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Approved Character [Lorath] Sii'pylet 'Evening' Faeren New Tur'lista


Inactive Member
For the Tomoe's new plot. I give you, the nightbitch.

If I forgot anything, let me know, I've been working on this for a few days and may have skipped some things.
Re: [Lorath] Sii'pylet Evening New Tur'lista

Forgot her age dear. Lorath age twice as slow as humans. So, she could be (using an example) 64 in human years, and only be like 32 in Lorath years.
Re: [Lorath] Sii'pylet Evening New Tur'lista

I HAD her age but it didn't format correctly. Thank you. :mrgreen:
Not a horn-boat? Thats a surprise. :lol:

Well, anywho, Hiyo Annie.

I'll assume rank is fine with 'Taco', so we'll move off from there. Fly seems to have all the Lorath stuff down (Wonder if we should ask for the winger span on the Lorath too... Nah.) at least in measurements, so lets move from that little bit of inexperience on my part.

I imagine there will be quite a few name jokes, but oh well. Lovely you get a pronouncement guide, I kinda think everyone should have one. (SOMEONE MAKE IT A REQUIREMENT! HAHA!) You get a cookie, there.

Height is fine, Weight is fine, I'm going to automatically assume Measurements are fine being that you also have zee bewbs and such, and... SARP; The one time when the female characters don't always have hueg breasts (Especially played by men) because they're Neko. All the non-Neko tend to. :lol: Tis fine, though, you are a she-bot anywho.

Personality -- I am tempted to not even review this at all as I know this: You are a fantastic role player. You are and if you try to be humble and say you aren't I'll swat ya for lying. However, I still have to.

And this personality should be something tossed up on the 'Examples of personality' character sheet things or something. That should spell this one out.

Arrr... Mm... Arr... The Back story... Well, yeah, tells a back story. Could be more but thats coming from me who tends to write a small book just to bother Jaqueline when he reviews it. Probably should have tossed in the caste information, but that isn't to horrible.

Skillz! Sigh.

Communications is fine. You can't do anything with it really, and the day someone does is the day they messed up with something or the day someone gets a cookie.

Knowledge is fine, tis also power. Ha ha ha. Ha.

Tech. op. ... Well, it could use a little detail, but oh well. The learn it quickly sounds somewhat poor in my mind, but the character is a intellectual, so it's fine.

Humanities is fine, although a warning; This is all on your part, this isn't something that you can just say your charrie has knowledge in or wing it on the fly. Thus, this one is kind of difficult.

Not to much to do on Biology, although otherwise I'd whip you for the shortness... But... Hey, It'll do piglet.

Eh... Ehhhh.... Medical and science sounds kinda Mary Sueish... At the same time... She has the time to learn this stuff I suppose, so... I'll let it pass, with the only real negative on the charrie.

Eh... Cooking this fine, I suppose. However, sweets isn't in the Likes/Dislikes list so you might wanna toss it in there as a minor edit. Lots of 'Good at' skills... But... Fast learner and old age traits justify it, I guess.

Standard issue... Probably should be changed, ring up Doco for this, being that the charrie has no weapon skill. You best remember this, too; She can shoot and has the training to shoot about as much as you do I imagine. I'm making assumptions here, but sure.

Inventory is fine...

... Monies tis fine

OOC discussion is WTF ARE TOLITES?! Prolly a French sex toy...

ARRR VERY MINOR STUFF IS ARRRR REQUIRED OR SUCH IN PIRATE LINGO OF INFORMALITY. Post in response to it and then you'll be right on your way. No rush, anyway; Plot isn't anywhere near starting.

Ninja edit: How the hell does yellow go to puke green? Oh well...

I have examined her bio, and I find things to be within acceptable parameters. Her lack of weapon skill can be remedied within a JP once the character gets aboard the plotship.

I give my 1/2 of approval
, Tiff has to tackle part two.
Adjusted and toned some stuff down -- the skills were written up early in the morning and with no breakfast so there's the distinct possibility that I paid it little attention.

And Tomoe mentioned the 'no combat skills' thing earlier and we did, in fact, decide to remedy it through roleplay (YAY RP OPPORTUNITIES.), but the equipment, he didn't say to change.

Tweaked the likes and dislikes to reflect the fact that she's Rachael Ray. (but not really.)

That's all, weee!
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