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SYNC Looking for a New old Ship!


Inactive Member
To: Gesherinari Shipyard
From: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
Subject: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

Hi. I'm looking for a refurbished Vampire, with a few modifications. Because of my current line of work I require certain systems for a long range stealth combat ship. I'm looking for the mods to include a high end sensor suite, and a full stealth system. It would also be nice if the ship was painted black with charcoal gray and dark purple highlights.

Anyways please get back if you have a Vampire sitting on a used ship lot, that could easily met my needs, also an estimate wouldn't go amiss.

Thank you.
Rei T.
To: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
From: Gesherinari Shipyard
Re: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

We have searched the yards and found two Ge-L3-1A that may fit your needs.

Ship 1
The propulsion system is fully serviceable.

It only has one Ge-T1-1A shuttle. The BW-6 Tank is not on the ship. As it is a military product we can not supply that.

The life support system is damaged, we recommend it be replaced with a Ge-Y1-V3100 Life Support sytem. Which would replace the Unidirectional Gravity Plating system.

The sensor suite can be easily upgraded at minimal cost.

Cost: 35,000

Ship 2
The CDD of the ship has been destroyed, but it can be replaced.

It has three Ge-T1-1A shuttles. There is a BW-6 Tank which needs repairs.

The original Life Support system is operational. It is up to you if you would like it upgraded to the Ge-Y1-V3100.

The sensor suite can be upgraded at a minimal cost.

Cost: 28,500 + 6,000 to replace the CDD = 34,500

Sadly at present we do not have a Stealth system available for Civilian purchase.

Derek Gilliams
Refurbished Sales
Geshrinari Shipyards.
To: Derek Gilliams
From: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
Subject: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

After reviewing your response I was left with a few questions.

Firstly i like the second ship listed.

My questions are as follows:
How much will it cost to upgrade the life support to the Ge-Y1-V3100 system?

The minimal charge for the sensor upgrade, what is minimal?

Also since the tank is damaged, and a Shuttle is missing, would it possible to drop the cost down to around 25000 ks, I will do my own painting on it.
To: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
From: Gesherinari Shipyard
Re: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

We could install a refurbished CDD instead of a new one. The Sensor upgrade is 1,000 KS with the removal of the original system.

The price for the ship is technically for the ship. The status of the shuttles is not known at this time. We are leaving them in because we are not interested in reselling them.

If you go with the above option, the price would come down to 27,000 ks.

Perhaps you would prefer to go with a new CDD, and trade in one of the shuttles to bring the price down to 25,500.

Derek Gilliams
Refurbished Sales
Geshrinari Shipyards.
To: Derek Gilliams
From: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
Subject: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

That second option sounds like a workable plan, if you can drop it to an even 25,000 ks, (I like evenish numbers.)

Rei T.
To: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
From: Gesherinari Shipyard
Re: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

Seeing as you like evenish numbers, I could counter with 26,000 a nice even number.

But I am willing to give you a military discount and drop the price to 25,000.

Derek Gilliams
Refurbished Sales
Geshrinari Shipyards.
To: Derek Gilliams
From: Rei Tanaka Ittô Hei
Subject: Purchasing a Vampire Patrol Craft

I like the deal, I'll take it, how long for the ship to be made ready for delivery. And Any chance what was her original name if any? not that it matters, I was planning on naming it the Chōkyori.
The Long Haul

And what arrangements do I need to make for delivery.
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