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Neshaten Information Network Lockdown Downgraded

"After two months of little contact with the outside and a complete ban on trading to the Kingdom the Royal family has officially downgraded the national lockdown status from absolute to precautionary. Trade families will be allowed to resume their operations if they agree to strict inspections every month and every time they cross the border, for those of you wishing to leave the border for business or adventure a new passport must be acquired through your local agency."

"The information news network understands that this decision came recommended by the intelligence efforts of Division 5 and the Navy who discovered that the threat from the outside may not be as drastic as first thought, for security reasons we have not been provided with any more information than this on the matter however we also have an update on the fugitives. The three Daur who have been considered for treason over the last two months have been put on the national watchlist and will be subject to questioning if they are met by Neshaten authorities, however, they are no longer believed to have any strong ties to the terrorists."

"Division 5 has directed its efforts towards uncovering any personal information on members of the group and are offering rewards for any useful information, we have been instructed to inform the public that prank calls and false information can and will be classed as hindering an investigation and potentially treason. So only call if you know something legitimate folks, coming up later our reporter goes live in Kester where a high-speed chase is underway."
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