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Approved Submission Location - Danu Sector (Off Map)


DEFCON Everybody Dies
Submission Type: Sector Location
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:map:danu_sector

Faction: N/A (Sesestran home sector)
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes, myself?
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Has a nice map.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Yes, Planet Lokas.
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Yes Sector Map.
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I had a discussion with Wes about this. It is okay to say that this sector is 200,000 LY from the Kikyo Sector, but as we do not state what galaxy that is in, you should remove the reference to the Small Magellanic Cloud. Just come up with a fictional name.