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[Lorath] Hik'id Plasma Rifle (Repost)

The previous issue was non-power armor infantry carrying such a powerful weapon.

The following are a series of links which convey an argument in relation to damage which other approved infantry weapons can deliver, and a pair of links indicating a technological scope.

Before the links however, I would like to voice my concern on the massive lack of DRs which I saw while browsing through the list of weapons, I had to skip a good number of write ups because they simply said "Heavy damage", and that makes for a poor argument.

If this arguement fails, I'd like to be told what kind of DR you'd like out of the weapon if it is to be an infantry weapon, and from there I'll choose to abandon the project or not, because what is the point of writing a weapon which is supposed to do a specific thing, when the weapon is being prevented from doing the thing by OOC forces.

(Maybe I'll augment it out the ass and turn it into an armor weapon.)

Damage Argument Links:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:weapons:nekovalkyrja_burst_automatic_rifle (IT BLOWS UP YELLOW VANS IN ONE SHOT)

Technology Argument Links:
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Will anyone who has some say in this matter work with me here? Or do I have to scrap the project?
Most of the links that I went though, were for single shot weapons. Yours is a burst/semi-auto weapon. If it were considered a heavy weapon, built to be fired my a group of people I could see it. Other wise it is overpowered. IMHO.
Silverthorne said:
Most of the links that I went though, were for single shot weapons. Yours is a burst/semi-auto weapon. If it were considered a heavy weapon, built to be fired my a group of people I could see it. Other wise it is overpowered. IMHO.

Uh... no? The Finagle's Revenge and the antimatter munitions launcher were the only two out of those which were 'single shot' weapons. The others had semi-auto available.

Anyway, I have edited the weapon's damage ratings down lower, and have included a blurb about a new nerfing mechanism. The weapon now has an armored user and unarmored user selector, thus altering the power of the weapon.
I still think this is greatly Over Powered.

I agree with Wes.

Well, I've done some more nerfing by decreasing the range, and removing the three packet burst fire.

If additional nerfing is needed, I need advice on how to go about it.
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