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Lorath Motor Vehicle - "Lo-Car"


Inactive Member
[Lorath Automotive] [001]
[Lo-Car Motor Vehicle – Hybrid Car.]
History and Background: Due to the expanse of the Lorath civilization upon the planet Lor, personal ground vehicles were deemed a practical invention. Electrical power was chosen for these vehicles due to the pollution reduction efforts that have been ordered by the Lorath government. Additionaly it was found that additional components were required to allow for enhanced proformance for the vehicle. Additionaly the vehicles were produced in limited numbers to prevent the population from becoming "lazyâ€
Tomoe: It's a family sedan, you see.

Wes: Approved, but it has a gun on it. Don't you think it's inappropriate?

Tomoe: *not listening*

I think that's what you meant, Fred.

I'm not taking sides, I just wanted to point that out. Frankly Zack, I don't really think it's worth arguing about because even if it is redundant, he can make it that way if he chooses, since it works.
Because it was edited...

At first it was wrong in how it worked and redundent in how it was placed in the stat sheet. Now it has been streamlined and the incorrect language removed so that it no longer violates the laws of physics.

I don't make comments on something if it works properly and is just impractical or stupid to have for whatever reason.
Uso, it works, now kindly see yourself out. Your words are coming dangerously close to becoming insulting.

I don't make comments on something if it works properly and is just impractical or stupid to have for whatever reason.
Jagd Wolf said:
I think that's what you meant, Fred.

Yeah, I guess that might be a bit more accurate... but wasn't the gun removed already?

Meh, anyhow, I'm of the opinion that the four wheeled thing that goes VROOM (or WHREEEIN, since it's electric?) should just be approved and done with. There are some thing I want to see from the lorath and stalling here on familly sedans is just picky, in my mopinion.

I'd like to see stuff the Lorath developped when they were forced into exile and brought back up when they overthrew the Helashio. Helashio-based tech that the Lorath kept could be something else that'd be nice too. I mean... after spending centuries as a subtereanean race, the Lorath ought to have some really nice gadgets at their disposal (and frankly, I think that this angle should be exploited a lot more than surface/space based vehicles/devices).
Well, since you're bumping, can I share something?

I think it's kinda odd you're naming Lorath vehicle in the same way superhero vehicles are named. It's too... human. Can't you use that wierd language the Lorath use to come up with more alien but distinctive sounding names?

Like a Fynneun Klarh-Ek? (which could be a wrist-crossbow gauntlet mount that would slingshot a kind of acid slug for all I know)
I think that there really needs to be someone appointed to take care of this stuff. Nothing against Wes, he's just been busy lately, and so have the other admins. Someone who's impartial and who knows what they're talking about should be made to have authority to approve tech, because there's a pretty large amount of tech in here just sitting around waiting for approval.

In fact, there really needs to be another admin or two, because Yangfan and Andrew have been busy as well.
I agree with you Thad, but the person must fulifil the following requirements:

Experiance in the site
The ability to consult other people

Actual technilogical know how is not really a massive requirement, however knowing the precidents is important: knowing what has been approved in the past.

In addition they must have a good knowladge of gameplay, and RPing knowladge. This might not seem to have direct significance, but its important to understand the implications of technology, and power play.

I would have loved to come up with something, but honestly... I coulden't come up with something creative at the given time that I wrote this up.
Wes might not be approving it because he dosen't like the small discription, or at least I don't. True, there is nothing wrong with it I would just like to see more.

As for the Tech Czar, perhaps it should be moved to a fresh thread?
No Uso, it was approved, then it was "unapproved" because you had to whine about a peice of technology that was completely valid.

Now please see yourself out since you have nothing useful to contribute... isin't that what you say?
Bah, got mixed up between the Lo-car and the Lo-moto again...

And no, your technology wasn't valid until you had changed it.
Would you stop it, you two? Your last two posts contributed absolutely nothing. I'll twist a quote from Bambi and say that if you don't have anything intelligent and constructive to say, don't say anything.

The tech approval issue is being addressed. Sit on your heels and wait.
Well, the tech approval issue isn't being addressed. That is Thad's point.

My last post may have contributed nothing, but the post before that was asking for the Tech Czar/new admins question to be posed in another thread.
It's being addressed, Zack. The mods are working on possibly nominating someone or changing the system. However, we need Wes on this conversation too, so some patience is required.

If you can't "sit on your heels," stand up and wait. S'all the same.
Approved, again.
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