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Lorath Psionics Scrambler


Inactive Member
Lorath Made Psionics Scrambler Device.

Designer: Lorath Occhesta House

Information: In the year YE 29 the Misshu paid a visit to the Lorath home world of Lor. During this visit, they brought a single one of their Type 1 Mishhuvurthyar, Whom during this visit caused a multitude of headaches whenever it rudely went about speaking. This signified the potential capacity of the Mishhuvurthyar's psionic capabilities, this caused the Lorath Occhesta House to go about the development of a device which would prevent psionic assaults from being carried out within the area this device protects.

Technical Information: The PSD functions by emitting a steady field of Delta and Alpha wave pattern scrambling emissions. When activated, the system is automatically in standby mode. The device's scrambling emissions are triggered when psionic energies are detected that exceed a specific threshold of psionic power (Meaning the Misshu speech would most likely trigger it).

The PSD can also be tied into shield emitters, thus allowing for a projection of Delta and Alpha wave scrambling emissions to be included in the shield's field. The PSD can also be configured to ignore certain brainwave patterns, they are often set to ignore Lorath brainwave patterns to prevent accidental activation of the device.

The scrambling field emitted by the PSD has been specifically tuned not to interfere with Lorath brainwaves and telepathic communication over short distances, however, if the psionic emission is projected longer than five meters, it will quickly lose coherence and be masked by the scrambling field. The PSD may be able to be tuned to be compatible with other individual's brain waves and telepathic communications, but this would be done on a case by case basis.

Effects of the scrambling field on non-Lorath brainwaves are mostly unknown. During tests of the device on other life forms from the Lorath home world, it has been found that the device may cause sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, involuntary muscle spasms, and loss of balance.
I think the basis for the technology is good, given that telepathy is something the Lorath are 'talented' at and that they've had the opportunity to observe ADN devices on the equipment they were given.

However, I am quite opposed to the 'block their psionics, but not ours' element. I don't feel Lorath should be able to reverse engineer and then improve on a device like that. Not after so little time anyways.
Did I mention they borrowed from the ADN? No... I don't think I did.

The Lorath have already managed to make an entire planetary network that could be accessed by the use of a thought, they're capable of puppeting around slaves with telepathic communications... In short, they're quite talented with the usage and sciences of telepathic communications. It would not be that much of a problem for the Occhesta caste to go about researching and constructing such a device. Also, it is meant to be introduced a bit later, not directly after the moon fall event.
The device's scrambling emissions are triggered when psionic energies are detected that exceed a specific threshold of psionic power (Meaning the Mishhu speech would most likely trigger it).

The PSD can also be tied into shield emitters, thus allowing for a projection of Delta and Alpha wave scrambling emissions to be included in the shield's field.

I hope you'll forgive me for making the assumption, seeing that this looks a lot like the content of the ADN/PSC descriptions.

Wouldn't the Lorath experience some limitations as to how well their powers would work inside this field? The first version doesn't necessarely have to be perfect, you know?
Kotori said:
The device's scrambling emissions are triggered when psionic energies are detected that exceed a specific threshold of psionic power (Meaning the Mishhu speech would most likely trigger it).

The PSD can also be tied into shield emitters, thus allowing for a projection of Delta and Alpha wave scrambling emissions to be included in the shield's field.

I hope you'll forgive me for making the assumption, seeing that this looks a lot like the content of the ADN/PSC descriptions.

Wouldn't the Lorath experience some limitations as to how well their powers would work inside this field? The first version doesn't necessarely have to be perfect, you know?

Well, there are only so many ways a psionic blocker can work, and I did not borrow from the ADN's discription what so ever. Also, there is a limitation. I noted that psionic emissions while the scrambler is up can not exceede a range of five meters.
Wouldn't any psionic user worth his salt be able to quickly figure things out and disguise his own brain patterns as Lorath? Would this device be effective against skilled psionic users?

Also, how does the machine determine which brain patterns are Lorath and which are not? I'd expect there to be some significant range of variation within the species. How come the interference waves emitted by the device do not interfere with these different Lorath psionic waves? Waves are still waves in the SA universe. You'd expect there to be some interference unless the frequencies are "just right".

5 meters is a long distance for some. :p

It would be much more plausible if the device recognizes only its user's brain patterns, and generate interference waves that play nice with that specific pattern, but will interfere with everyone else's. :)
DocTomoe said:
Also, there is a limitation. I noted that psionic emissions while the scrambler is up can not exceede a range of five meters.

I get the idea that this is sort of like turning on a TV to white noise, turning the volume up really high, then trying to talk to someone. Is that a correct simple discription/interpretation?
Yangfan said:
Wouldn't any psionic user worth his salt be able to quickly figure things out and disguise his own brain patterns as Lorath? Would this device be effective against skilled psionic users?

Also, how does the machine determine which brain patterns are Lorath and which are not? I'd expect there to be some significant range of variation within the species. How come the interference waves emitted by the device do not interfere with these different Lorath psionic waves? Waves are still waves in the SA universe. You'd expect there to be some interference unless the frequencies are "just right".

5 meters is a long distance for some. :p

It would be much more plausible if the device recognizes only its user's brain patterns, and generate interference waves that play nice with that specific pattern, but will interfere with everyone else's. :)

Well, thats why the device interferes with Lorath psionic transmissions that attempt to go longer than 5 meters, after distance, the psionic waves begin to become cluttered with the ambient electromagnetic, psionic, and other energies, thus causing the waves to become different from their original form. Of course, I could tweak the range a little shorter... but I figure that is a good range to be able to talk to some one on the otherside of a cargo hold or something of the sort. Also, if the compatability thing continues to be an issue, I'll tweak some things if I must.

Oh and Scribbles, something like that, but with more headache.

On a side note: We never have been told how the old ADN was improved upon so the nasty side effects were removed. Also, we never were acctualy told what side effects the old ADN caused exactly, least to my knowlege.
I don't particularly like it.

I don't think that the Lorath have had the time to disect whatever SA technology they've laid their hands on - and beyond this I inherently dislike the technology.

Could you explain to me how you 'project' Delta waves?
Kotori said:
Tomoe's argument is that the Lorath are uber sexor enough to have made this themselves.
I LOLed.
DocTomoe said:
The Lorath have already managed to make an entire planetary network that could be accessed by the use of a thought, they're capable of puppeting around slaves with telepathic communications... In short, they're quite talented with the usage and sciences of telepathic communications. It would not be that much of a problem for the Occhesta caste to go about researching and constructing such a device. Also, it is meant to be introduced a bit later, not directly after the moon fall event.

It really looks like Tomoe wants to present the Lorath as being very powerful telepaths, to an extent where their psionic capabilities (albeit limited like every other races by the SARP's ESP rules) would exceed that of races like the nekovalkyrja at least in term of flavor.

Tomoe hides the supposed high proficiency, balance-wise, on it being mostly possessed by the psionic house - though you'll notice in roleplays that there's no big difference between a warrior caste and a psionic caste except the former has a short temper and the latter is more composed, but also much more arrogant - possibly stemming by how they seem to be able (or allowed) to control the actions of other creatures supposedly inferior to themselves (such as animals and the potentially sentient Helashio) though this shouldn't be allowed in the SARP due to our current rules.

Meh. I admit the lorath do have the excuse of being at psionics for the last thousand of years, at least. Yamatai, unless I'm mistaken, has only been at it for less than three decades.
Zakalwe said:
I don't particularly like it.

I don't think that the Lorath have had the time to disect whatever SA technology they've laid their hands on - and beyond this I inherently dislike the technology.

Could you explain to me how you 'project' Delta waves?

Refer to line one: https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=32250#32250

I think that should handle any more talk of "disecting SA technology".

As for projecting delta waves, again, I will get back to you when I get a PHD in particle physics. If it really does become an issue of "how" then I will provide such details. (Such questions never came up with the ADN :? )
Kotori said:
DocTomoe said:
It really looks like Tomoe wants to present the Lorath as being very powerful telepaths, to an extent where their psionic capabilities (albeit limited like every other races by the SARP's ESP rules) would exceed that of races like the Nekovalkyrja at least in term of flavor.

I consider myself really new to this RP but I still have to ask. Is a race being stronger in something then the Neko looked down upon? I certinly hope not.
Well, we've been toning down the "overpowered" stuff over time, including the Nekovalkyrja. So, making a powerful race might be considered as defeating the purpose.
Wes said:
Well, we've been toning down the "overpowered" stuff over time, including the Nekovalkyrja. So, making a powerful race might be considered as defeating the purpose.

Considering that the psionics caste members are physically frail, it does give a balance quite nicely. We've covered this topic back when the Lorath were first being introduced. Along that note, this is a defensive device, a standard one at that, you'd find them on most starships from other races.