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FM Approved Yet? We'll see.
Faction requires art? I should hope not
For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? no
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No
After discussing trial by gameshow for Nepleslia, this came into my head. It seems too grimdark to be stimulating in any way and the grittiness lends some flavor to Lor's history. It should be noted this is ancient history and is almost unknown outside of Lor's academic circles of historians, law-makers and those with an interest in history.
I also stress I went for very clinical language, trying to remove any passion in order to keep things purely professional.
10:17 Doshii_Jun You on?
10:19 DocTomoe Was about to get showered for work, whats up?
10:21 DocTomoe Hustle it up good sir, I haven't got more than a minute.
10:23 Doshii_Jun Sorry.
10:24 Doshii_Jun Are you OK with the trial by coitus?
10:24 Doshii_Jun That submission of Leigh's.
10:24 DocTomoe Negative.