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Lor System Information.


Inactive Member
Lor System Data

The Lor system is a Red Giant star system, the planets in the Lor system are as follows:

First planet closest to the sun is a barren planet which has a surface primarily consisting of barren jagged hills and volcanic mountains, at one point, this planet was suspected to have been a world which was habitable, but was stripped of it's atmosphere during the Lor sun's shift to a Red Giant.

Between the first and second planets of the Lor system, is an asteroid belt which extends fully around the Lor system's sun. This asteroid belt comes very close to the Lor system's sun, to the point where the surface of some asteroids is hot enough to melt the iron on their surfaces.

Second planet closest to the sun is the Lorath home world, simply referred to as Lor. Lor has three moons in its orbit, one being an ice covered moon, another being a barely habitable jungle covered moon, and the third being a barren red moon.

The third planet of the Lor system is a moonless world which relatively recently has began its cooling phase of its existence. Even though it has began to cool, the surface of this planet remains volcanically active, and is rich in minerals, not only from its own formation, but from a moon which it once had that had an unstable orbit which caused the moon to impact with the planet during the shift of the Lor system's sun to a Red Giant.

The fourth planet in the Lor system is another barren planet, this planet has nearly no atmosphere, few minerals of interest, and no life. But in this planet's favor, it is a completely stable planet, an ideal host for a terraforming effort. This planet also has one barren and plain moon, with a stable orbit.

The fifth planet of the Lor system is by far the most interesting other than the Lorath home world. The fifth planet of the Lor system is a hydrogen rich gas giant which once had six moons, but due to a recent Misshuvhar assault which involved one of the gas giant's volcanic moons, the gas giant has been left with only five. Two of these moons are barren, one is volcanic, the lost moon was volcanic, one of these moons is ocean covered, and the fifth is a desert moon.

The interesting feature of the gas giant of the Lor system is it's unusual refractive properties which seems to catch the Lor sun's light, then focus and refract it, thus shining a light upon it's moons which would be equivalent to being 1 AU from a stable yellow star. Along with this unusual feature, the gas giant holds a rich quantity of hydrogen, and serves as an excellent source of electrical power if the proper means were used to harness the lightning which strikes its orbiting moons from time to time.

The desert moon of the gas giant currently serves as a Lorath colony effort, which has also been serving as a host for displaced Lorath citizens whom have evacuated from the Lorath home world.

The Lorath Home world

The Lorath Home World was once a cold, ice covered, and barren planet, which once was unable to support most life, other than various complex bacterial strains which lived beneath the ice, and viral strings of chemical compounds. Eventually, the Lor system's sun ended its yellow star phase, and became a red giant. After this change, this planet which was once the fifth planet from the Lor sun, became the second, and was now close enough to the surface of the star to gain the heat and light which was needed to thaw the ice covered surface of the planet, yet not turn the surface into a pressure cooker of vapor.

After the thawing of the surface, and 3000 million years, the primitive ancestors to the modern Lorath species came into existence, along with the ancestors of a primitive sentient species dubbed the Helashio. After 50,000 years of co-existence and development between these two species, famine caused a war between the two species. After this war, the ancestors of the Lorath were driven beneath the surface of the planet, where they continued to develop and refine their culture without interruption for 5000 years. After the 5000 years of imprisonment, the Lorath which were imprisoned beneath the surface of Lor then broke free from their prison in an aggressive assault on the Helashio whom controlled the surface at the time. During this assault, the Lorath forced a climate change which intensified the cloud layer of the planet, along with the greenhouse gasses, thus darkening the surface, while containing the surface heat.

After a twenty five year ground war, the Lorath have managed to subdue the Helashio and place them into servitude, and from that point, the Lorath have developed and refined their culture on the surface of Lor. Soon after taking their place on the surface of Lor, the Lorath then reached to the stars above their home world, and expanded to the outer most rim of their star system, and soon after, encountered their first alien race, the Yamatai Empire, soon followed by the Misshuvhar. During a conflict between the Misshuvhar and Yamatai, one of the volcanic moons orbiting the gas giant of the Lor system was then dropped on the surface of the Lorath home world, thus altering the surface into a smoldering heap of volcanic rock, glass, and a rapidly changing eco-system.

The Lorath Home World, Statistics:

General Data
System: Lor
Planet: Lor (Some times referred to as Lor Prime.)
Type: Formerly terrestrial, currently in ecological unrest.
Stellar Radius: .5 AU from star.
Circumference: 34900 miles
Surface Gravity: 1.5 G
Length of Day: 26 hours
Length of Year: 461days


Unfortunately, due to the "Moon Fallâ€
How can the planet closest to the sun, whose own surface was severely damaged by its suns growth, have an ice covered moon?

In addition - how did the Red Giants decreased gravity effect the system? And were there inner planets which were consumed?
"After this change, this planet which was once the fifth planet from the Lor sun, became the second..."

Three planets were consumed. Either that or one became the asteroid belt,

Also, the gravitational effect may have been partially shown, though implied. Here are my guesses:

It is 0.5 AU from the giant, indicating a lessening of gravitational pull and a possible orbital shift to acomodate the MUCH larger star.

Perhaps the orbital shift caused the strain on the system's fourth planet, which was unstable when combined with the heat, and turned it into an asteroid belt.

Those are just my guesses from what I read, though.
How can the planet closest to the sun, whose own surface was severely damaged by its suns growth, have an ice covered moon?

The Lor system is a Red Giant star system, the planets in the Lor system are as follows:

First planet closest to the sun is a barren planet which has a surface primarily consisting of barren jagged hills and volcanic mountains, at one point, this planet was suspected to have been a world which was habitable, but was stripped of it's atmosphere during the Lor sun's shift to a Red Giant.

The ice moon is orbiting the second planet, the Lorath homeworld.

As for the decreased stellar gravity, there has not been much effect, other than a decreased ammount of hydrogen being pulled in from the surrounding nebula. (Thus making the system far more friendly for space travel.)