Star Army

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RP: Lorath [Lorath - Freestate] Special Delivery


Inactive Member
Nyli System

Ships frantically moved from the Matriarchy's space, to the various systems once known as parts of the United Outer Colonies. This evacuation procedure was one which was expected, though, the timing was not expected as it was carried out to directly contend with Yamatai's efforts, while also being undertaken to beat the arrival of the NMX. Due to this commitment, which was expected to place an extended strain upon the Matriarchy, plans to deliver equipment and supplies to the Free State were stepped up, to ensure that they would not be intercepted by the NMX forces which threatened to advance.

With orders given, one-hundred Nir-Class colony ships, along with their escort which would not be returning to Matriarchy space, departed from the Nyli system and as they left the outskirts of the system, they entered hyperfold... in a direction which many would call 'east' in relation to the starcharts of the known section of space.


A trip that would ordinarily take a few hours, was bumped up to the better part of a day as the convoy avoided the pitfalls of the central custer, and skirted around the territory claimed by the Gartagens, and skirted past the recently founded Lorath Matriarchy settlement, which stood as a neighbor to the Occhestian republic. This round-about route, eventually resulted in the arrival of the colony ships to the destination. Along with their escort.


Careful to avoid the gravitational well beyond the settlement, the convoy established an orbit above the Free State held world, before a message was transmitted.

Assigned ARIA Command Unit said:
Greetings Friends,

I am an ARIA SI unit assigned to supervise the delivery of the colony ship convoy, and permanent escort. I, along with my fellow SI units, have been permanently assigned to work with your civilization. We are also authorized to serve as liaisons to the Lorath Matriarchy. We hold sincere hopes that this equipment will serve to provide peace and long life to the people of the Free State.

Attached to the message, was a list of assets transferred to the Free State.

Receipt of Delivery, For The Following Units:

Nir-Class Colony Ships: 100
Finch-Class: 11520
Hunter Powered Suit: 14740
AMX-102 Power Frames: 3880
Wayfarer Shuttles: 4660
Hawk Fighter/Bombers: 3240
Cardinal Fighters: 510
Gallus Defense Drones: 100
Raptor-Class: 4
Zahl-Class: 2
Ayana-Class Escorts: 6
lonoche-Class Light Carrier: 6
Whirlwind: 5

With that, the delivery was complete, though... just what would come of it was still up in the air.
Several vessels closed in on the convoy while the ARIA unit was still making her transmission, but they stayed close to the planet. They were conversing; one could almost see the hesitance in the movements of their ships.

Polysentience said:
What does this mean? Will they want something in return?
Polysentience said:
T3h L0r c4ugh7 p|2377y-d!c< 4gg|20 in 4n 3p!c w4y, th3y gr0(k 0u|2 bu|2n. 13t th3m h3lp.
Polysentience said:
Don't 'tard. We can settle this easy. Send the Envoy, see what they want for the flotsam, then decide after that. 'sides, this'll be a good test. If they want to eat the garbage with us, we should let them.
After a few minutes of scans and a Junker or two sent to get a full visual picture of the donation convoy, the AACU received several transmissions from the ships before all cut out and one resumed.

Freespacer transmission said:
Welcomeness with plus-good smiles! Grateful feelings achieved with donating of ships plus things! Processing request, soon attending you. Provide timing of one minute by multiplying thirty-five!
Lead ARIA SI Transmission said:
ETA of thirty-five minutes, acknowledged. No rush, we're not going anywhere other than an orbital holding pattern. See you soon.

With the acknowledgement sent, the ships maintained their position, which required a bit of effort in consideration of the gravitational forces involved in remaining in the Null and Void system. Within the miniature-fleet, the ARIA units which were sent to man the ships went about routine procedures, ensuring that everything was ready for the new tenants.
No sooner had any time-keeping devices switched over to the thirty-fifth minute than a small craft dropped out of FTL travel and coasted to rest between the Freespacer gathering and the host of Lorath ships.

It was the size of a large shuttle, textured like an asteroid. It hung in silence, running preliminary scans, before greeting the ARIA units.

The Envoy said:
I am the Envoy of the Free State. I will speak for the Freespacers.

We mean no offense by wondering at this gift. It is only unexpected for most; even I have only just now received the archived message from the Synthetic Intelligence entity your High Priest communicated with while I was in transit.

With your permission, I will make take an inventory of your offer, and then we will speak further.
With the approach of the asteroid, there was no real response from the ships as they loomed in space, and remained in a holding pattern. There was not even an active scan, it seemed, the ships were just there and waiting.

Lead ARIA Unit said:
Permission to scan granted, after all, they are your ships now.
The Envoy said:
Thank you. Proceeding.
The "asteroid" appeared to break apart in a series of layers, the pieces scattering like dust. By the time the pieces -- Sky Swift "external appendages" had left, there was only a moderately-small object with rather shoddy armor and exposed gears and mechanisms, orbited by nine smaller objects. Activity could be detected within those nine Stone Swifts.

It wasn't long before the Swifts had completed the inventory, aided by the additional Sky Swifts assembled by the Stone Swifts, and they returned to form a dense cloud around the Envoy. The ships behind the Envoy moved in, picking their way among the convoy, but not touching anything yet, as if waiting for a signal.

The Envoy said:
We humbly accept this gracious donation. Your leaders have our thanks for their generosity. Now, for the sake of covering all bases and answering this question for the persistent curious and cautious among us, we are free to do with these as we require?
ARIA Lead Unit said:
Confirmed, you are free to do with these ships as you please, furthermore, the ARIA units aboard these ships have been assigned to serve as advisers and crew. We also bring schematics and equipment to maintain these ships, and the ARIA units within. With that aside, claim your ships if you desire.
The Envoy signaled an acknowledgement, and the ships began their exploration of the nearest mile-long colony ship. Meanwhile, the Envoy's Sky Swifts returned to the Stone Swifts to be disassembled, after which the ambassadorial automata left the system.


Resource: 100 Nir-class colony ships and accessory craft.
Priority: Analysts.
Secondary Priority: Salvagers, conversion crews.

Action Queue:
- Isolate and study systems and accessory craft within Nir-class colony ship designated "Sunrise of Riotous Colorscapes" (Ship 001/100).
- Salvage plating and other systems for repairs of existent ships; utilize Ship 002-003/100.
- Convert Ships 004-009/100 to proper motherships; set on standby. Estimated conversion time: 10+ days.
- Ships 010-014/100 are set in reserve. Designated for parts, as needed.
- Determine uses of Ships 015-100/100.
- Put on stand-by ten percent (10%) of all accessory craft for study and reverse-engineering. Remainder is to be put in storage with the reserved colony ships.