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Lorath Cybernetics


Inactive Member
These have been transfered here from Truth's bio

Phased Array Communication Chips(PAMS):
A wide range of communication implants used by a fair number of Lorath (especially within House Ocheesta). They can be installed with internal control units or linked to the users neural network. Truth currently has two models of the PAMS type, both very high-end units.
==PAMS-34LS: This version consists of individual chips with dimensions of 6mm x 4mm x 45цm generally installed along a users upper back and shoulders. Each unit is capable of transmitting in ultra-long wavelength radio to very high frequency microwaves.
==PAMS-F8K3: This version is a rather unique PAMS model as its transceiver arrays are built to mimic the appearance of a Lorath's wing feathers. As such they must generally be tailored to each individual so that they properly blend with the existing wing feathers. There operational characteristics are very similar to the PAMS-3L4S, though slightly improved.

Fiber Bundle Appendage:
These are fairly long (approximately 2 meters in length) tentacle-like appendages generally attached to the base of a users skull. Each unit contains a ultra-high density fiber optic bundle at its center. The appendages end in a slight bulge from which 4 smaller gripper tentacles emerge. Each subdivides several more times and allows the arms to manipulate things on the microscopic scale. The center of the 'head' contains a adaptable fiber optic mating port. Nanomechanical and nanoelectric pumps within the head can maintain a high ultra-high vacuum of 43 pTorr within the mating port for ultra-low error data transfers. Though variants with higher and lower strengths do exist, most units of this design cannot lift or manipulate more than a few kg.

SOedenat Neural Amalgamate Net (SONAN):
At the most basic level this is a extremely enhanced version of the standard neural interface system. It is capable of truly integrating a organic intellects with external constructs, allowing transfer rates and resolution many magnitudes beyond what other neural networks allow. However, the implant process is extremely invasive, even with nanotech surgery, and can cause terminal brain damage fairly easily so the SONAN system is rather rare.

Mnemonic Cognitive Augmentation Node-interlinked Synthesis (ICARYS):
Existing in several iterations the ICARYS system consists of microscopic processor nodes capable of linking up with each other and organic nerve tissue to greatly enhance a individuals intelligence. The more advanced version (ICARYS-I2) has only seen operational use very recently, and only by its creator, Zvevda'Esajt Ocheesta. Beyond the cost and difficulty in manufacturing the ICARYS-I2 processing nodes (which require very exotic materials and a accuracy beyond picoscale manufacturing systems) the design is the product of a hyperturing intellect and Ocheesta researches have had little progress in deciphering its operation. The lesser version (I1 model) has been in production for over a decade and has seen widespread use throughout House Ocheesta and middling use in the other houses.

Skeletal Replacement Processing System (SEROS):
This system replaces all or part of the subjects bone structure with high strength composite meshes and processing material. The system exists in three iteration (SEROS- I1, - I2, and -I3). Each use a different method for the processing. The SEROS-I3, which is used by Truth, uses a variant of the ICARYS-I2 units for processing and is hugely more capable than the other two, and is the only user of that iteration. Very high processing density versions (such as the one Truth uses) can produce enough heat (even with the ultra-high efficiencies of nanotech and smaller systems) to require active artificial cooling to maintain operational temperatures.
These items seem to be well in bounds for the scale of Lorath technology and their function and usage does seem feasable. At this time I don't see any tweaks or alterations that should be made.
I suggest that this remain un-approved

The first bit is ok, but the last item: SEROS is an incredibly invasive procedure that would leave lasting damage to the body and lead to death within (I don't know, a period of time ranging from soon to sooner or later) because bones are involved with various processes throughout the body and not just for structural support not to mention the stunted growth caused by in-organic bones.

ICARYS needs a power source.

I also don't like the ‘super smart implant' for the likelihood that people won't be able to play it properly in RP though the tech is more or less sound.

Most importantly I strongly suggest that nothing in this post be approved until the last two items have either modifications or are removed. As approval generally means that the entire post be moved to the approved section odds are the questionable stuff will be dragged along too. C/Ping the alright stuff into a new post would be alright however.
Uso, we've seen dozens of Nepleslians with multitudes of cybernetic implants that "need a power source". My Miles character on the Sakura for example has a cybernetic eye that can fire a laser. It was easily approved by Wes with little or no question.

Also, the SEROS system is a variant of a previously approved Lorath technology: https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2192

As for augmented intelegence... Nekovakyja have highly advanced brains, thus woulden't it be wise to dumb them down because they woulden't be able to "play it properly"?
An eye is more or less external and could have a removable/rechargeable power source that can be implied where as something inside the brain can not. It would either need some sort of power transmitter or be able to pull electricity from the brain.

The SEROS procedure is fatal, and the procedure it is based on would undoubtedly be very harmful to the recipients health as far as lowering overall blood count and causing major health problems, possibly even a stroke though it isn't technically impossible to do. SEROS would be like replacing my body's liver with one made out of Iron, it would be fatal.

Neko's do not have augmented intellect and are generally childish which makes them fairly easy to play and well suited for the setting because they are usually newborn and learning about the universe. Suddenly increasing a character's intellect is something that requires some skill on the part of the player to accomplish effectively.
For my part I agree with Zack on the Intelligence increasing implants. When I think of devices of this kind I think of a memory improving devices, which are far easier to RP than an actual increase of intelligence to above human levels. You get problems where you're meant to be a tactical genius, and although IC you are, OOC you simply can not tackle the problems. I doubt many people will be capable of RPing a character which actually HAS to be far smarter than they are.

For Seros - it might work but you'd need specialised implants the counter the effect of having no marrow. This is possible, but it might be a fairly bulky contraption, so you have to weigh the advantages of these bones to the disadvantage of carrying around a chemical power-plant you have to power. Theoretically, I think, you could survive without Marrow with repeated injections of the various stem-cells that are used in Marrow, but I'm not really certain it's worth it.
You would need constant blood injections, anti-rejection therapy, something to counteract hemophilia, and constant fat controlling operations for starters. It would take several rooms full of equipment and a dedicated staff to keep a person who has undergone this alive.
The Lorath is turning into the Borg. ^_^;;

Nekos have perfect memory recall. Pretty easy to RP. They're "supposed" to have superior intelligence. But actual RP has shown that this doesn't really mean much, since us players have distinctly normal intelligence.
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