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RP: Lorath [Lor] the Secret Project


Inactive Member
It had been something Rain had been working on for a while after the incident with the incident involving the damnable Star Army and those ghastly floating Jellyfish. He had given a discreet order to his shamans to go out all over Lorath and collect the vital information on every species they could find. The Taskmaster wanted a complete library of the DNA and genetic material of every species on the planet, including the legendary beasts if they could be found.

The orders themselves had been clear and concise: "I want a sample of every living being on this world. Every plant, animal and everything in between. As well as atmospheric measurements, soil toxicity and water quality samples. This mission is paramount to the survival of ourselves should we be forced to abandon our world to seek safer homes." he had told them as he sent the men and women on their way.

It had been several weeks since then and Rain himself had gone out to find the legendary beast of the forest. Since he himself held close ties to the species that particular beast favored, it had taken a long time but he'd managed to convince the rather intelligent figure to allow him to take a small blood sample after explaining the situation. Cben'ed had luckily agreed that the course of action now was to try and preserve as many species as possible and had gone out to try and convince the other Legends to agree to it.

But by now the Shaman Leader had returned to the palace to almost instantly be assaulted by questions pertaining to what side he and the house were on. What the hell was going on?!
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