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Approved Submission [Lorath]Yabeu Animal Sanctuary


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Cultural/Store
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lorath:culture:yabeu

Faction: Lorath
FM Approved Yet? Approved as of Aug. 14th
Faction requires art? I don't believe so? I could make a logo if needed

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, see notes
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lorath:animals:gif_elm Is the first animal being submitted with Yabeu, I plan to make more as well as encourage Lorath players to make some, but I wanted to have at least one to submit with the article.

If this works out I think it'll be SARP's first pet store.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Looks good. Would work as a springboard for other Lorath animals, like a list or something. Will add them as we come up with them, given that for aspectation we get to invent an animal each time loosely similar to a real animal but different enough to be alien. That's husky's with six legs and giant rabbit-ears, sharks with syphons, arms, legs and necks and a type of bear that looks like an oversized lynx.
my biggest concern, other than if it's approved, is if I have to pay for it since it's a store too. Which I can hopefully afford. But if I do pay I'm wondering if there's residual income from it too?
@Syaoran You probably won't be able to afford it, but that's what business Loans are for <.< >.>
Or, it could offer other services to get some extra money, or perhaps get the notice of certain patrons, if you get my drift...

(Not shareholders though. Thems smelly.)
Oh hey! I like this!

I hereby endorse this, and also state that the Matriarchy would supply a 2,000,000 KS grant to this facility, with long-term supplemental grants, so long as the size of it is increased by at least 5x. More so, if Yabeu's preserve is located on Hici'emi, the Matriarchy would gladly provide a space the size of a mid-sized country, if so interested. As for the storefront, be certain that the Matriarchy would provide ad-time on broadcast and print services.

But either way, either as a small venture, or a large one, I hereby endorse this as faction manager.
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Two.....Million? Wow that is just wow more than I ever expected. A larger facility would be great. Though I think having a country sized reserve would be just too much for Ny'za to handle, and it wouldn't make since for her to go back to the LSDF after that. What about maybe an island? Not a huge one maybe somewhere between like 50km and 30km square? Yeah that's still a huge amount of land. But that way it can be more easily controlled and still fairly big and cater to our animals with large hunting grounds, as well as having some different mini ecosystems that can be used, I'd love to have a space where aquatic animals can survive too and not just swim out of the reserve XD.

Also I suppose I will move to Hici'emi for this. I thought since it was a settlement for the Helashio that I couldn't put any Lorath businesses on it. But if I can that's great.
She could totally work as a vet there. I'm gonna have Ny'za actually get a vet license too. And while I encourage to make Lorath animals regardless, if you want to put it in Yabeu tell me first. I have much more space than expected. but I still want to get a general idea of what's going on before it does.
So far, everything checks out. It's straightforward and simple, and since it's either one of the first or the first article of this type, I can't think to ask more of it. However, a gene bank may come in handy regarding the conservation efforts. If there won't be any more changes, I'll go ahead and approve it.
Well I want to focus on doing things as naturally as possible. So I'm avoiding things like gene banks. But yeah no more changes
Looking it over again, I note that it's a bit sparse. The article could use more descriptions of what the various habitats look like and so forth. As this picks up steam, I hope the article will grow some more. APPROVED