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Lorath Railgun Artillery


Inactive Member
Lorath Rail gun Artillery

Producer Information
Designer: Lorath Psionics Caste.
Manufacturer: Lorath Psionics Caste.
(Suggested) Price: 150,000 KS.

Nomenclature Information
Name: Iron Rain – Rapid Fire Heavy Rail Gun.
Type: Rail gun.
Model: RG-001-VM-SPW (Rail gun 001 Vehicle Mounted Solid Projectile Weapon)
Role: Anti-mecha, Anti-starship, Anti-tank
Length: 50 Meters.
Weight: 15 Tons.
Role: When deployed on planet, serves as a turret mounted defense system. When deployed in space serves as a point-attack and point-defense weapon.

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: 105mm Tungsten Slugs.

Firing Mechanism: Ammunition is fed from a slug storage compartment into the chamber of the weapon by the use of a link less belt system. When the ammunition is chambered into one of the six chambers of the weapon it is then propelled out of the chamber by the use of magnetic rails.

Caliber: 105mm
Effective Range: 15,000 km planetary, 75,000km space.
Maximum Range: Until slug is pulled into gravity well when used in space. When used on a planet, range varies from 15,000km to 30,000km if orbit path is calculated properly.
Minimum Range: 0.
Muzzle Velocity: .5c
Muzzle Blast: A minor distortion of ambient light.
Firing Mode(s): Single shot, rapid fire, burst.
Recoil: Heavy.
Chambers: Four
Rate of Fire: 100 rounds per minute.

Ammo Description:
Name: 105mm Tungsten Slug.
Visual Description: The ammunition is stored inside of a large cylindrical magazine inside of the vessel the weapon is mounted to. Each slug is a plain metallic grey and is sharpened to a fine point.
Ammo: 1000 Per-magazine.

Damage Description: Blunt force and piercing damage against armored targets, targets that are armored with modern materials may endure little to no damage (*Angst*). Unarmored targets would most likely be splattered into a fine mist.

Weapon Mechanisms:
Safety: Yes, ship/vehicle-board computer system.
Fire mode selector: Yes, ship/vehicle-board computer system.
Weapon Sight: Yes, ship/vehicle-board computer system in unison with ship's sensors.
Attachment Hard points: Yes, there are attachment hard points on the underside of the weapon. These hard points are used to attach the weapon to the vessel/vehicle's hull.

Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure: Replace worn parts with new ones, return to shipyard or base of operations if damaged severely.

Visual Description: The weapon has the appearance of large cannon, several meters wide, and fifty meters long. There is a smooth metal casing over the weapon covering large reinforced magnetic rails and energy conduits.
You may want to add something about the rails being very strong/reinforced as that is the largest problem with rail guns in real life.

Also, though I don't know its availiblity on Lor, using depleted uranium in shells is also quite effective even against traditionaly armoured targets (like modern tanks), though honestly I don't know if it will do much against much of this settings armour. Just trying to be helpful though. ^_^
Scribbles said:
though honestly I don't know if it will do much against much of this settings armour. Just trying to be helpful though. ^_^

DocTomoe said:
Damage Description: Blunt force and piercing damage against armored targets, targets that are armored with modern materials may endure little to no damage (*Angst*). Unarmored targets would most likely be splattered into a fine mist.

I have much angst about that detail.
Not everything is made out of Zesuaium. The Kylie power armor, for example. You don't necessarely need to be able to inflict super awesome fricking huge damage on Star Army ships for your tech to be viable.
True... I just intend to thump upon targets made out of absurd materials, and rip the helmets and heads off of targets that are in power armor.
I kinda do.

Since the Lorath Psionic caste are the scientists, I can see them formulating something similar to this for exparimentation purposes. But, wouldn't it be more logical of the Warrior Caste were the ones who designed/made it?
Cora said:
I kinda do.

Since the Lorath Psionic caste are the scientists, I can see them formulating something similar to this for exparimentation purposes. But, wouldn't it be more logical of the Warrior Caste were the ones who designed/made it?

No, due to the warrior caste having a dislike for ranged weapons, and the psionic caste is the designated technology development caste.
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