Star Army

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Laz Public Network [Lorath Royal Announcement] Public Address Subj; Occhestians


Inactive Member
Network Broadcast
Source: Lorath Matriarchy – Lor – Royal Palace Grounds
Subject: Public Address
Media Format: Streaming Audio/Video

Begin Transmission

As the transmission feed was established, a fade-in from black to the visual of the Lorath High Priest stood behind a pulpit would be captured upon the camera feed. As he stood there, an intense expression was in his eyes, eyes that were framed with a face that indicated just how tired the High Priest was, despite his youthful age for a Lorath. Despite the exhaustion upon his features, his voice rang out strong as he began to speak.

“Citizens of the Lorath Matriarchy, the Nepleslian Democratic Imperium, the Yamatai Star Empire, and all points between and beyond. I greet you, and ask for your attention, so I may speak on behalf of the Matriarchy, and address a grave issue which has need to be brought to light.”

“On the twenty-eighth year of the Yamataian calendar, a schism resulted in the division of the Occhestian caste of my people, from the rest of the Matriarchy. With this division, came an exodus, an exodus which carried billions of Occhestians away from their home soil, under a new banner, with ideologies separate from their kin. They left with the intention of establishing a home for themselves, a place where they could live their lives, and explore their own ideals. There was nothing which could be done at that time to stand in their way, despite implications which were made which indicated that the Occhestians, in light of their ideals, had formed a malicious intent for their former kin, as well as the people of the Yamatai Empire, who they saw as responsible for forcing our people forward into a situation in which we were faced by hardship which we were admittedly ill prepared for.”

“With clear animosity in their hearts, the Occhestians successfully departed to parts which at that time were unknown. What they left behind was the Matriarchy, which grew and developed, forming strong ties with the peace minded people of Taiie, people who formed the United Outer Colonies, who the Matriarchy was indebted to for their part in saving us from the ravages of the SMX. While we prospered, unknown to us, so did the Occhestians.”

“In the year YE 31, a hostile action was taken against the now departed Xiaah to the Lorath people. An Occhestian, acting on behalf of a sect of Occhestians which had devoted themselves to reckless development and expansion of their influence, attempted to take the life of the Xiaah with an ill-placed bullet. While she survived, our forgiveness of their malicious intent did not. A scouting expedition was commissioned for the purpose of discovering the current status of the Occhestian populace, and to determine if they were a threat, not only to us, but to all.”

“Our ship, the Trishka, of the Lorath Self Defense Force, followed clues to an Occhestian outpost in the Biesi system, where they were discovered to be conducting heinous experiments upon living organisms. Intending to produce biological machines of war. Their intent was clear, and their disregard for life was apparent. Our discovery motivated the continued investigation into the Occhestian intent. Investigation which uncovered the presence of a division of ideologies between Occhestians, a division which indicated that there were peace-minded Occhestians which were separate from those which had taken action against the Matriarchy, Occhestians of the Occhestian Republic. Extremists were responsible for the action against the Matriarchy, extremists were responsible for the gross excesses of advancement which took place. Separatist extremists were to blame, and with consensus from the Occhestian Republic, and upon review of information available, the decision was made to remove the extremist threat. Not just for the good of Lorath kind, but, for the good of all people which would be at risk from the Separatist agenda.”

“The Matriarchy set out on its own, without the aid of the United Outer Colonies for fear of implicating them in what could easily be construed as a terrible action. Upon the order of the Xiaah, and myself, the Matriarchy set out to remove the Separatist threat through the only means which would assure their neutralization as a threat. We conducted the systematic neutralization of the Occhestian Separatist threat. When we began, we focused our efforts upon their Navy, followed by their planetary holdings. Weapons of mass destruction were confined to use on high-value targets. However, as time wore on, there was an apparent defiance which remained. Separatists continued to fight, even at the cost of civilians. It was clear at that moment that any withdraw would permit the Occhestians to recover their forces and seek to inflict harm in response to the action taken against them. It was the decision of the Xiaah and myself to eliminate the remaining Separatists through the use of high-end weapons of mass destruction, which successfully terminated the remaining Separatist populace.”

Velor let those words hang there for a moment, just so the truth could be grasped so openly.

“Our campaign was an unfortunate success. There has been no further sign of the Separatists, there has been no indication of a further threat against those which exist as our neighbors. We took responsibility for the Occhestian Separatists, and that responsibility must endure. With that in mind, I spoke this truth to you, all who would hear my voice.”

“In light of this truth, the Lorath Self Defense Force will prepare a release of non-sensitive information relating to the operation, additional information will also be available from the Occhestian Republic in the form of records they had kept in relation to the Occhestian Separatists, as well as information linked to this painful series of events. Further details will be available through the official documents. I leave you now, with hopes of understanding, and forgiveness for what we did, to ensure the safety of all.”

End Transmission