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Lorath Tech: Electronic-Stim


Inactive Member
Neural Transmitter Production Electro-Stimulant Pack.

Designer: Lorath Psionics House in cooperation with Lorath Warrior and Shaman houses.

Information: The Electro-Stimulant Pack technology has been researched to be used as an aid for the production of chemical neural transmitters. Through the use of this technology the chemical balances in the Lorath brain can be maintained or altered. The range of use of the device spans from simply controlling mood swings to preventing severe emotional lapses that would lead to self termination. The Electro-Stimulant packs can also be used to induce production of neural transmitters upon command.

Technical Information: Through the use of technology similar to the Neural Interface System, the Electro-Stimulant Pack is able to detect the brain wave patterns of the subject that is using the device and through analysis of the brain wave patterns, deduce what chemicals are present and not present in the subject's brain at the given time. After programming the device to the subject's body chemistry by placing samples of the subject's blood into the device the Electro-Stimulant pack is then able to be attached to the subject's nervous system, the Electro-Stimulant pack can be attached to any of the main nerve clusters in the subject's body or externally if interface ports are present. When the device is attached it will synchronize with the subject's current body chemistry and it will then be able to receive commands to produce or suppress individual chemicals by sending the proper nerve impulses to the subject's neural chemical production glands thus allowing for the induced production or cut-off of neural transmitters and other natural chemicals that would alter the individual's mood, brain function, and physical condition depending upon the chemicals released or suppressed. To prevent harm to the subject's body the Electro-Stimulant pack is pre-programmed with the maximum tolerances of chemicals that the Lorath body can endure; other safeguards can be programmed into the device if required, or some safeguards can be disabled if required, the override of safeguards that are programmed into the device can only be executed by qualified personnel. The availability of these devices is supervised by specific individuals such as doctors, field medics, neural surgeons, and house elders and leaders. The size of this device is approximately a two inch by one inch rectangle with a thickness of one half inch; the interface of the device is either a series of sensors that detect nerve impulses, or a set of connection wires meant to be attached to pre-installed interface ports. The programming of functions into the Electro-Stimulant pack is handled by plugging the interface into a computing unit, or using the Neural Interface System to send commands to the unit in a wireless manner. Installation of the unit can be done internally or externally. The process of installation for an internal placement would involve clearing out an area of fatty tissue and placing the device between the muscle layer of the subject and the outer layer of skin, a section of skin would be stretched against the unit and then a small square of external skin can be removed thus allowing for a seal to be formed preventing exposure of internal tissues, yet allowing access to the device for programming convenience. An external installation is much simpler, the device would be plugged into an interface port that would have been previously placed for use with the Neural Interface System, and an interface port can also be installed for use with the Electro-Stimulant pack.