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Lorath made "Mind Storage" device.


Inactive Member
Designer: Lorath Psionics House.

Information: Developed as a means to prevent the complete loss of an individual who is pronounced dead or brain-dead.

Technical Information: Through the use of a combination of the "Neural-Gel Packâ€
Personally, I'm not fond of the Lorath having access to a type of technology like this. It's essentially the same as soul transfer (aside from a different method and such).

The Elysians had soul transfer tech and their society was much more advanced. I say this shouldn't be accesible to the Lorath except through technological exchange with the YSE (whom DO have it). I'm frankly very skeptical that the Lorath would have made something like this >_>;
I question the OOC purity of the idea, but the tech seems fine.

X__X Gack!

...well, not much I can say, with Wes approving it...

DocTomoe, if I may make a suggestion... instead of working on new technology, why don't you work on the culture of the Lorath a bit more and then create new toys in relation to that? Things like the food they eat, the rituals they do, some laws they have and perhaps going into things like how they mate and stuff. Establishing these things might better present them and could also better theme them for technology advances later on.
I would need Tiff handy for that (Destiny player), I woulden't want to do anything that she would dissaggree with. She left me in charge of high end technology, not the every day trinkets.

But also, i'm trying to stay away from getting too in depth, untill after the negotiations, I woulden't want to put a lot of work, then have my planet raped for all it's worth.
I really don't see how this was anything other than purely trying to circumvent the fact ST tech is restricted. It's a shame I didn't notice it sooner. It doesn't cease to amaze me that somehow such a low tech race can come up with something that has definate OOC/IC crossover, and begs the question of why it's so perfect when at the time the Elysian technology for ST was converted to YSE use, they were able to fight a war with us, not be blown to bits by a single ship.

Not to mention the ST scan is even MORE advanced than the real version that's applied to YSA soldiers and the like (in relevance to how the scan takes place, not side effects). Not to echo Kotori, but this is not a grand idea, and I disagree with it being approved at all.
I find it to be a perfect example of the use of pre-existing Lorath technology.

First, we have the "Neural Interface System" that includes an OS that is compatable with Lorath brains, and able to convert mind data into file data, or simply process raw "thoughts" and "memories"

Second, we have the "Neural-Packs", an organic data storage medium that is able to match, and exeed the natural Lorath brain capacity and processing function. Thus a Lorath's memories in full can be stored on one with no concerns of a data overflow.

Combine the two technologies, its quite simple. You turn on the OS, scan the user's mind, transfer data to neural pack, store data, keep pack in safe place... honestly its not that outlandish. :?
Though I'm a little wary of the tech myself, one must admit that Doc and Tiffany set it up for such a device to be approved, as these words were approved in the race thread:

JoMidori said:
Technology: The current technological level of the Lorath is nearly equal to that of the Yamatai Empire other than starship design and function. The Lorath are currently limited to sub-light travel and have only managed to explore to the edge of their solar system due to being unable to navigate outside of the nebula their solar system is located in. As for the closer to home technology, they are almost equal to the Yamatai empire, various machines helping them in day-to-day dealings. The only part Yamatai has over the Lorath race, are the Nekovalkyrja production, and the weaponry they have, atleast the fire-arms.

Go here and see for yourself.
So in other words it was their intent from the beginning to use semantical wording to try and point to a different technology that was already approved to justify this? That sounds rather underhanded, if you pardon me. I never agreed with that being approved in the first place, if they aren't at Yamataian level of starship design, neither would a multitude of other fields. It's how technological development works. Pay more attention to what NASA has done for our understanding of advanced electronics in the last 40 years and you'll realize why pushing that in the first place was a poor choice.

However, since it seems the intent was to introduce certain technologies after there is a 'shield' of 'look what they approved in our CCG' does not mean it cannot be corrected, and therefore a real explanation would be better suited. Anyone can tell you exactly what this is. Going to whip up a nodal system with a different name, next? Frankly, all I see here is that you've exposed what true intent there was in the thought behind saying this, instead of racial brainstorming it was something on the low from the beginning?

Also, one notices that indeed there are questions of concern in that thread to, of which seem not as much answered or modified but something else. A clear indicator the race itself was in need of more work before it's approval, most pressing however is the trying to circumvent of Yamatai restricted technologies porhibitions in an OOC manner, directly citing that you had it planned from the start, with blanketed coverage and open wording.

It's not my job to defend Doc and Tiffany. I defend them here because I want to. If either of them want to stomp my explanation and offer their own, they can.

Your point on NASA is understood. But weapons technology can and has developed outside of NASA.

I will agree with you that the use of semantics to get something by is a bit tricky. So what? It's done often enough. Expecting folks to be scientific about everything and explain things thoroughly isn't always realistic. I stick to simple technolgies for this very reason. Doc and Tiffany are confident in their creation, so they went for it. Makes sense, eh?

I believe Tiffany's work on the race, from what I've heard of it, defies your idea that it was "something low from the beginning." She put a lot into it. Doc's trying to get tech approved while Tiffany is ... wherever she is. If you haven't spoken to her or Doc about it, who are you to question the purity of their "racial brainstorming?"

In the end, I have a hard time blaming them both from wanting to protect a creation they've put time into, whatever their methods. Who would want to sacrifice blood and toil OOC only to have it utterly wasted IC in a blink of an Aether beam? That, I would argue, seems to be the low point.

(And what's with this "love" at the end? I'm not feelin' no love, yo.)
It's the way Rei has of trying to remove any intellectual sting left from his posts because his critical comments have been known to set people on edge, me included. However, Rei is ~quite~ often right.
Basically everyone has to do something like this "love" bit now because of fools who take criticism personally. It's happened so often in the past, and Wes usually sides with the creators; perhaps it's so that they don't feel like their tech is "unwanted" or anything of the sort, because people are trying to help get it approved or improve upon it by criticising it. I've said things about it before, but I don't want to demand you go searching for it, so I'll put it all here.

What do you expect? Flowery language? Unoffending euphemisms? That way, criticism would be bleeding with too much uncertainty and over-politeness that it wouldn't be taken seriously. When your ideas are criticized, expect the criticism to be blunt and efficient, and don't take offense, because there was probably no insult intended. You can't expect them to sacrifice their message so that your sensitive mind isn't hurt. In this case, however, Will (and Kotori) is questioning the reality of the technology, because it doesn't seem to make enough sense from an independant IC standpoint, and he's questioning the OOC methods and motives.

Now, on to the real issue. Talking to Will, both of us said the same thing at pretty much the same time in response to the question of the purity of the brainstorming. "If you haven't spoken to [Tiffany] or Doc about it, who are you to question the purity of their 'racial brainstorming?'" Well, because it's on the forum. Will said that you actually missed the point on NASA, but I'll leave that for him to clear up if he wants.

As for "I woulden't want to put a great deal of work, then have my planet raped for all it's worth." and "Who would want to sacrifice blood and toil OOC only to have it utterly wasted IC in a blink of an Aether beam?" That could be called metagaming. Keep IC and OOC seperate. Put what you need into it OOC, and play the race right IC. And don't go complaining when things don't go your way IC. Even if it was autoing that started the complaining, I think I remember there being grief over other legitimate IC actions.

Play your race correctly. If that gets them killed, that's too bad, even if it's not completely your fault. Try again, or leave if you feel like it. If you're really too worried about your planet being "raped" then make your own RP. This is why I suggest that people don't sign up and immediately make new races. Obviously, you've come a bit too far to just drop it, but perhaps you should have become more familiar with Star Army both OOCly and ICly so that you wouldn't have a lot of trouble.

Suggestion: if, by some chance, your race does get destroyed, it really wouldn't be that hard to start over. You could do it simply by saying that the Lorath who were killed weren't actually the original Lorath, but descendants who were put on a ship for colonization of another planet. Something like that.
Well, either way, I believe that everything was handled IC as best as possible in regards to the whole race being on the brink of being turned to dust, and yes there was some OOC bitching, but I did not expect it to be that much of an issue. The refusal was worded by Wes, and unfortunately that would not have been the way I would have worded it, but things were settled in a calm and civil manner.

As for the whole idea of the Lorath being a branch of a larger race, unfortunately that would be very difficult to manage due to the history spanning too far back, now if I were to do that, I'd be introducing a race that has had far longer than the Star Army Of Yamatai to develop, thus they would be able to introduce technology that would shame Yamatai and make it look like a dirty toothless dog.

Back to the point of this thread; the technology of the device in question is quite feasible considering previously approved technology that was not argued about. Additionally the device is simply a usage concept of pre-existing technology, I'll explain:

Neural Gel Pack + Neural Operating System with OS + Modified storage container = "Mind Storage Device"

Quite a simple concept just put together two things already approved without hassle. The true basis of argument in this thread seems to be the fact that the Lorath are getting some muscle. Everyone thought they'd be a race of technological misfits, even though it was stated otherwise. Additionally, I have been attempting to introduce technology that fits to the Lorath's technological specialties, and capabilities, but due to the current state of the Lorath RP. Introducing such things now would be a waste of time until it gets off the ground and is not threatened with the prospect of being turned into an ash ball.

The Lorath have a great knowledge of matters of the mind, and of the body, thus much of their advanced technology is related to medical discoveries, and Psionics. Logically, that would include preserving the mind and body, and preventing its loss while using technology that is available.

Also, no hard feelings, opinions are always welcome.