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RP [Love Day] Raphael and Uso's Date


Inactive Member
Raphael walked down the crowded streets of Morant, looking for a small out of the way bar he was told he needed to go to. As he walked, he sighed. "I can't believe I was suckered into a blind date..." He thought as he happened upon the bar. It was very nice considering were it was. It was a very romantic setting. The lights were turned down low and the tables were all in the shape of hearts. The booths were all red and very inviting . It was very obvious that this place was meant for, and Raphael was very embarrassed that of all the places that his friends could have set up a date, they choose this place. As he entered small bar, he took a seat at one of the lavish booths and waited for his date to arrive. As started to drum his fingers on the table. He had never actually been on a date before. If he wasn't fighting he was just preparing for one. It was odd to find him sitting here. He was never one to actually relax. After several ops, his friends had tricked him into going to this blind date.

He stretched his wings as much as he could in the booth, and ordered himself a drink. "I really hope she doesn't find me weird..." He thought.

"You're my date right?"

The neko asking the question practically jumped into the booth, spreading her arms wide as she made herself comfortable, her hand waving over at the bartender, signaling to bring a second of whatever Raphael was having,

"Because it'd be really embarrassing if I just sat down with a stranger.... Then again, it ain't like I know the guy anyways."

The neko would give him a toothy grin, sizing up the Elysian before her. Uso herself was dressed quite casually, a simple blue jacket that complemented her green hair, and snugly fitting blue pants with nearly see-through mesh panels along her upper, outer, legs. Her jacket was zipped up for the most part, the zipper showing only an inch of two of skin below the neck line. Practically modest for a neko! Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, small heart shaped bangs framing her face as her purple eyes slowly worked their way over him.

Raphael looked dumbfounded as the beautiful Neko sat down at his table. He removed his beret, reveling his long white hair that was tied back in a ponytail. His red and blue eyes blinked multiple times as he took in the Neko that sat before him. He caught himself staring and blushed.

"You would be miss Uso?" He asked. Raphael removed his large black trench coat to reveal his black three piece suit. He handed the bartender a stack of credits. "Keep the drinks coming."

He took a swig and pulled on his collar. "You must forgive me. I have never actually done this before..." He said handing her one of the drinks. "I hope you enjoy whiskey."


She would take a swig of the whiskey in-front of her, deciding to unzip her jacket and let it hang off her shoulders, an unsurprisingly blue tank top on underneath showing a bit more cleavage than before,

"Right now you're stiffer than this drink. Trench Coat. Three Piece Suit... I mean, seriously all three peices? You're out here ta have fun hun... plus it doesn't hurt a cute little Elysian like yourself to show a little skin from time to time. You've clearly got more that you want to show off besides some facial scars and heterochromita."

She tilted her head to the side a bit,

"So what do you do for fun? Or should I be giving you a chance to pitch your woo first?"

Rapahel sighed. 'Well this is off to a great start.' he thought.

He laughed nervously as he stretched out his red tipped wings. "You know what I really have no idea so... I like to fly. I am often caught gliding around when I have spare time. It is freeing to be alone with just your thoughts. What about you? What do you do for fun?" He asked taking another drink.

"Usually women of questionable virtue," Uso replied, snickering a bit to herself, "I've done drinking, games, shootin', fightin', generally whatever I feel like. Flying occasionally... though really it is a lot less gliding and a lot more rocket-assisted falling. Frankly, I'm bored."

She would lean forward, quickly finishing off her drink before leaning back again.

"I have been thinking of trying the whole empress thing though. How hard could that be right? Fly out to some backwater planet, suit up in power armor, terrorize the locals.... welll.... " Uso would hold up her hands at this point for the air quotes, " 'Civilize' them. Most of the territory right around the Kyoto sector is basically unexplored. Or maybe I should try the markets? I hear trading stocks and options is like gambling's bigger more exciting brother."

Raphael raised an eyebrow. "Thank goodness someone said it." He said as he relaxed and pulled the first piece of his three piece suit off. "My asshole friends gave me an entirely different idea of what I was supposed to do." He leaned back downing his drink as well and waving over another round.

"Taking over a planet is nothing to scoff at, even a backwater planet. One PA would take many of them out, but enough of them would eventually over power you..." He said getting to technical again. If I were in those shoes, I would blitz the largest city and strike fear into the local populous. Then have the locals fight each other until eventually I stood on top." He paused "Stocks are fun too if you know how to play it." He said as he sipped his whiskey.

"They told you to do what they'd do on a date right?"

Uso got another good laugh at his expense,

"If you go into these things pretending to be someone you're not, you're just going to attract someone who ain't interested in you."

She'd look over at the bartender, ordering another glass before looking back over at Raphael.

"... and yeah, I think you got the right idea," Uso leaned forward now, sitting closer to the edge of her seat, a slight forward bend showing off her best side, "You gotta blitz the big city, or seat of government, or whatever. Show their current government that you mean business. The easiest way of running the place would be to just use what is already there. Assuming they don't have tech on par with what we fought here it'd be an easy fight.... course... how long can you stay in a power armor? Eventually you got to sleep, eat, that kinda thing... plus it'd be super-boring spending the rest of your life hiding inside the suit. I figure you'd need at least a small crew to get going, a few guys maybe to watch your back. Your own supply of food from outside too because you know they are going to poison everything the give you.

Course, I have just as much fun thinking about it from the other side. Assuming you just had basic tools, how'd you fight off power armored space invaders?"

Raphael sat closer as well as he became enthralled in battle tactics. "That is also a fun concept. The best a group of people in that situation can do is to let the invaders in. They would have no way to repel a full blown attack from a superior force. But, once they have started to bring their war machines down from orbit it would be a trivial matter to apprehend one of the enemy soldiers once they have let their guard down. They could then be forced to show you how to use their tech." He leaned back again. "Then it would be a matter of staging hit and run attacks on remote outposts to gain more supplies. If that makes sense..." He said undoing his ponytail, letting his hair fall to his shoulders.

"Huh, I had you pegged as a ponytail guy... keeps it out of the eyes," Uso thinking out loud as she saw him get comfortable,

"And yeah, makes total sense. If you're the spacey invaders you need to keep your tech out of the natives hands. If you are the natives you have got to work to make your captors vulnerable. Best thing to do as the natives might be to co-operate, don't take the first opportunity you get, or the second... just wait a while until you have everything you need to oust your captors for good. Course, that makes it hard to maintain control if you're the space invaders. You always have to be on guard around your subjects... course, if you turn the whole thing into a profitable enterprise you could probably aford a few combat robots to keep the peace, and it ain't like there aren't mercenary groups to help keep things going.

'Course, I kinda like the idea of building a nice big palace ontop of a buncha gunpowder. Lure the space invaders in, let them sleep, them BOOM! Doesn't matter how good your armor is, enough boom 'll end it."

"That is indeed a good way to take out the enemy. Though, you would also never be trusted among your new populace. The best thing to do is open up your right hand, and hold your left behind your back. Display outward kindness but secretly take care of your invaders with discrete accidents." He held out his hands in much surprise. "I swear I had no idea that Bob disliked you all. We all welcomed you here." He grinned "Then turn around and keep supplying ordinances and intel to those who are willing to do the dirty work."

"Yeah yeah... never trusted... that's the new big prize in warfare isn't it? How do you get your conquests to start treating you like liberators?" She asked.

"Easy," He said with a grin. "Supply the people with some new inventions. A few well placed advances would show the people that their old way of life is not as comfortable as the one you can provide them. New medicine, new ways to complete their old mundane tasks. Show them that if they accept you then they can live an even better way of life, as long as they accept you as their ruler. Give them an offer they can't turn down."

"And here I was thinking you were just a pretty face," Uso teased, "So then, what do you do with the Old Guard? Those who were in power before but are finding themselves increasingly powerless in this new world that you just bought for a handful of trinkets?"

"They are given a choice, integrate or dissipate. They can either become members of your new military, with substantial increases in rank. Or they are let go. How are let go is up to them. If they leave peacefully then they can just go. If they try to put up a fight, discretely take care of the problem. Hide any trace that they ever existed."

Uso waved her hand dismissively, "These people would be legion. Even a small army of power armored soldiers wouldn't be able to route out an aggressor hiding among the population without also wiping out the population. This is your classic cloak and dagger shit."

Raphael chuckled. "You will have to forgive me. Subterfuge is my specialty. Several years in the Nep. Marine corp as a sniper as well as a few years in the IPG has turned me into a very sneaky individual."

"Maybe you should have taken me to a shooting range instead of a bar," Uso replied, downing another glass to make her point, "My kind doesn't easily get drunk, you stick out here, and there's nothing here to shoot."

Raphael grabbed his trench coat and put out his hand. "Then lets go find a nice place to go shoot shit." He said rasing an eyebrow. "I bet ya I am a better shot..." He teased.

"Wacha willin to wager?" Uso asked, grinning as she took his hand, letting him lead her up out of the booth.

"I don't know. How about a kiss from the lovely lady?" He said as he moved to the door ushering her outside.

"Sure, a kiss if you win, anywhere you want it... but If I win I want you to call your friends on the spot and let them know what just happened." Uso replied, following Raphael, letting him dictate the pace.

"Is that so?" Raphael snickered. "I will take that bet Ms. Uso." He rolled his shoulders. "But I should warn you, I haven't missed a shot in 7 years. You might regret those words." He laughed

"Well I don't even really know how to shoot... I'm sure it'll be an easy win for you!" Uso said, her grin still quite toothy...

"Oh really, and yet you agreed to that bet? I would almost say that you wanted to kiss me..." He said with a sly grin.


In a short span of time, the pair had left the bar behind. In-front of them were cases of weapons, ammo, and targets for rent at the nearby gun range. There wasn't much usable land on the planet.... so what little bit of indoor space was dedicated to the shooting booths and office space... the booths looking out onto the ocean where floating and hovering targets were being moved about by small flying bots,

"So what gun should I try Mr. Gun Expert?" Uso asked.

Raphael had walked up to the counter and looked over the weapons. He grabbed two GP-1 assualt rifles. (https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:weapons:gp-1_assault_rifle) "You cant go wrong with these. Plus..." He took one of the GP-1s and removed the scope. "This should give you an advantage." He said smirking

"Hey now, don't get cocky kid," Uso said, getting a few boxes of ammo and some ear protection before heading towards the firing range itself, ".... besides, aren't you gonna show me how to shoot one of those?"

"Of course." Raphael smiled "Where are my manners?" He said grabbing ammo and hearing protection. He moved to one of the firing ranges ushering Uso to the stand. As she sat and grabbed the rifle, Raphael stepped up behind her. He grabbed her arms and showed her where to place them. He traced his hand up to her trigger finger. "Now, can you see the target through the scope?" He asked

"Yeah.... hold on one moment..." Uso said, pulling away from him for a moment so she could take off her jacket, tossing it off to the side, the Neko showing off her tank top and slightly reddish radiator slits on her arms. "...ok."

She would lean back in, looking through the sight at their target, a black outline of a person suspended by a hovering drone. She'd place her arms back where Raphael instructed her, her finger remaining off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard.

Raphael backed off as she removed her jacket. He leaned back in helping her sight in the target. "Now if you want to hit the target, you need to aim just a little higher than where you want your bullet to go." He leaned in closer, his words barely a whisper. "Slow your breathing, feel your heart beat. Find the pause in between beats, let your breath out slowly and pull the trigger."

Uso would play along, breathing in, holding her breath for a moment, and then exhaling as she squeezed the trigger.


Her first shot landed on the target, passing through the outline's shoulder,

"Like that?"

He smiled. "It is a start, but you are bracing for the recoil. It causes you to jerk ever so slightly at the last moment." He said feeling how tense her trigger arm was. "Relax your arm when you fire. Let the gun do the work." He said leaning in. "Try again."

Uso scooched back just a bit, pressing her back up against his chest as she leaned into the rifle again... 'relaxing' her arm as he suggested.


Her next round sailed right through the outer ring of the target,

"This is easy, I'm a natural!"

Raphael smiled. "It would seem so." He said as he noticed that she was leaning in to him. "Alright, you are nearly there. Now you need to put it all together and am just a little lower." He said placing his hands over hers.

Uso would take a decent pause, letting his hand linger on hers... before firing off a quick burst.


All three rounds landing within the middle ring of the target.

Raphael paused, then he smirked. "You hustled the secret agent." He laughed. "I think I need to step it up." He and Uso switched placed, and Raph settled into his sniper stance. He looked down the iron sights and cycled the chamber.

He let out a slow, shallow breath. His heart rate slowed, as he sighted in his target.


Five shots rang out in rapid succession, all hitting the central X in the center of the target. "Well?" He asked expectantly

"Quite the shots," Uso replied, "You've done this before!"

He smirked. "Maybe..."

"So what are we going for? Best of ten?" She asked.

"All right then. Practice is over, the best of ten shots." He said placing a new clip in and sliding the rack back. "Ladies first then." He smiled.

Uso would pick up her rifle, and go to the booth next to his... taking her time to carefully load the bullets into the magazine one at a time... then sliding the magazine in... then chambering a round. A few more moments and she would start shooting.




Her grouping wasn't half bad, some shots landing in the center ring, some in the middle ring, "Ok, your turn,"

He sat down in his booth, looking down the sights. He took another shallow breath.



The rounds slammed home into the central target. his grouping was very tight, only two of the ten rounds landed in middle ring.

Raphael grimaced. "Not my finest work." He said studying the two stray holes in the target.

"Looks like you won a kiss," Uso smiled over at him from her booth, "Care to go double or nothing?"

"Oh, what would I win? And what would you win if I lose?" He smirked, already loading a third clip.

"How about you take me out on another date sometime if I win?" She asked.

"Deal." He said "Go on hot stuff." He said switching out the targets.

*SLick, thiwip-ip-ip-ip-ip* Uso ejected the magazine and quickly reloaded it with bullets before sliding it back in with well oiled precision, she then pressed the rifle back up against her shoulder and placed two fingers against the trigger after selecting semi-auto mode.


In no time at all she had placed 9 rounds in the center mass of the target, and one just off center.

"Your turn!"

Raphael gave a small smile. He thumbed on the semi-automatic.




That continued on for several more seconds as Raphael finished firing his ten shots.

His bullets were missing the center entirely. Raphael was outlining the target shape. "Whoops." He said with mock surprise. I think I might have lost..." He said looking over at Uso. "I guess that I owe you another date miss Uso. I have to admit you are the first to beat me in marksmanship..." He said smiling.

"HA! Well played." She said, smiling as she watched him intentionally miss the target. "I take it you knew I used to use these things back during the last Elysian war huh?"

Raphael smiled. "Was it that obvious?" He asked standing up and walking over to her. "You ever heard of one Sir Uriel Castiel?" He asked sitting down next to her. "My father was the commander of The Heaven's defensive forces. He taught me how to use these from a young age." He said smiling

"Can't say I have," Uso replied, "Then again, we didn't have a lot of information on the inner workings of the Elysian government during the war... Certainly nothing like the familiarity that was developed after.

Have you actually shot at anyone before? Or just targets?"

"Many people. I have honestly lost count..." he said trailing off. It was really sad that he actually couldn't remember how many people he had killed.

"The last count I remember was upwards of 250. Although that was several missions ago." He said with little emotion. "But I assume that is not a shock to you." He said giving a wry smile.

"Yeah, that is a bit of a surprise. 250 seems kinda high... Then again, I don't exactly keep count... And I didn't exactly get to shoot at people. Seraphs sure, power armors, monsters, ancient attack bots...no ... Wait... I totally remember shooting a lot of people on Nepleslia's iceball planet, and on Nep Prime during the NMX quasi invasion."

Uso looked a bit lost in thought, her mind wandering before coming to her next thought,

"But things are boring now. I don't exactly have to shoot people for a living, ideology, or friendship anymore."

"Well being a soldier of fortune isn't all it's cracked up to be either. After a while it loses its alure. Miss the good old days when I actually fought for something. For something other than your own selfish reason. I have been looking for something... or someone to fight for..." he said looking over at Uso.

"Oooh, don't look at me! I like the selfish reasons!"

Uso had a good natured tone about herself now, slipping away from the down note she ended on last time.

"Working for myself is FANTASTIC. . I do what I want, No fightin' and diein' to make someone else rich or powerful. Yeah, not everyone can do it but if you're gonna fight for someone you might as well fight for yourself, after all you know where you stand.

Your countrymen? They just care that you tow the party line, they just ain't that into you as you. And Elysia? There will always be someone's homeworld, or some nation that wants you to fight for it... but they ain't on your side either. Get what you need from them then move on."

Raphael laughed off the anxiety of his statement. "Well, you might have a point..."He said with a smirk. He stood up, holding out his hand to Uso. "Would you like to go get some food?" He asked with a good natured smile. "Or perhaps would you like to go somewhere more quiet?" He asked blushing... "Or we can just stay and blow up more stuff... if you would like..." He said running a hand through his long hair.

"I've had enough to shoot, lets try eating." Uso replied, unloading her rifle before taking his hand, "What-all do you come to this island to eat? I can get a Neppies Stim Burger anywhere, but I might only visit this planet once in my life!"

He smiled "Morant is not known for any good reasons, but let me think..."

"HA.... " Uso said, stifling a laugh, "Just some backwater dump huh? Come on, lets go ask someone..."

"Oh you know me so well." He teased. He tentatively held her hand as they walked to find someone who could point them in the right direction.


Later that night, the pair ended up returning to the house Uso was staying at. The pair were stuffed with eating some kind of rare fish that they had been assured only swam in the deepest caves, and had to be caught by only the most skilled and fearless fish-hunters.

"I'm staying with a friend," Uso said as they approached, "So we should probably call it a night here... her and her daughter are probably already asleep... though I should thank you for the night out!"

Raphael smiled. "No thank you Ms. Uso. It has been my pleasure to take you out tonight." He said about to leave. "So we will go on another date right? I did lose the bet after all..." He asked rubbing the back of his head. He was praying that Uso felt the same way about him that he did about her.

"This is the most fun I have had in who knows how long." He said blushing.

"Yeah, I expect you to come up with something great next time," Uso said, pausing infront of the door, smiling like an imp as she watched him blush, "So are you gonna try and kiss me or am I going to be waiting out here a while?"

Raphael went from blushing, to all out red in the face. His face looked like a cherry. "Umm...umm...oh to hell with it!" He said stepping up to her. It looked quite funny when the 7'3" Elysian actually kneeled down to the 5'6" Neko's height. He brought a hand to her face, and lighty placed it behind her head. He took a second taking in her face. He leaned in, closing his eyes. All Raphael could think was. 'I never kissed anyone before! I am gonna screw up! Oh I hope I don't screw this up!' He thought all in the brief second before their lips made contact. All of his fear and anxiety vanished in the blink of an eye. All of those feelings were instantly replaced with a feeling of sheer euphoria.

Uso was warm and inviting, her hands going to his shoulders, gently holding him and providing just enough encouragement.

"Mmmm.... you could use some practice," She said, "I'll expect another one next time,"

Raphael pulled away, for a brief moment to look into her beautiful eyes. "Yes ma'am." He said with a huge dumb guy smile.
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