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Laz Public Network Love letters to Paragon!


Ser Spit
Inactive Member
Place of Origin: Ether
Total Messages: 12,872

Message 1


I just wanted to say that the Shortbow is -expletive- amazing. Me and my kith mates were fleeing from a big NMX mooshi tank. It chased us into this big ravine, and we found a mis-dropped crate of shortbow missile launchers. ONE SHOT and that walking monster went down! I was not that happy since I got my first tail! Thank you so much!

Author: Storm Trooper Basic Riggros, 1076548771345, Naval Rapid Reaction Force


Message 2

Just wanted to say the Strigga is like a paint brush for an artist. I wish to acquire the name or surname of the alien who designed the Strigga. My mate is carrying children(When these are born it will bring my offspring total to 18) I intend to name the strongest of my puggles after him/her.

Author: Sub-commander Ujio, 1065433789946, Naval Rapid Reaction Force: Sky Guard.

Message 37

DID YOU KNOW that if you take the short bow, and put the blast protector on it, then fill it with Keishen(Its similar to your tobacco but more intoxicating) One user can blow into it, and it pushes the smoke out the other end of the missile launcher? This makes it a fantastic recreational apparatus on the battle field! Me and my mate were using the Shortbow for this purpose and were wondering if it was designed with this secondary purpose in mind!

Author: STFC Beltios Go'byashi, 2475769764231, Naval Rapid Reaction Force: Heavy Infantry


 The letters continue on in this fashion for the next 6000 messages.
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