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Lorath evacuation solution

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<center>Lorath evacuation solution</center>


  • The goal of the occilation transporter is to transport mass, space and time within an enclosed space (A) from one location to another. A can be anything from a pinhead to a solar-system potentially as 90% of the process is self-sustaining on a chain reaction of space and time.

    The process is a one-hit wonder and cannot be repeated with the same mass or space more than a single time and as such, it is impractical for transportation purposes.


  • Originally, the process was designed as a Sourcian weapon but was utterly unsuccessful as any device with a zero-point-energy system active in range would prohibit the second stage of the process. It was then perfected for transporting planets and areas of large space as an evacuation order, utilized as a last-ditch maneuver (for example the event of a super-nova or a force which cannot be defeated).

    The process and devices necessary were discovered during the retrieval process from the Maras gun-ship which because it was expected to be used as a "seed" and not a long-range unit, had its star-charts and a portion of it's tactical database and even the rear-payload with an immense storage database containing an immense database of Sourcian history and technology though the full translation of the data in it's entirety would theoretically take years.

    The Sourcian Ambassador, after acting as a coax-proxy for the Maras suggested the technology and after sifting through the indexing system of the data compiled it and within 7 hours had a working demonstration, emulated within the palace computers which was then brought forward as a possible choice for the evacuation process.


  • Note that both of the following are approximately 16 x 16 meters, weighing around 60 tonnes though the energy requirements are various. In theory, the device should function with a zero-point energy capacitor provided the zero-point-energy collector is deactivated when the process begins. Unfortunately, the rapid consumption would leave both the destination and local areas "dry" in terms of the Aether wave-length of zero-point energy and zero-point energy systems would have to drastically be altered and re-designed to function properly within these areas of space.

    Local & Destination occilation transponders (6 local, 1 remote)

    • The role of this device is to slow the occilation of an area of space/time and encapsulate them within a mass-less bubble of space-time to isolate external mass from internal mass. This makes the device unfeasible in a live combat environment. After the process, the units are rendered inert, 90% of the devices destroyed during the process.

    Local & Destination wormhole projectors (6 local, 1 remote)

    • This device uses one three dimensional and one two dimensional wormhole. The process needs only to be told opening and closing locations. The local device acts in three dimensions which immediately forces the contents being transported out to the destination wormhole which is only two dimensions. This ensures that the destination wormhole remains open, even if the local projectors are destroyed.
  • Process explanation:

    X - Local devices

    Y - Destination devices

    A - Transferred space/time
    B - Encapsulation

    Stage 1:

    • A wave of tachyons is emitted within a safe range with an unnatural reading to declare the scope of the target (A) at which Local Devices (X) will perform stages 2 and 3 upon. A often excludes empty space wherever possible.

    Stage 2:

    • All space/time action within A is slowed to such a pace that gravitational changes will not impact the overall configuration of A (A2). A2 is then encapsulated in a bubble of space-time, not unlike the disposition technology used on Star-Army vessels (B).
      This stops mass from making contact with mass contained in A which would damage A and hinder the stability of the process. When a proper quantum eventuality is "activated" like a switch via quantum bias, the process will then shift to reverse until A returns to it's native state.

    Stage 3:

    • An artificial three dimensional wormhole is projected around B which instantaneously transports B to the destination out through a two dimensional wormhole. The exit process takes 7 hours to complete and is dependent upon the proper operation of Y.
    After 7 seconds of the local three dimensional wormhole being opened, it is then closed.

    Stage 4:

    • Destination devices (Y) force the quantum bias to occur which forces the unravelling of B and the resume of A in a slow and controlled manner as to maximize the stability of the process. This process takes a further 27 hours to complete.

    Stage 5:

    • The "torn" space from the local space knits and eventually stretches to occupy the gap which A used to occupy.

OOC Notes

  • I'm not even sure if all of this is real or not but I'd like to make it real and I'd sure as hell like you to comment and rip this to shreds so I can make it work.
    This is basically a solution so the Lor race don't get smudged off the map by the Mishhu invasion force which would be a greater loss to the SARP than a one-off technology which probably won't see the light of day after it's been used.
Well, no Aether devices at the destination may hinder any and all vessels trying to assist the Lorath in the future...
No, it just means they need to re-configured when they enter the Lorath system and modified slightly.

I think with the right expertise, it could probably be done on site but it would be a significant delay and it would involve swapping out parts or a specially modified device.

Little more than a delay, really.
While I can see how this would be very helpful to the Lorath, I was vocally opposed to Fred's device on the Mishuu flagship and to do any other here would be extremely hypercritical of me. The energy requirements to move a entire solar system would be beyond immense. Generating a wormhole large enough to move it would be almost beyond belief (in that land of huge exponents that the human mind cannot really comprehend), seeing as a stable wormhole large enough for a small starship to traverse requires the entire power output of tens if not thousands of stars over a period of centuries if not millennial. While the energy requirements are obviously less in this setting since wormholes are a viable travel method, to create one large enough for planet or solar system would require almost unimaginable amounts of power.

By any method, I am of the opinion moving solar systems (or planets) should be out of the scope of the races in this setting. It is simply too powerful.
Vesper said:
By any method, I am of the opinion moving solar systems (or planets) should be out of the scope of the races in this setting. It is simply too powerful.

I can but agree to this. This is definitely beyond the possible means of the Lorath and even the yamataians.

Before I'm nay-sayed and pointed to the 'effing big Mishhu flagships, let me point out a few things: firstly the price of their power is hefty, they actually cost 63 times more than a KFY-built Scorpio-class star fortress; secondly they take quite a long time being built due to that resource demand (SAoY starbases take around 2 to 4 weeks... Shlavasseroths take 18 months in specialized shipyards); and finally, the only thing the Mishhu ever moved with it was a small moon inside a star system - the rest of the time they just used it to destroy stuff.

I was thinking more in terms of something to make life a bit less OH SHIT WE'RE DEAD BECAUSE OF THE MISHHU for Lor who are losing every resource they've ever had this weakening them immensely and probably destroying all interest for new players while we spend the next year or so trying to pick up the pieces (which sucks shit considering they were crushed ever since the asteroid hit).

Must Lor be the setting's punchbag for the Mishhu so Yui doesn't hurt her pretty face?

The idea is that the device was a one-off anyway and once mass had been "moved" it could not be "moved" again but technically you're not moving it so much as you're cutting the folds of space, declaring new areas to meet those folds then stitching them in, a technology no different from the bubble system the Yamatai ships use, just a different application.
Could this be possible if the price were immense enough not to make it feisable for more than a single usage?

I think Tomoe wanted to relocate the Lorath system somewhere a bit more remote.
No, and no.

Fact: the Mishhu are south of the map. Lor have been south of the map. Yamataian first contact with Lor was more or less a FUBAR, badly handled event that somehow got together because one lieutenant in the Star Army decided to give the Lorath a chance.

Fact: Lor got hit by the big rock from the sky that got broken in many smaller yet still big rocks. Lor survived. People still roleplay on the planet. I am confused, yet to do even care to question. After all, Lor also has wolves, apple orchards and a apparent tendency incest in its royalty.

Fact: Moving a star system entirely through technology may be Tomoe's wet dream about the best way to get away scot-free without paying much, but it can't be done.

Very Important Fact: Grabbing a whole lot of ships and making an exodus to another part of the star map much much more to the north would be a lot less expensive and feasible. Do it hardcore and start getting it done now and you might get it done in time despite the huge population move - before the SMX swing by and eat Lor. If Lor has no sentient lifeforms on it, the mishhu don't really have a good reason to mess with the planet ...which means after the war the planet might still be there waiting for them.

The Lorath were badly positioned and ICly circumstances hardly favored them, though some of what they got was richly deserved. They don't need OoC pity though - there are still plenty of things they can do, as limited as they are, without hatching some impossibly wild scheme like this.

They just bought tons of spaceships. Use them dammit.
Fred's statements seem to go against what has previously been established in the RP. Planets can be moved, have been moved in the past, and it has been hinted that even Yamatai does have its own teliportation system.

the logistics behind moving people out of a system and into a new system could end up taking years. Not only would the people themselves need time to pack and get out of the area but the new planet would require the infrastructure to support a massive population boom. Getting a whole lot of ships together and just leaving would likely end up in massive civil unrest on the planet and unacceptable levels of fatalities without considerable planning.

On the other hand planetary transportation moves not only the people, but the support and logistics systems along with them. You might not be able to take the star along with you but it really isn't needed if you are planning to move to another star system. You would simply have to plop down the planet in the appropriate spot and let natural forces take over.

Moving the planet itself could also be a simple matter and with a little help I'm sure they could pull it off without a hitch. After all there are much simpler ways of moving the planet than with a multitude of transposition cannons and a bunch of starships with ZPE systems would be just the power source needed to fuel this kind of trip.
New rule: You cannot move star systems in the SARP. You can move planets and blow up suns if you are invested with god-like powers and have the approval of some other beings with godlike powers, namely the one of the entity which bestowed those god-like powers.

So, in conclusion: no, you are not moving star systems, or planets. And not for a distance spanned beyond 1 light year. Not doable for the Lorath and the YSE is not going to bend backwards to help them do something like that with the recent drama that happened on Lor with that *cough* "wretched princess".
Kotori, I'll keep my comments to myself but know they exist.

A one-off event is surely worth it to keep an entire race and part of the setting around unless one carries an alternative adgenda.

You are the only one with anything to gain from this and a number of players and an on-going plot will suffer immensely from this blow thus logically if your opinion is biased by events, isn't your opinion null and void?
Well, it's like this, really...

Big mishhu ship able to move small moons and blow up suns! (sparingly)

Public reaction: What the heck is this shit?

Now, imagine how this goes on to moving not only a small moon, but a planet... or maybe even a whole star system over a big distance?

Does this portray an ability I believe the race has? No.

Does this portray a direction in which I want to promote the SARP heading for? No.

Do people get it when told so? No.

Therefore, if they don't get it, I put my foot down. Simple.
With all due respect.

I have been talking to both Jo and Doc...The 5th will be evacuating Lor. There is no need for any of this. Unless something has changed in that discussion and I am unaware.

The planet can't be moved, the people can. Get over it. There is no need for unrealistic technology to be submitted for use in this situation.

Note from Jo

harrikke paolino: Everything Rune has said is true. Lor has already begun costruction of ships with the allowance of resources they have, along with they have begun to move in those fleets that they purchased before.

harrikke paolino: Along with this, They are using the QIS Ships they were given by the Senate, as well as they are going to work together with the 5th fleet to work on a exodus to move along with the fleet to thier new headquarters.
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