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Laz Public Network [Lorath Matriarchy] UOC Humanitarian Aid


Inactive Member
Source of Transmission: Lorath Self Defense Force HQ on Nyli II
Speaker: General Heartbreak Fyunnen
Intended Receiver: United Outer Colonies Networks

"Due to the situation which has befallen the United Outer Colonies, with the impending NMX advance, and the recent insurrection carried out by the Tange, a distinctive weakness in military capacity has been displayed. This weakness, has resulted in the Yamatai Empire 'assuming responsibility' for the United Outer Colonies. While their intentions are likely humane, it remains as an insult to the endeavor which was the Colonial expansion into the Yugumo Cluster.

"Due to this situation which has developed, the Lorath Matriarchy has decided to devote an increased number of ships and assets to civilian and inactive military evacuation. Evacuation staging areas will be set up on all worlds which have had a United Outer Colonies flag planted upon them. For those which are on planets which have been seized by the NMX, this includes you, you have not been forgotten, and you will be rescued.

"Evacuation ships will be mobilized, and will land in populated city centers to take on evacuees. Please remember to submit to scans upon boarding evacuation ships. Only bring belongings which can be carried. Valuable equipment should be delivered to landing areas, and labeled by owner, and will be taken to a safe storage location. Pets can be brought along, so long as they are restrained or caged.

"Evacuees should carry a container of water, as well as a two day supply of food upon their person. Transmitter beacons will be set up upon the arrival of evacuation ships, shuttles will be available for those which are unable to travel the distance to evacuation zones and can communicate the need for emergency transportation. Evacuation procedures are expected to last for two days.

"Evacuated personnel will be taken to the Jiyuu system, where the Lorath Matriarchy will be setting up a forward base of operations for the defense of the original, and remaining, colony of the United Outer Colonies. Civilian personnel which have a desire to defend the Colonies, should make this desire known to evacuation personnel, you will be provided equipment as well as formed into a militia for defense of the Jiyuu system.

"If you are unable to make it to a Lorath Matriarchy provided evacuation site, please, utilize an alternative evacuation method and inform the evacuation personnel that you desire to be delivered into Lorath Matriarchy territory when it is possible.

"Thank you for your attention citizens of the United Outer Colonies. You will not be left behind."
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