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Rejected Submission Lorath Tech: Powered Gloves


Inactive Member
Powered Hand Armor Units.

Designer: Lorath Warrior House.

Information: Through the use of enhanced light weight yet durable polymers and a series of electromagnetic and gravitational fields the powered glove armor units are meant to repulse, absorb, or redirect melee damage, beam weapon damage, and solid ammunition rounds.

Technical Information: The glove units are fitted to be elbow length. They are powered by a modified bacterial energy pack (it allows for humanoid DNA digestion) located on the back of the hand section of the glove. The units become active when a high speed energy reaction or physical object is detected on its approach or the units can be pre-activated in anticipation of an attack. The units also serve as an aid in hand-to-hand combat by adding an additional pulse of electrical energy when activated to do so with an additional knock back effect. The method of the unit's ability to repulse solid and energy projectiles is through the use of a highly focused and condensed magnetic field system in unison with a pseudo gravity field created by the focused magnetic field systems. Additional regulation of the magnetic field systems is accomplished by a built in computation device that compensates for surrounding metallic objects, object density, and composition. The computation device is also designed to store profiles of known weapon technologies to allow for swift adjustment of the magnetic field to counter against various threats. If an unknown weapon technology is encountered, the computation system will quickly search through possible magnetic field types to counter the threat. Incase of failure to compensate to the effects and composition of the attack type the computation device is able to transmit whatever data it was able to collect to the nearest tactical command center and other nearby combative units, thus allowing for the attack to be analyzed and compensated for. The structure of the glove units is comprised mostly of a light weight carbon based material made into a tight weave combined with inlays of ultra dense titanium plates and support rods located in the knuckles and forearms. The magnetic field generation unit is able to be attached and detached from the palm of the glove where a power supply port is located; the magnetic field generator is in a circular shape and is approximately the size of a "hockey puckâ€
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Thats pretty good Tomoe, I forgot though if it was you or Cora that did It. I think Cora came up with the idea then Tomoe just made it into above.
Love it except for the fact that the lorath wouldn't have the reflex's to deflect a barrage of fire and the fact that some energy weapons have an invisible firing mode.....
If the glove generates a powerful magnetic field and you have metalic components bult into the weave of the glove then it would crush the hand of the user or pin his hand to the nearest peice of metal There is no discription of a computer that can understand the difference between something moving closer to him and him moving his hand closer to something else so any sudden movements on the user's part would trigger the device. You also don't have anthing discribing how strong the field is.
Again, if there is metal inside of the glove then wouldn't the glove crush itself or be flung off the user's wrist or something along those lines?

Also, what do you mean by different types of magnetic fields? As far as I know there is only one type... magnetic.
different types of field, as in charge, shape, wavelength, etc.

Titanium is a non-magnetic substance, thus preventing it from being adversely effected by the magnetic field. also the weave of the glove is made from a carbon fiber material, that is also non-magnetic. also due to the focusing and shape of the magnetic field, the glove will remain completely intact due to it not being in the intended area of effect.
Titanium is a non-magnetic substance

Titanium is a metal and those are susceptible to being magnetized last time I checked.

Also, if the person makes a first and gets shot at the glove would break his fingers. You also don't say what type of sensors are used to make the composition and whatnot calculations by the computer.
JoMidori said:
Thats pretty good Tomoe, I forgot though if it was you or Cora that did It. I think Cora came up with the idea then Tomoe just made it into above.

I designed a weapon, Tomoe designed the shield.
Not approved.
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