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[Love Day YE 39] Jackson & Zoia

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Inactive Member
Hanako's World - Early YE 39

Zoia stood on Hanako's World, a random mall and realistically had no idea what she was supposed to do right now. The Love Day competition had sent her two emails, and when she found out that she lost a person, she was just a little peeved, but she still had their contact information. So she told them, that if they wanted, she would come and see them outside of the competition. She just didn't know where they were.

She pulled out her Datapad and sighed, typing on it.

P-Princess: Heya! Was wondering where you might be?
Away the message went, and she waited, looking at the people who walked by. She was getting some strange looks, but she knew what they were for. Not many Vekimen were on Hanako's world. She was strange...

Jax himself strolled along, looking just like any other of the locals, save for the ears and tail. Considering that he was going on a date, however, he'd opted for something a little nicer than a Hawaiian shirt and swimtrunks. Dressed in a pair of chinos, oxfords, and a navy button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he glanced this way and that, looking for another person who seemed to be lost.

He really hoped for the best this time around. He'd managed to get two matches this year. One of them was literally a talking insect, something he was rather trying to avoid. Love was a strange thing indeed.

His datapad buzzed, and he read his new message. Looking up, he saw a rather short, reptilian creature standing on the other side of the main concourse, staring intently at her datapad, and looking as if she were waiting for something. Jax cocked an eyebrow. Was that his date?

'I mean, I'll try anything once.' he thought to himself. It'd been awhile since he'd last dabbled in romance, and he wasn't going to be picky now. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards Zoia.

"Uh, hey! Are you P-Princess? I'm... uh... SpaceCat!"

The alien looked up at the person, slowly tilting her head. The awkward greeting was one thing, usually something fans did when they met her. She giggled a little, the sound pleasant to the mans ears and stood up, hefting a bright pink knapsack with a familiar feline character on the front of it. "My, good eye. Yes, that would be me. Are you a fan? I'll take a picture with you, but I am sort of waiting on someone," She said, grinning. The band around her left horn bearing the Morioka Sunburst which was a familiar sight to Yamatai, but other then that she wore a belt with plenty of pockets, and nothing else.

"Fan? Uh, no! No! I'm your date... I think." Jax replied with a nervous laugh and showed her his datapad.

The Alien blinked a handful of times once he told her he was her date. It seemed to take a moment to click, and realize how horrifically rude she must seem at this point.

"Oh I am so sorry!" She stated quickly, bowing her head in apology, bringing her hands together. "I am often not thinking right, thought there is no excuse. I shoud be more observant!" She added on, holding the apologetic stance.

Jax winced. Things were off to a great start! He waved his hands dismissively.

"Aw, don't worry about it! I can be completely oblivious sometimes! Once thought a mugger was just a homeless guy looking for spare change!"

He bit his lip and looked around.

"Want to go for a walk?" he asked, gesturing out to the mall and all of the shops, with swarms of people going about their business.

Zoia stood up, smiling with a toothy, yet clearly sheepish smile. "Yeah... That would be nice. It's a little cold in here for my liking," She said, putting her backpack on properly and grabbing hold of his arm as a date would. The first thing he would notice is that she was cold. Everything else was obvious, but she was certainly well built for such a tiny, 89lbs package.

"Once we get outside, I will give you the present I got you. I figured we would be having a loveday, but I couldn't exactly figure out what you would like, so I just made a guess. Hopefully I'm at least close to the mark," She grinned.

Jax went a deep shade of red and scratched the back of his head.

"You didn't need to do that..." he mumbled, clearly embarassed. "I didn't get anything for you. I'm, uh, new to this."

Zoia grinned up at him, hugging his arm a little. "It's fine. I have to admit, it's sort of part of my job. Don't worry though, I'm on a date with you because I want to be. You looked cute, which is why I messaged you again," She explained, her steps long enough for him to walk properly. "It just makes things happen, rather than it needing to be an active thought. Plus, gifts that I give to people I want to be with have a level of practicality to them, where as others are just nice sentiments," She added, looking around. "Yamatai is just a large place..."

"Well, personally, I like this particular planet way more than Yamatai Prime," Jax muttered, his mood picking up a bit. "I like the beaches, the people are a little more friendly..."

Not to mention Yamatai was were his last girlfriend had vanished into thin air with no goodbye. But that wasn't really something to share.

"Really, the only reason I ever go there is because it has a starport large enough to accomodate my business."

"Ooo, a business man and a soldier?" Zoia cooed, looking around. "It is a really nice planet. I noticed the beaches on my fly in. Maybe we could go see them? Or maybe there is another place you like to go? You have me all day for the most part, but I figure you have to go back to work soon," She said as they aproached the mall exit.

"Eyup," Jax sighed, stepping out into the warm tropical sun. "That's what sucks about Love Day rolling around mid-deployment."

"I could imagine, but hey, if this day goes nicely I might give you my Datapad information so that we can keep in touch. You seem rather nice as it is," She said happily, letting him go and walking to the side of the walkway. "But, your gift. I nderstand you are an engineer?" She asked, tilting her head a little.

"That I am." Jax replied with a smirk.

The alien dug through her HeyKitten backpack for a moment, she pulled out what looked to be, at face value, a Star Army Ke-M2-W3703, with all the symbols and such in the correct places. "I know it doesn't look like much, but it actually is much different from your actual knives," She said, handing it to him. "I had it comissioned from a Vekimen metal worker," She smiled.

When he pulled the blade out of the sheath, he could very clearly tell what the difference was. The blade looked to be made out of gold. "It's not actually gold. My people have a metal, similar to your kinds tungsten steel. It's a strong, sharp blade that will do what you need it to. It doesn't have the regenerative properties, but as long as you aren't grinding it on concrete the edge should stay nice and sharp."

Jax held the knife in his hands, examining it with a sense of awe. It felt so light- like, impossibly light for its size. Then, for a test, he began expertly twirling it in his fingers, accidentally allowing some of his ninjitsu training to show through.

"T-thank you!" he said finally. "It's beautiful!"

"I wanted to make sure you could wear it... Otherwise I would have made it a little more... Unique. Uniform standards and such. I hope your CO doesn't get angry at the different blade..." Zoia mumbled, scratching her quills nervously.

Jax smiled and shook his head.

"Ah, it'll be fine. She doesn't really care as long as I'm doing my job right."

Also, he made a mental note to send her something later, when he had time to really shop around. He felt quite horribly about not having his own gift.

Up ahead was a small tiki bar facing the beach. Jax looked down at Zoia and jutted his thumb over.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, hoping to get started in repaying the gift.

"Hmm? Oh, of course! Just no alcohol please. It kinda makes me stop living," She chuckled, hugging his arm again.

"Sure thing!" said Jax, who walked off to the bar. A moment later, he came back with two virgin pina coladas, one of which he handed to Zoia. "I went ahead and skipped the alcohol too. I don't think it would be proper for me to drink while technically still on duty."

Jax gestured to a small table under some shade with a view of the ocean, then took a seat.

"So, what do you do?" he asked.

Zoia followed, sitting down across from him, letting her tongue sli from her muzzle and di into her drink. "I am... Well... I hope you don't find it weird, but I'm kinda a Pornstar... That's what the P in my username when talking to you means. My name is the Porn Princess..." She said sheepishly. "And given how much sugar is in this... Just saying... I consent," She laughed.

"Oh, no, I think that's great in my op-" Jax began to say, but suddenly stopped as Zoia reached the last part, nearly choking on his drink. For a man who spent nine months out of the year in a cramped co-ed starship with genetically-modified femme fatales, he still seemed so innocent.

"A-are you okay? I hope I didn't say anything wrong," The alien asked, holding out a napkin so he could clean the drink off his face from his reaction. "Like... I get it if you aren't into it, I don't talk about it much more then that," Zoia said, hoping she didn't just destroy the date.

With a blush, Jax wiped his mouth clean and cleared his throat.

"No! No! It's just... I'm not used to anyone being so forward on the first date."

"Oh... Well, Vekimen aren't exactly... picky about sex you know? It's kinda how we show even the barest amount of compassion. Like hugging a friend, or just dealing wth boredom. I know your kind are a little more personal with things. If it makes you uncomfortable..." Zoia laughed nervously.

Jax nodded slightly. He'd found through his experiences with girls that he didn't like the idea of "casual" sex.

"I'm sorry if it encroaches on your culture or anything... but yes, I'm not really the type to jump in the sack on a whim."

"Oh no! No no, I wasn't trying to say that! I was just... Okay, I'll admit... I'm really bad at meaningful dates. I'm used to showing up, letting my date get what they want and going home..." She sighed, looking at the table, a little down trodden.

'Oh, god damn it.' Jax winced internally.

"Look, it's nothing for you to feel ashamed about," Jax said. "It's perfectly fine to enjoy sex. I mean, I live with nekovalkyrjas day in, day out. They're all very casual about romance."

"Oh god don't get me started on the Neko... I live with 15 ex-sex slave Neko. It's horrible sometimes..." Zoia sighed with exasperation, rolling her grey eyes. "But no... I enjoy the intimacy of things. Otherwise I would charge you 40k DA, which I'm not. As I said, you're not a customer... I feel the need to explain that more... SO HOW ABOUT THESE PINA COLATA!" She suddenly shouted, picking hers up and cradling it, looking at it intensely as if it held the secret to life. She wanted to change the subject, so she stuck her tongue back into the cold drink.

Jax recoiled slightly at such a sudden change of mood, but shrugged and decided to roll with it.

"Yes indeed-y! Perfect pineapple to coconut ratio! And the whipped cream! So FRESH!"

"I will be honest though, if I finish this, can we go somewhere less obvious? I would rather not get really funny in public. Alcohol kills me, but Sugar makes me a little coo-coo. It has something to do with how we metabolize sugar..." She giggled. "Like... I can feel it right now."

"Do you have a ship? Where are you staying?"

"Well, I was dropped off, but I was going to book a hotel somewhere. Why, do you have something else in mind?" She asked, her mane of quills suddenly getting just a little more prominent.

"Well, I would hope that I wouldn't have to drag you behind some bushes or something... Okay, that came out wrong... Not trying to be creepy, or anything, but I definitely can't take you back to my ship." replied the minkan, gesturing to the towering frame of the Eucharis at the starport a couple miles down the beach.

"Heh, drag me behind some bushes. More than some would do I would say," She giggled again, laying her head on the table. Looking at the drink, about half was gone, and 90% of it was sugar.

Jax groaned internally. He could NOT get into any sort of trouble while he was on duty. Finishing off his own drink, he stood and walked around to the other side of the table, offering a hand to Zoia.

"I think we'd better get you that hotel room." said the engineer.

Zoia seemed to hop up, a little unsteady on her feet, but her tail lashed out to balance her again. "Oh? Going somewhere new?" She asked, giving Jax a goofy smile. "Well, please lead the way sir."

Being originally from Nepleslia, where drinking was the national sport second only to warfare, Jax was very experienced in handling people who'd had too much to drink. He'd never seen anyone with such an insane sugar high, but he figured it worked the same way.

"Yup! Come on, let's find you a place to lie down for a bit." he replied just as cheerily, linking his arm in hers and slowly ambling down the sidewalk.

"Only if you keep me warm... Cold blood, and you are really... really hot..." She giggled, hugging his arm tightly.

'Christ! What have I gotten myself into?!' Jax whined internally. On the outside, he smiled.

"Of course! It would be rude of me not to!"

He guided the Vekimen down towards the starport, to a hotel that he'd stayed at a few times before when they'd docked. It was clean, had an ocean view, and the staff held a special reverance for members of Hanako's crew.

"Come on, almost there." he whispered as he guided her through the front doors. He got a few odd stares from passerby as they walked to the lobby.

"Oooh, this place is pretty..." Zoia said, looking at the very traditional decor of the hotel. "I've never seen so many water features in a single room!" She added, practically hanging off the military Minkan.

The concierge cocked an eyebrow at the familiar face that stumbled up to the desk, with a strange alien hanging off of him.

"Mr. Howard," he greeted. "Checking in?"

"We are on a date!" The alien giggled happily, looking up at the Minkan, who was doing his best to keep a straight face. "It's going great!"

"Uh, yeah! The usual, please!" Jax asked, suddenly feeling something flat and dry tickle across his cheek.

"You taste good..." The alien said, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth, giving Jax a very clear idea what she just did. Jax gave the elderly man a pleading look. The concierge remained silent for a moment before sliding a key across the counter, which Jax quickly scooped up. Then, he walked as fast as Zoia would allow towards the elevator.

"Payment, sir?!" called out the man from the lobby.

"Charge it to my account!" Jax called over his shoulder and stepped into the elevator, hitting a button for the fourth floor and closing it before anyone else could get inside. The elevator started to rise, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Zoia seemed a little disoriented at being pulled around, but other then that didn't mind. "I hope I'm not causing a scene... That would be awkward..." She said, before starting to giggle again. "But it's weird. Motor oil, machine lubricant, and metal. That's what you smell like..." She said, looking at Jax. "You HAVE to be a mechanic."

"Yeah, pretty much. It's my jam." he muttered with a small grin. With a happy little "ding!" the doors slid open, and Jax continued walking. Down the hall, to the right about five doors, was the small suite he frequented whenever he stopped by. Fumbling into his pocket for his key, he pushed open the door and gestured inside.

"There you go! Bed," he explained, pointing to the queen-sized matress to the left, but once the door closed, the alien practically mauled him. She had hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and such strong legs they were as she was able to keep herself upright enough to start trying at getting his shirt off.


Jax felt the pitiful noise escape his lips before he could stop himself. Gaining quick control of himself, he ignored Zoia's attempts and carried her to the bed, placing her down as gently as he could and firmly pushing her away, though her legs were still wrapped around him in a vice. However, he found it easy to pin her wrists above her head.

"No! No!" he panted from exertion. "Listen, you're drunk! Stop and think about this for a moment!"

Zoia cooed, being oughed up a little. Her tail wrapped around him like a snake and she licked him again. "You know how to get a girl huh? I like the roughness..." She giggled, her head lolling a little to the side and a deep purring sound eminating from her chest.

To say that Zoia's advances didn't cause any sort of biological reaction in Jax was a lie. In his defense, however, it'd been a year since he'd last gotten laid.

"I wanna give you a going away present! I don't mind! Honest!" She said, her voice starting to lose some of the oomph it had, and Jax could see that she was having a hard time keeing her head upright.

Jax groaned a little.

"I appreciate that. I really do. But I won't. Not when you're drunk." he said again, firmly. "Just lie down and go to sleep. If you do, I'll stay and keep you nice and warm okay?"

"Awe... But you're so... So..." She started, losing her drive a little. She leaned up and rubbed her face into his chest. "You're really warm..." She finally got out, before he could hear her snoring. The Sugar hit short and fast it would seem, and all that loopy energy vanished, draining her instantly it seemed. Jax held his breath, waiting for her to jump back to life again, and when she didn't, he let out a sigh of relief.

He pulled back the sheets and picked her up with ease. He tucked Zoia in, making sure to give her extra blankets to keep her warm, with her cold bloodedness and all. Then, true to his word, he removed his shoes, still keeping his clothes on for good measure just in case she woke up, and awkwardly slid in next to her.

"Well, still have a few hours." Jax whispered to himself, pulling up his datapad and surfing the web to pass the time. There wasn't much time to pass. A half hour later, the alien started to stir, rolling over onto her stomach and slowly ushing herself off the bed.

"Uhg... Now I remember why I stopped with the sugar..." She muttered, before noticing Jax was right there. She looked him in the eye for a moment, and he could see the gears turn and turn. Then she groaned and flopped back onto the bed, fopping to the bed. "Fuck... I didn't do what I think I did.. Did I?" She muttered.

Jax raised an eyebrow and lifted the sheets, revealing that he was till fully dressed.


"But... I threw myself at you... I was... I was exactly how I was with customers and that is exactly what I didn't want to do..." She grumbled. "I get it if you don't wanna see me again... I've been a royal fuck up this entire date..."

Jax sighed and pushed himself up to sit against the headboard.

"Look, Zoia, don't worry about it. I had a blast!" he said. "But... I dunno if I want to take this to the next level, you know?

Zoia looked at him with a soft blink, pushing up again to level with him. She looked a little unsure about something as he spoke.

"Not because of you. You're a really nice girl. It's more because of me and my lifestyle. We'd never get to see each other, and all..."

Before he could finish, Zoia leaned in and gave him a kiss. It wasn't lusty, and a little awkward to boot given she didn't actually have lips. Still, it happened, and when she pulled away she smiled. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I should be the one to explain things to you. Thank you... For not taking advantage despite everything..." She said with the same smile. "It was a wonderful day, as short as it was."

"I'm glad I could- shit." Jax muttered as his datapad beeped. His face went pale.

He flung himself out of bed and raced to pull his shoes back on, muttering "I'm late! I'm so screwed! Crap baskets!"

"I gotta go with Wazu to grab booze!" he whined. Once fully dressed, he bent down and gave Zoia a quick hug. She didn't let go though, pushing him back a little.

"Do you think this Wazu fellow could wait maybe... 20 to 30 minutes? I know you were against it when I was drunk, and I know you don't like casual stuff, but I'm not drunk, and I am far from being casual with you. Possibly the best date I've had in my life..." Zoia said with a smile. "I would like to thank you with a little more than a kiss..." She added, he tail coiling gently around his torso as she sat up and leand her chest against him.

Jax went stiff as a board, in many ways. He stood in silence, unsure of what to do. Should he stay? Or should he go? Zoia didn't seem to give him an option, kissing him again.

Screw it. He needed this. He'd been in a dry spell long enough. So, he kissed back, as best he could given differences in anatomy, and moved foward to crawl over her.

"Well, it'd be rude of me to refuse. Don't you think?" he asked with an innocent smile and a tilt of his head. Zoia just laughed, before helping him out of his clothes. They may have been quick, but Zoia made sure every moment was meaningful, and Jax did the same.
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