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Logistical Limitations in Star Army


Convention Veteran
So one of the things Wes mentioned is that Star Army actually has cooks. We don't have replicators, so food has to actually be stored/cooked/served/ect. I actually quite like that as a limitation. So let's assume a ship sets off to do it's thing, how long can it be out there and what would it need to keep going? I think food would probably be the first limitation, as most ships just don't have enough room to grow crops. Most ships probably keep a few weeks of food on hand with months or years being possible with careful planning. That said, food is mostly easy to get, even if you have to go hunting. The next limitation is probably fuel for most non-Aether powered ships. After that is wear and damage on parts that they can't replicate. Also weapons and armor expended in combat also likely puts a limit as well.

Those are some of my thoughts, what are yours?
you can fit a lot of tofu in a stasis-preservation SSCC-Small. there's also a virtually unlimited supply of saoy ration pills. Within the sector, there are a lot of dead drops of things like that.

Endurance is one reason Yugumo exploration ships actually do have minimal agricultural capability, even if it's just a nursery to start on a suitable world (we also have the Daikoku, which is a farming ship). In general we don't make warships (only the Yugure counts as one out of the box for a civilian operator), we make civilian ships focused on exploration and colonization. We spend a lot of time thinking about frontier colonization, expansion, and exploration, and what it takes. We started putting OHI multistructs as standard on ships for raw materials gathering to keep those nanofabricators running. significant portions of the ships are devoted to workshops and fabrication to replace things. We don't have Aether on civilian models (QF is a different flavor of magic), but when that fails, antimatter backup with matter collectors. And, to top it off, the ships are 33-40% cargo space by volume. Endurance and redundancy are paramount. A Tanya-Class Expeditionary or Daikoku-class Agricultural has emergency solar panels and sails it can limp along with. A Misha-Class Explorer's largest (of two) bays is like 150m x 75m of floorspace, 5m high, and it's designed to support a crew of only around 6-8 people, maxing at 16. Check the manifest of the main bay the YCS Shiori, for example:

The Fuji-class has its own huge hydroponics wall. You can grow a lot of great food in that space, not just cilantro and basil like most people imagine when they imagine "grow your own food". I pride myself on developing a green thumb- I'd hope Fuji class cooks do too.
Sorry I got so excited about plants, but this I've done:
After that is wear and damage on parts that they can't replicate.
In deep Kuvexian space the Kaiyo lost a part of her hull on the lowest deck during a boarding action. That's Zesuaium and can't be replicated. So mission 18 we bartered a deal with an independent space port operator, Leera Boyar, to trade the amount of zesu for her Graal grandchild in Kuvexian hands, which was a really fun reconnaissance mission, 19. It was honestly a really fun time period where I was actively seeking challenges for myself and crew in ways I had not before. Now I'm chewing the fat with the nekovalkyrja creator in rp waiting for the days of self-imposed difficulties hurdling me through space. Coming up with those limitations is the spice of life in writing, I'm all for new ways to find our ships wanting. It's just a matter of doing it.
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