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Art Livgardist's exploration of his own drawing abilities

As the title says. I recently discovered that I have some smidge of drawing abilities. I'm better at photoshop, so I'll be drawing outlines on paper, and coloring in photoshop. I shall put up what I make here.

First one today. Not finished obviously. Inspired by Solid Snake and the Swedish Army's equipment. I'll color it in photoshop. One day I'd also love to learn shading.


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Today, Charlton Brando. I mean Marlon Heston.

Basically, it was supposed to be Charlton Heston, but it didn't pan out.

Edit 1: Inked and scanned. I'mma photoshop it next.


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I'm still nowhere near other people's art skills that I see on DeviantArt, but I learned a lot today when colouring this picture in Photoshop. Added some textures on there too. Using a scanner as opposed to a camera (cell phone camera to be specific) as I did on the first picture in this thread, makes one hell of a difference. As does using Photoshop instead of my old favorite, PhotoImpact.

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