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Approved Submission [Lorath] ‘R-88 Acesulfulzel’ 88mm Railgun


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Weapon
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lorath:weapons:r88

Faction: Lorath/Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet?: Yes. In fact, FM requested. ( Kampfer is awesome. )
Faction requires art?: No, but it has it anyway~

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?: Yes, the ammunition cylinder; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lorath:weapons:r88:88mm_cylinder
Contains New art?: Yes, a draft at the moment, but it'll place-hold nicely until permanent work can be done.
Previously Submitted?: Negative.

Notes: Inspired by; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.8_cm_Flak_18/36/37/41
Official Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ww09jVosLo ( Kampfer selected, Doc approved )
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Why are alliance military forces still working with Lazarus?

There is "Subspace" in the name but nothing about it in the actual details about the weapon. Would subspace weapons even work in the no-FTL zone around stars? Even though ADR 5 = SDR 1, armor weapons should be listed in the armor scale, and explicitly say they're for use by armored vehicles and power armor.
Because Lazarus is an independent corporation, which has not been identified at this time as a hostile party. Furthermore, an investigation still needs to be conducted to confirm Lazarus' position. We can discuss the IC matter OOCly in PM to avoid spoilers, but the short version is that the situation is fine.

As for the matter of subspace acceleration, lemme edit that into the firing mechanism paragraph, but this has been a pretty standard component of Lorath rail-guns for most of the last decade, as for it functioning near stars and whatnot, the casing of the weapon is meant to stabilize the interior space of the weapon, and I'll include that in the mechanism blurb too.

On the matter of ADR/SDR, the matter of this is Wes, that the weapon can be mounted to an assortment of vehicles, including starships. Shorthand for starships would be more precise since it would be very likely that these weapons will be mounted on freighters, cargo ships, scout ships, and gunships in the future as a low-end weapon meant for anti-PA. However, if it is still an issue, I can include both a ADR and SDR indicator.
D-Double post.

Changes made. Added list of components to give additional information on what can be found on/in the weapon, there was already a mention of subspace acceleration in the firing mechanism paragraph no change needed, added the 'ADR 5' mention resulting in the listing indicating 'ADR 5 / SDR 1'.

EDIT: Additional note, the date of development for the R88 indicates a time prior to the Asura incident, so, the Lazarus affair is moot as something to worry about.
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Could you explain how to calculate the kinetic damage + munition damage total? Some of the munitions list what the DR would be with magnetic acceleration while others do not. I do not know if I am supposed to just add +1 SDR or +1 to whatever scale the munition is at.
Kinetic + Round Damage = Total.

I've got to update that munition list though, its dated. Go by the magnetic listing when its there.
Why are alliance military forces still working with Lazarus?

They've had contracts for about a decade. Longer still if you consider that half of Lor's "German Rocket Scientists" left for better money with the consortium.

They go where the money is: Good business is where you find it. Want them to stop selling something to the public? Give them a contract of guaranteed income.

In the name of R&D, they're not above using political or military tricks to collect materials. If they had proper channels to go through, that would however be an entirely different story.

Remove the need to be illicit and they stop being illicit.

There's also a pretty big difference between the Consortium (the members) and the Interior (some third unidentified party). Its the Interior doing most of the really shady stuff. Exactly what that means and what on earth the Lazarus Interior is is what SAINT is attempting to determine at this time. Not even the members know. They didn't plan or prepare the events on Asura: They watched them unfold just like you did. And no, they were not consulted before it happened.

Anyway, let's not hijack this thread with a tangent. If you want to talk about it, we'll start a new thread.
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The changes Doc made to the tech are adequete for me, and thus I shall stamp this with my seal of approval!

Now! Go blow things up, carefully, please :p