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Approved Submission [Lorath] LM-TCR-SH-001 Pelican

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First and foremost, because I'm not sure -- is this too close to Halo's Pelican to keep the name?
Reactions: Wes
Pelican is a generic name really, I do not think it would be to close plus we also do not have to worry about copyright either (since that name can't be copyrighted) and because Eistheid didn't copy the halo design exactly, she is safe from any potential problems.
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I'm not terribly attached to the name, so I can change it if it would be preferred.
Are there even Pelicans on planet Lor? Why not name it something in Lorath?
Are there even Pelicans on planet Lor? Why not name it something in Lorath?
I concur with this.
The Lorath have made a point of saying that they've no relations to Earth, and yet the people in that faction use Terran names with abandon.
Make up a name, and describe within the article what kind of flight-capable creature it is, but don't pick an Earth animal.
So... We have both Lor FMs in favor of the current name, the SM, and a GM that want it changed... This splits the opinion 2:2.

If it was to be kept the same it would fit in with the previous Lorath ships such as the Eagle, Hawk, and Cardinal.

Since I have to change the namespace should the name be changed I want a firm verdict on what should be done before I start making modifications.
We use linguistic equivalence: a lorath rabbit is more like a wolf, an eytis. A cat is like a bear. A dragon is a long snake like proto bird lizard that stores uranium ore in its belly and ignites natural alcohols with flint in its mouth to make radioactive fire.

If this bugs you why didn't you bitch about it earlier? Like five years earlier?
Wes, think of it like NATO reporting names, such as the Russian Tupolev TU-95 being known as 'Bear', or the SU-34 being known as 'Fullback'. These names used for Lorath equipment are for ease of use by the player base, so they have an easy to recall point of reference for looking things up.
If this bugs you why didn't you bitch about it earlier? Like five years earlier?
I actually did. Not that I was listened to back then.

This said, I don't exactly disagree with codenames being given by the Alliance on these ships based on Trade (in Battletech, when the Clans invaded, the Inner Sphere mechwarriors didn't know what Clanners called their names, so, they made up their own. For example, one 'mech got nicknamed "Thor", whereas the Clanners called it "Summoner"). But then, I'd like to know the Trade name and the name in Lorath.

Seriously, guys, build yourselves a bestiary for your fauna and then use those names. Go nuts. Having done it before, I don't get why this hasn't been done yet. It's fun! Sure, perhaps you can't make up all Lor-originating critters all in one go, but this certainly could be an excuse to go and create one.
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Reactions: Wes
I know we don't want to use Earth names, as we don't really have an Earth in our setting; but in this infinite expanse of space, it is highly unlikely that a pelican like creature wouldn't exist on some planet or had one genetically made. (Or heck, one might even exist ON Lor). My suggestion to @DocTomoe and @OsakanOne might be to create a creature like this if you so desire, but it shouldn't be a requirement.

Heck, I can even create one myself for you if you so desire. Otherwise, the name of the vehicle shouldn't be holding this back from approval, espically since the FM's have already explained why the name is being used and that it falls in line with the Lorath tradition of naming thier vehicles after birds.
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Comapling about the name makes absolutely no sense. It can easily be said that the name used is just for ease of use like Doc said. Look that the Gekido. It's labeled as "Gekido" but it straight up says in article it's called different things in different factions. Why can't that be the same here? If we gave it a lorath name it would be hard for any players to search it. Just say that the Lor used name is some kind of equivalent creature.

But the last thing anyone making an article would want is for it's name to be hard to remember, cause then people wont find it. Policing names of things in OOC is just ridiculous. Your time would be better spent looking for people misrepresenting factions or improving the site. No one gains anything by making the name for this article change. And if it was forced to change even Yamatai would have to rename stuff. Earth is supposed to be long since forgotten. Yet they're using the japanese names for earth animals. How do they know those names? They developed a whole separate language supposedly so wouldn't their words be different?
I have to agree with Syaoran on this one, I have hard times remembering my hard to name characters for at least the first month after I created them. Let alone something thats not overtly important.
I'll go get the burn cream.
I'll go get the burn cream.
No need.

Yamatai and Nepleslia might have long forgotten Earth, but parts of it do live on. Hence the language, not to mention science, architecture, culture, clothing, etc. ...

Humanity, in other words.

Lorath is, by its own creator's development, totally separate from humanity. Its use of Trade names makes less sense, unless they got to learning Trade and liked the sound of it. Or, like Doc said, they like to act like Soviets.

I don't much care. I care about the Halo connection, and that's the only reason I brought it up.
Like I said though, it could easily be said that is simply and OOC name and in RP each faction calls it something different, like with the Gekido that is called "Fury" in Nepleslia. Again naming something with faction language is good and all, but it defeats the purpose if players can't remember how to spell the name or even what it is.
Did we play lorath before they were discovered? Think of how America altered Japanese culture; local space did the same to the lorath. Fashions, softened traditions, the loosening of orthodox faith in favour of reformed modern lorath, loan words everywhere..
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