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Approved Submission [Lorath Matriarchy] Sculpt


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Recreational Medical Utility
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lorath:consumables:sculpt

Faction: Lorath Matriarchy
FM Approved Yet? Yes, however I'll get @DocTomoe's attention anyway.
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is just a fun toy for players and GMs to use IC. Could potentially lead to more physically diverse crowds in SARP.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Seems okay to me. I'll give people 3 days to raise any objections if they exist, and then this will become approved.
One issue I can see is this is just being created. But when you read the article. The section under "Usage Commentary" implies that it has been in use for a while

Also if this is a Lorath product, the prices, even for Other cultures should still be listed in the currency of Lor. Which is the Heiwa Electronic Credits HS vs KS.
I left the time frame as last quarter YE37 to give it a bit of wiggle room in regards to how long it has been in circulation. I could put it further back but I know that the site is against retconning, and the time that it has been in circulation will be larger the longer it exists IC from this point forward. Essentially I wrote it for the future. If it is not acceptable to have the flavor text age, can you give me a time frame of how far back into the past I can put it to satisfy it not being as "new" I would be more than happy to make the adjustment.

Also other Lorath products are listed in KS not HS, so I was merely following suit with previous articles. Again if this is an important change I can make it.
Actually, I can handle this usage thing.

In that section, there is direct mention of the Matriarchy littering the market base with shills, creating the overall hype, and manufacturing a commentary planted by the Matriarchy.

"At least, the aforementioned has been the way in which the media outlets of the Lorath Matriarchy have painted the history, and progression of the 'Sculpt' compound, some individuals citing even the word of mouth in regard to the product as a well executed marketing endeavor executed by the socialist economy which fuels the Matriarchy's consumer goods operations. Unknown to the user market, the Matriarchy pharmaceutical industry has gone through lengths to permeate the market with paid users, for the purpose of establishing the street credibility of the product."

As for the currency in use; the Matriarchy has no currency for domestic usage. We use shiny pebbles, no joke. A KS stipend is distributed to the populace, KS which is made through product sales, alternatively some members of the populace may choose to receive their stipend in other currency formats. Besides, the HS has no value, because the UOC is gone. Any entries still using the HS are dated and need updating.


Also, from this page: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:international_currency_exchange

UOC Heiwa Electronic Credits
As this faction no longer exists, its currency was absorbed by the Yamatai Star Empire. Thus, all Electronic Credits were immediately converted into KS. Contact your local government official for more information.
@Wes @Nashoba

Could I possibly get some feedback on what is going on?

It has been nearly two days at this point since the concerns brought up were addressed. I understand that people might be busy, however some form of acknowledgement as to whether the offer to work out the issue that I presented or the solution that Doc offered work. This submission assuming that the two points brought up are the only issues is a day short of being approved, and I would hate for this to sit around in the NTSE longer than it has to since there has already been some interest expressed toward using it IC.
I'm waiting on a post from Nashoba.
Well, he hasn't come around this thread again to post and the concerns appear to have been addressed, so I'm approving this.