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RP [Love Day, YE 40] Noticed by Senpai~ (Mikali - Zeke)

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Well-Known Member
Independent station// noon...

Zeke walked among the crowd, a smile plastered to his face as usual, his spikey blonde hair making him stand out. He wore boots, green BDU fatigues, a white tank, and a green military style jacket.

There were many stalls and vendors, selling all kinds of wares, one particularly caught his eyes.

"Woah! What kind of mech is that?", Zeke exclaimed in wonder.

"Hurumf, it's a she. Price is listed, take it or leave it.", The merchant said boringly with his nose buried in some sort of magazine.

The listing for the mech was apparently placed anonymously, leaving its manufacturer and original owner unknown, nor were there any apparent brand markings or even serial numbers visible upon it. It stood about 11 feet tall with a shiny, blue hull that seemed unpainted. It had two impressive looking double-barrelled cannon mounts on its shoulders, a chin-mounted turret and a missile launching system on its back. The listing noted that the weapons did NOT come with the warbot, and were just for show.

At the sound of Zeke's voice, and the disinterested salesman, the mech jerked upright from its somewhat slumped position, surprisingly already powered up despite being for sale. Something within its cockpit-like visor lit up, projecting a holographic image in front of it. It depicted a pair of cartoonish, effeminate eyes with large, brown irises, reminiscent of those annoying Yamataian cartoons. The hulking machine stooped down, as if to examine Zeke, its cartoon eyes blinking comically. "Haiiiii~" it spoke in a girlish, high-pitched voice.

"It has an AI too?! Hello, do you have a name? I'm Zeke Rykiel.", He said enthusiastically, he looked over the mech in all her glory with a sense of aw. One could compare him to a kid in a candy store. Forget his Obran, this was top tier.

The eyes switched to a closed, happy expression, and the mech danced enthusiastically from one foot to the other, servos whirring. "My name is Mikali! But you can call me 'Mikki-chan'!" it replied as it eagerly shuffled in place, while the bored merchant mouthed her words in sync with irritation; apparently he has heard her introduce herself in this manner many times already.

"Hello Mikki-chan, how did you end up here?", Zeke asked. He gave the merchant a raised eyebrow, but returned his attention to the mech before him with more personality than some of the guys he had used to serve with.

"I was put up for sale!" she responded, rather unhelpfully, but with no less enthusiasm. Her holographic 'face' now also displayed a happy, open-mouthed smile.

"But what happened to your previous owner, I just can't understand why someone would part with such a great mech.." Zeke was clearly confused and couldn't understand it in his mind.

For a moment, Mikki was silent, staring down at Zeke with that blank, open-mouthed smile. "I dunno!" she finally declared, beginning to dance again, producing a thudding sound from her heavy, clawed feet.

Zeke looked at the price tag again, a thoughtful look on his face as he did so. Walking over to the merchant before pulling out a wad of DA from his pocket and slapping it onto the man's desk causing the elder man to jump, "Sold!"

The merchant looked genuinely surprised, but also somewhat relieved, hurriedly tapping away on his pad and double-checking Zeke's payment before nodding his head. "She's all yours." Mikali, meanwhile, had a comical look of surprise on her face, with her mouth open in a wide 'O' shape, with equally wide eyes and tiny pupils pointing in opposite directions. "Oh, my lordy!" she squeaked out.

"Wooooo, let's go pick out some accessories Mikki-chan!", Zeke proclaimed with a joy in his step, as he gestured to some other stands selling mechanized equipment.

Recovering from her apparent surprise, Mikali's chassis let out a hiss as she crouched down, dropping her dud-weaponry from her sides and back and letting them clatter to the floor. Now with just her chin-turret remaining, the warbot stepped out of her booth with heavy, whirring footfalls, smiling down at Zeke. "Yaaay, guns!" she squealed excitedly with a happy face. Some of the nearby weapons' merchants looked somewhat uncomfortable at the prospect of the warbot approaching them.

"So what's your preference in arms Mikki?", Zeke asked simply as they marched on with eyes scanning possible purchases.

"Well, I'm happy with whatever you want. It depends on what kind of position I will be filling," Mikali replied, striding alongside him at a slow, steady pace. "If it's close-quarters, I find flame-throwers and things like that rather fun. Or one of those really fast machine guns that just go like 'BR-R-R-R-RAAAAAP'!" Her projected face changed to an intense ">_<" esque expression to go with her onomatopoeia.

"We can get one for each range, a automtic for close range like a chaingun, missile pod for medium, and a heavy canon for long range. That way your prepared for any distance. I just hope we can find some quality ones. I great mech like you Mikki deserves the best weaponry.", Zeke said cheerfully before stopping next to a very large cannon to inspect it.

"Ok!" Mikki chirped cheerily, before briefly displaying her 'surprised' expression again at Zeke's compliment, which she immediately followed up with a screwed-up, bashful face. "A-awwwh. T-thanks, Zeke." As her new owner stopped, Mikki-chan stopped as well, pivoting her torso to peer down at the cannon he was inspecting.

"Hmmm, this one is a decent size, but it doesn't look like it was maintained very well. Sad to see people so careless with their gear. I do maintenance on my Obran and my Impulse armor twice a day. Three for my guns. Ooh, that guy looks like he has some premo stuff!" Zeke said finishing his inspection before catching sight of another merchant with newer gear on display.

Mikali pulled a face. "Ewww! Second-hand junk!" she declared very loudly, at which the merchant displaying the cannon scowled in irritation. The warbot followed closely behind Zeke as he moved to a different selection of weaponry, the thudding of her feet sounding behind him. "Does he have flame-throwers?" Mikki-chan asked with rather morbid curiousity and eagerness.

"I dunno, but even from here his wares shine, literally.", Zeke said as they walked up, "Hello sir, I couldn't help but notice your wares, they seem newer than others here offered."

Kessler looked up from a paper book at Zeke's voice, "That's because it's all new and never used. Fresh outta the box, crate, cargo unit, etc. Names Kessler Ryzka. Does anything catch your eye?"

There were many wares, everything from guns, armor, vehicles, and even another mech. "I'm looking for mech grade weaponry for Mikki here, don't supposed you can hook a brother up? Names Zeke by the way." Zeke said giving a casual smile as he glanced over what was displayed.

Mikki-chan loomed over Zeke from behind, her shadow cast upon him, smiling down at him and Kessler inanely. "Do you have any flame-throwers?" she asked Kessler eagerly. "Or any of those big machine guns which go 'BRRRRAAAAAAP'?" Again, she screwed up her face in a comical fashion in time with her onomatopoeic representation of machine gun fire.

"HEY FIAMMA!", Kessler shouted to a anthro woman in the back.

"WHAT you stupid git!?", Fiamma shouted back.

"We got any coil guns left in stalk?", He asked.

"I dunno, let me ask ma boot after I pull it from yur arse. Yes we have a few left." She said flustered, but then quickly calmed.

"Well we have an automatic, a semi sdniper variant, aaannd...that's it. We have other stuff like missile pods too, all equipment used on them U-1s." Kessler said scratching his chin.

Zeke's jaw had dropped as the weapons were listed, unable to reply.

Mikali listened intently, before leaning down so that her 'head' was peeking out over Zeke's shoulder. The projector behind her screen swivelled so that her holographic face was facing Zeke, lip pursed as she awaited his verdict. "Will we get any of those?" she asked him.

"Definitely,.......how much are we talking?", Zeke asked hesitantly after closing his mouth.

"Hmmm, 5,000 DA each?", Kessler said with a shrug.

"Mikki-chan, do those sound good?", Zeke asked turning to the large warbot.

"Sure! If it's ok with you!" Mikali replied with an open-mouth, before smiling happily. A pair of ports on either side of her 'head' opened, and a serpentine, flexible metal arm slid out from each, wrapping around Zeke in a hug. "You're so sweet, Zeke!~" she proclaimed girlishly.

Zeke enjoyed the hug, working his arm through it, he pulled out another was of cash and tossed it to Kessler, "Well take all three."

"Rightieo, FIAMMA!" Kessler yelled back again, "get one of both coil gun configs, and a missile pod!"

"Get it yourself, ya old coot, do I haffen to be doin everything around here?!", The anthro said before storming off to get the merch.

"Yaaaay!~" Mikki-chan cheered, one of her coily arms snaking up to rub Zeke's hair with its three-fingered hand. "Thank you, Zeke!" Her arms finally retracted back into her chassis, out of sight, and she stood up tall again, smiling down at him and Kessler.

The weapons were brought out on a crane conveyor system which brought them to a loading station for mechanized units. Mikki was directed here and the weapons attached, and with the newly acquired goods, they strode into the sunset together.

"That is a really nice vid screen, very pretty, and won't burn your eyes like a real one.", Zeke said as they went.

Mikali observed her new weaponry being fitted with a bright, happy smile, testing the new mounts by swivelling them to and fro. With their business concluded, she strode off at Zeke's side, feet thudding on the metal floor. "Thanks!" Mikki replied to Zeke. "Your vid screen is pretty too, hehe!"

@Jack Pine
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