both, though I wonder if you could handle the production capacity needed." he commented with a gruff snort of amusement. "Cause once the Brass back home reads these designs, they'll probably want them in the millions to equip Law Enforcement and Military personnel."
"Well, We tend to make these guns by the millions and hundreds of thousands, for the SEP and Fatboy respectively." Rob responded, smiling. "And as for integrating it into suits, All we'd need to do is make a connection module for your suits and it would be good to go." Rob Robertson the Third seemed to be in a good mood about this meeting, as it was going so far, and so knew that he could probably make a push to sell something else, but decided not to. Instead, he opened up Wolfgang to one of the other things that the Abwehran had mentioned before.

"So, what else were you with us to talk about again? I think it had something to do with starships..."
"Sounds about right, I'll sent of the appropriate paper work after the meeting," Wolf replied, though his smile faltered a bit at the thought of paperwork. "As for a connection module, the technical readouts of the Light Infantry Armor mention it using a touch sensor on the finger tips with fiber optic wiring in the gloves leading to the computer system," he explained thoughtfully. "Something like that wouldn't make it too hard, maybe even a bit of creative programming could solve everything," the former Marine shot his ideas off moments before Rob asked his question.

"Ah yes, It's more of a little engineering problem of ours," he said with a shrug. "We previously bought one of those yachts for the Royal Family and came across that Continuum Distortion Drive. Of course, we all ready knew of its existence and how it works, but its a bit hard to 'recreate' it when you're running on Fusion Reactors." the Abwehran explained with a frown.

"We've noticed a bit of a problem actually keeping the damn thing running for long periods of time when on Fusion. It actually drains quite a bit of power, which require more fusion-able matter to be burned in the process. To be quite honest, we can only use it for interplanetary travel. So instead of developing our own CDD, the Abwehran Government has decided it would be better if you guys could design a CDD for us." the mahogany Abwehran stated. "Maybe a more fuel-efficient design for interplanetary travel and, in military operations, interception?"
This time, Aerin replied, as this was in her part of the corporation's fields of expertise. "I can get a team on that right away. We've been experimenting with some designs that are more efficient and better for fusion, even a few of our production models run them, but they don't have any more or less capabilities than the others, Mostly retooled for lower-power needs and slower craft is what it is." The woman opened up another volumetric window and began jotting down notes on it, before pausing and asking for some clarification.

"Aside from fuel efficiency, you still want these capable of flank speeds? There's several methods to doing this, but they all include extra 'costs' either in mass and therefore internal space, or in complexity and therefore in terms of price. Which would your empire prefer?" the woman Eyed the Abwehran with her uniquely designed eyes, the Symbol- not too different from the Abwehran's own flag, seeming to glow with interest.
Wolfgang pondered the question a bit as he stroked his scar in thought. Grimacing, he tapped a few keys upon his Palm Computer to bring up a few notes of his own, especially on the basics of a Continuum Distortion Drive. "To be honest, considering what the flank speeds are on these contraptions, I don't think we need Drives that go above 100c for interplanetary drives." he mumbled before his brow furrowed in concentration as he began crunching numbers.

"Actually, if the design could go 5000c, a vessel could go at least 10 AU per second. Since most interceptions in Sub-light would take days if not weeks, I believe a standard civilian unit with 1000c for interplanetary travel and a military unit with 3000c should be enough. That would give our military units a 6 AU per second interception speed, which would allow us to intercept any unwanted vessels in seconds. Plus, the slower velocities compared to the 'standard' CDD units of other nations wouldn't put as much strain upon our Fusion Reactors." he explained before coughing lightly into his closed, upper-right fist. "Of course, you would know better given your experience with these contraptions," the larger alien stated as he flipped a page in his folder.

"Oh, missed something there for Herr Robertson," the Nightwalker grumbled in annoyance. How could he have missed that request!? "Anyway, the military is also looking for heavier firepower for its Light Infantry. Anti-Vehicle weapons and Anti-Material Marksman Rifles to be precise. Would you have anything along those lines?" he asked curiously.
"That should be simple enough." Aerin said, smiling as she wrote down the needed stats and then sent the file down to one of OrIn's design teams. She watched curiously as Wolfgang posed another question to Rob. She was wondering what he was up to, she hadn't exactly been snooping around his workshop lately, and wasn't sure what he might have up his sleeve.

"Well..." The Nepleslian began "I've been working on a heavy Plasma Anti-material rifle, but it's yet to be finalized. However, if your Military is interested, I can ramp up work on it and probably finish it very soon. The overall design has been finished and now it's mostly the fine details I'm worrying over. I assume you guys don't mind a good deal of kick?" Rob Robertson III finished, grinning.
"A Plasma Rifle?" Wolfgang asked as he thought a bit about it. "If the range on it is good then it really doesn't matter about the kick," he replied before snorted loudly. "If your definition of 'kick' is the same as mine anyway," he boasted slightly. Pausing for a moment, he flipped through his notes quickly to see if he was missing anything else for Rob. "And if you have any other Anti-Vehicle weapons you can suggest, it'd be much appreciated," Wolf stated. "The majority of our Infantry Forces are going to be of the Light variety, since it's cheaper that way." he stated with a grumble.

"Anyway, I guess I will finish with Fraulein Tatst's portion of my list and then move on to Herr Gladstone," he muttered before looking back at the small Yamataian woman. "The Weltraumflotte has also been looking into the commissioning of a Cruiser class vessel from Origin Industries. Mainly, we need something with a balance between Armor, Firepower, Range, and Speed, since we can't go on relying upon Destroyers as our workhorse vessel. I could help you in the design a bit later, if you'd like," the large Abwehran male stated before scratching his chin in a bit of embarrassment. He'd feel more comfortable asking another Abwehran to help design something, but this was a civilian alien. He had no idea how his offer would be taken.
"That's all that we really have right now, aside from our heavy Gauss service rifle for powered armors." Rob answered in response to Wolfgang's question about other anti-vehicle weapons. "it would be good to equip heavier infantry with, but It even knocks me to my ass unarmored, so it's not good for light infantry." the Nepleslian unconsciously rubbed his shoulder, remembering a large bruise and dislocated shoulder from when he tried to fire the weapon unaided.

When Wolfgang changed his attention to Aerin, the Yamatain woman smiled and nodded along as he spoke of the ASE's wishes. "I could probably do that, and of course, we're more than willing to help tailor it to the ASE's needs, even modifying the on board gravitational system to sustain higher G's without stressing the system." she continued to jot down notes from what the Liaison was saying, before finishing "Just show up at my design office when you're available, Herr Lehrer" and with that, the volumetric windows near the Abwehran were updated with directions and information of how to get there, as well as an access code for the door.
"A Heavy Gauss Service Rifle for Powered Armor?" Wolfgang mumbled as he glanced over his papers again. "That may actually help out giving our Powered Armor a punch. We'll probably purchase some of those as well, after I draw up the numbers necessary." the Warrant Officer replied.

Turning his attention once more to the small woman at the table, the large Abwehran nodded. "Excellent," he stated moments before that void-ridden volumetric window popped up in his face again. Grunting slightly in annoyance, the Engineer memorized the access code and wrote down the directional information. "I'll meet up with you tomorrow then," he stated with a gruff tone.

"Now Herr Gladstone, we come to you at last." the Warrant Officer stated as he flipped a few pages. "Of course, the Schirmherrschaft requests at least 10,000 more of those Off-Road Vehicles, 7000 General Purpose and 3000 Heavy Duty. Unfortunately, that's pretty much it for the moment. We're still integrating quite a few of those into service as Patrol Vehicles and standard transportation around bases. Most of them are in the colonies where it's more rough terrain than established infrastructure anyway."

After a long pause, the young Lehrer closed his folder with a lopsided smile. "And that, is that. I believe I've mentioned all of my government's concerns and requests now."
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