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[Lorath] Plasma Based Weapon

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Inactive Member
Plasma Arc Weapon System

Producer Information

Designer: Lorath Occhesta
Manufacturer: LSDF
(Suggested) Price: Small vehicle or light armor application: 1500 KS.
Vehicle Application or Power Armor Application: 10,000 KS.
Starship Application: 25,000 KS

Nomenclature Information

Name: Plasma Arc Disruptor.
Type: Plasma based molecular disruptor system.
Role: Anti-Armor, Anti-Shuttle, Anti-Light Armor, Anti-Vehicle.
Length: 1-20 Feet Long Plasma Vent Strips, Variable Cannon Sizes.
Weight: 10lbs per foot of strip, variable cannon weight. 25lb small generator, 50lb power armor or light vehicle generator, variable size and weight for starship application.

Discharge Information

Projection/ammo type: Molecular Disruptive Plasma
Firing Mechanism: Superheated plasma is generated by the weapon (or vehicle's) onboard generator which is tied into the weapon or vehicle's power supply. The superheated plasma is then ran through a series of channeling tubes which route the plasma to it's intended point of being expelled. In the case of the vent strips, the plasma is routed to these strips where the plasma is then accelerated by magnetic coils and charged by low strength subspace field coils which accelerate the plasma particles to the point of molecular disruption. The plasma is then forced out of the vents by magnetic acceleration and compression. With cannon based applications, the plasma is routed from the generator to a collector in the rear section of the cannon, once the desired yield of plasma is focused, the plasma is then accelerated by magnetic coils down the barrel, where the plasma is also charged by subspace coil which allows for particle speeds to disrupt molecular bonds. In both usages, plasma which has been forced from the firing mechanism is propelled in the direction of the intended target. If the target is hit, this will create an arc effect which would continue until the target moves outside of the weapon's range, or the arc is interrupted.
Beam Diameter: up to a six inch width.
Beam Arc: six inches to twelve inches.
Effective Range: 1-50 meters to inflict proper and continued arc damage.
Maximum Range: 500 meters for a single directed burst with the strip type unit. 2500 Meters for cannon based unit.
Minimum Range: 0
Muzzle Velocity: Light Speed.
Muzzle Blast: With strip based units, a glow is visible along the strip's length, then when plasma is expelled a dim purple hue is visible around the plasma vent, along with an arc of purple 'lightning' which arcs between the strip and the target. In cannon form, a single burst has the appearance of a ball of purple light.
Firing Mode(s): continuous arc, stream, pulse fire, single shot burst.
Recoil: None

Damage Description: On impact, the super heated molecular disruptive plasma begins to heat the target, and destabilize the target's molecular structure. A half second burst would cause organic tissue to incinerate, and level five armor to melt into it's molecular byproducts. Level ten armor on a power armor application would be partially breached or weakened.

Ammo Description:

Name: Plasma Generator Unit
Visual Description: A canister which is approximately six inches by three inches with gas collection ports throughout it's surface. A power connection plug is on one end of the unit, and a port which connects to the weapon or vent strip is also attached to the unit.
Charge: One two second arc every ten seconds. One burst per three seconds for five minutes. Good for ten minutes of continuous operation. After ten minutes, requires an hour cool down.

Name: Vehicle based plasma generator unit.
Visual Description: Varies dependant upon vehicle.
Charge: Thirty second arc every three seconds. Three bursts per second for ten minutes. fifteen seconds to rebuild a full charge.

Name: Power Armor based plasma generator unit.
Visual Description: In most cases, it is a 24 inch by 6 inch canister, with gas collection ports throughout it's surface. A power connection plug is on one end of the unit, and a port which connects to the cannon or vent strip is also attached to the unit.
Charge: One fifteen second arc every five seconds. Three bursts per second for two minutes. sixty seconds to rebuild a full charge.

Maintenance Information:

Field Maintenance Procedure: Prevent excessive dirt, grime, etc. from entering the unit's vent ports. Coolant should also be available after extended usage and applied during unit downtime.
Replaceable Parts and components: Vent ports, magnetic coils, and plasma routers are all replaceable and can be replaced by a qualified technician with the appropriate tools. Generator units on smaller applications can be replaced in field.

Visual Description:
On small scale applications such as on personal vehicles or light armor, the unit is applied in a vent strip format. The vent strip can vary in length but the general appearance is a metallic strip with a thickness of a half inch to two inch thickness. Thin slits are visible along the metallic strip. In thinner applications, the metallic strip has bulges along it's length where magnetic coils are located. In larger applications, the strip takes on a much heavier appearance and resembles flattened plumbing pipes.

In cannon application for vehicles, the cannons have a plasma collector section in the rear of the unit which is often of a circular or cylindrical shape. Vehicular applications often have plasma routing tubes visible which connect to the collector. One or two channeling barrels protrude from this collector. Channeling barrels often have four bulges which run along the length of the barrel. These bulges are magnetic acceleration coils.
How can the muzzle velocity be at the speed of light if matter is being pushed without some specialized system?

Magnetic force and kinetic/potential force isn't enough to push something to such speed without rediculous power.

How does channeling it through another "layer" of space accelerate the round?
Actually, you can't physically accelerate mass to the speed of light. Even at a small % of C the recoil would flip a vehicle or knock down a power armor not designed for tremendous recoil.
I thought as much.

On the otherhand, if he's forcing the round through subspace so when it leaves the recoil energy is projected into a different vector of space.
That might work but I don't think the round itself would survive the journey.

I think.

Well if he is shooting the round into subspace he'd have to shoot his gun into subspace too if he wanted to avoid recoil.

Though if he is using some method of FTL acceleration the round could reach the target at the speed of light while not actually moving at the speed of light so the recoil would be minimal.
Uso Tasuki said:
Though if he is using some method of FTL acceleration the round could reach the target at the speed of light while not actually moving at the speed of light so the recoil would be minimal.

Bingo. The acceleration method is based off of Lorath FTL technology. Thus that statement is entirely accurate.
Not approved. I'm not down with bullet-sized warp drives.
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