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Approved Character [Lorath NPC Bio] Korr'ih 'Chambers' Yann Fyunnen

Oi... I'm gonna get sick of doing all this pigeon folk soon... :lol:

Gunslinger seems to be a odd occupation, but hey. All fine.

Sizeable breasts, big surprise from you. Anyway, physical description is fine. In fact, my only nit pick is that you go for details in small things without detailing a overall to well, but still good enough.

Personality is... Well... Pretty bad, actually. It describes nothing, really, and the Lorath military apparently takes children from when they are tots and teaches becomes their enlisted's sole purpose in lives. Reminds me of the Neko. Based on other Lorath, this isn't the case. As much as I know personality is a bitch, this is a bit to much.

A.) Actually personalitifiy, which I know isn't a word, the character.

B.) Give likes and dislikes. REAL ones. Stuff like favorite foods and such. While sure I don't hit other people for this, I'm giving you additional feed for personality features.

C.) Goal is meh. Let me tell you from experience; Military buffs aren't always the most fun things to play; She must have other goals or she is little different from the many Neko, which have the excuse for this one because they were, literally, made for whatever.

History needs the same work, too. It says absolutely nothing -- I don't care if this is a NPC, if this is getting here it needs to be like a PC. This history tells me nothing about this character's life, nor does it hint at many other things that aren't listed (For a random example; Like Kessah). Together with personality, this makes a character who is a... Well... Cardboard Neko without being a Neko.

Onto skillz.

Fighting I have to nitpick on; You need to be specific. Primarily; Bladed combat can mean many things. A axe handles different than a sword, and even then a Longsword handles and is wielded differently then a Scimitar. However, my main complaint is 'Long-ranged weaponry' which describes a LARGE amount of things, and also goes for the reader's opinion on what long-ranged weaponry is. It could be any ranged weapon, it could be a marksmen rifle, it could be artillery, missiles, etc. Which is a big bad thing in this particular case.

Domestic seems to be a bit of a wasted skill; Most of that skill a person could be assumed to do. While this is fine, I am giving you the option of buffing it up a little or swapping it for something else.

Leadership is fairly textbook, not to much you can do there. However, a idea while you are at everything else; Detail how much she can lead, and what she is trained to lead. Lemme put it this way; A Sergent of a Military unit/squad is much different then a general. The former knows his or her mates' skills and the context important physiology, while the latter knows how to move units around and set them up in key positions and so on and so forth.

Hm... Survival and such I have to put a nitpick on, too; Once again, details. What environments? Surviving in the arctic is different then a forest or a field, and so on. And how to hunt? Tracking? How does she track, if so? This is one of those skills that can be power gamed accidentally simply because it is something that covers a very broad manner of things.

Tech. Op. is fine, although I notice that almost all Charries in this setting can learn things extremely easily. :lol:

Knowledge is fine and I give kudos for skill use; She has a good memory. This is something that relies on you, of course, as you have to remember. Or look it up.

Engineering is a little iffy, while she has the time to learn these things, it still seems a little broad. Also, to prevent any power gaming with the skill, specifify what kinds of vehicles. I imagine that a Lorath automobile would be at least a little different to a Yamatai one, assuming Yam didn't give Lorath the automobile. Or that Lor has them. Anyway.

Mm... Cybernetics is fine...

Now, some of my complaints could be voided because I'm assuming a few things on the Lorath people as a culture... So...

Needs some work, Taco. By some I mean quite possibly quite a bit. Fix on it or come up with a good argument against it here. Chop chop!

Ninja Edit: ... Thats a ugly yellow...
You do realize likes and dislikes ARE up to the person correct? So those shouldn't be an overt issue in the way of the meat and potatoes of personality. Also, some of the skill sets are perquisites to the specific caste, same as with different jobs through out the SARP.
As for her history, its a matter of her age. She is young, the Lorath equivalent to being fresh out of school with no practical experience. Officer school and her assignment to being at the side of Obelisk are what makes her position unique.

As for what she is, she is a Fyunnen, her kind were bred for war and strength. Its her lot in life from the moment of hatching.

In regard to the skills, I'll give them a light tweaking. I've adjusted the skills.
I have more of a whip then Jaqueline does, Fly. More so on older players, of course. That said, those were suggestions.

While the long-ranged part still slightly irks me, it'll pass.

We've talked. You know my stance on it the history and personality.

Begrudgingly this character is approved for IC use etc etc and so on.

... Very vibrant green.
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