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Neshaten Information Network Lord Violates Diplomatic Laws

Nesha Prime: a hovering camera hovered showed a view of the large, ancient Lord Fuy'she Manor overlooking a small town.

Then the camera spanned over to a Daur wearing a red robe, two swords hung from their belt; they were currently watching the crowd before something unheard of got their attention. "Thank you," he said as he stepped aside to give the viewers a better angle of the crowd. "Fourteen hours ago, the royal family was alerted to some illegal actions by Lord Fuy'she, a noblemen responsible for overseeing the small town of Kita'kee'kee."

The Daur then turned to a My'leke, an obvious member of the Diplomatic Corp who was wearing a dark yellow robe and equipped with a large sword that was hanging off their back. "Magistrate Cu'beashe, can you explain to our viewers what happened?"

"I can," the My'leke said and sat down on his romp and looked toward the manor, his third eye was closed. "As you know, the Royal Family decreed that all first contact situations to be handled by the diplomatic core, as by law we are required to remain unbiased in our duties and to represent everyone in the Kingdom. Well, it would appear this lord choose to not get us involved, in fact he kept his meetings secret."

"Do we know whom he meet?"

The My'leke nodded. "As everyone knows, we didn't rediscover faster than light travel under the year of 633 of the Restart Era. However, no one knew that this Lord had stolen some of this technology and used it to commit to exploration before we'd designed ships ourselves to handle that job. Apparently in 655 he had made contact with a group to the galactic northwest - a very small group of people whom kept their own interactions with ours a secret from their government."

"How was he able to do this? Isn't all traffic in and out of the home system closely monitored?" asked the reporter.

A sigh came from the My'leke. "It is, by Lord Fuy'she is an expert when it comes to operating long range sensor equipment. He once served aboard a civilian monitoring station in high orbit above the capital, used to monitor traffic to and from the capital. We surmise that during his tenor he learned how to manipulate various systems including ones to hide his own vessels. Unfortunately given his race as a Laibe, and the connections he had to a few... unsavory parties... the Navy is currently looking into the possibility of him sympathizing with the Netrunu'marol.

"By mentioning Laibe, are you nervous you might get threatened or some such?"

"Hardly, I have Laibe who are apart of the Corp and know full well what I am referring to. We, sadly, have Laibe lords who support the Netrunu'marol; that's why it is difficult for them to attain such a status. However, we are getting off-topic," the My'leke stood up and stretched his back paws for a moment before sitting right back down. "We know about these possible connections due to encrypted communications that were sent out to a location that has no signs of life."

"What would this have to do with him contacting another species?"

"Because we have reason to believe based off those communications, that he might have been trying to convince these alliens to fight their battles - conscript them into their own forces - or somehow fool them into thinking that they were oppressed," The My'leke shook his head and then stood up. "It is wrong to convince another race to fight someone else's battles, and we are now taking steps to reduce the damage this lord has inflicted on a race that we are now aware of is in the midst of their own civil war."

The reporter blinked and then asked. "What is the Monarch's next course of action?"

"We've been instructed by the Queen herself to talk to these aliens, established a temporary place to talk. We won't fight their war, but we hope that the more knowledge we gain, the easier it'll be for our citizens to come up with an informed opinion on how to handle this situation."

"Do you think our viewers would be opposed to helping out?"

"I don't believe so, at least so long as the information is freely made available. As get more knowledge, that knowledge will be open to the citizens to read, study, and form their own opinions. With hopes, a meeting will called and we can determine our next major course of action," the My'leke stopped for a moment to catch their breath. "For now, we will be providing some humanitarian aid to the families of these aliens. But I want to assure everyone, that no weapons or warships will be dispatched to aid in this civil war; after all, it is not our interest to fight their battles. We wouldn't ask that of them, nor would we ask that of others."

"Well, you heard it folks," the Reporter said and turned toward the camera. "It would appear that Lord Fuy'she was indeed taking part in many illegal practices that are in direct violation to our laws. In fact, what will be done about this lords actions?"

"Simple," the Myleke said, as the camera snapped to them. "Given he violated the law, he'll more than likely be stripped of his status; this is of course going to be determined by the Queen. There will be a trial held in a few days."

The reporter nodded. "Well, that's it for now, we'll report more on this as events develop.
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