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Love Potion Number 8


Inactive Member
((I don't plan to use this, but I thought someone might find it amusing/useful))

Pheromone 701/3-H3 and 701/3-S3 "Love Potion Number 8"

Designer: Independent (suspected to be sponsored largely by the pornography industry)
Manufacturer: Various cosmetics corporations. The formula is rumored to be licensed to all of them.

Information: It might not make them fall in love with you, but women (or men, in the case of -S3) will be swooning at your feet when you walk into the room exuding a veritable aura of seduction! Apply one hour in advance, as perfume. May cause minor side effects in sensitive people such as nausea and headaches.

Technical Information: Causes an average of 10% increased sexual awareness of test subjects. Repeated use may reinforce the association of an individual with this heightened state; chronic testing is still in progress, but it has been proven not to be harmful to the body. Is available under many different brand names but all have the serial number marked under 'active ingredient'.
3 questions

1- is it legal?

2- how does it diffirenciate between males and females?, for example a male user wouldnt want to be attracting other guys.

3- why does it need to be applied a hour in advance?
1 - Legal? Pah, as if that even matters. It would be banned from things like choir concerts where people need to breathe a lot, though.
2 - There's a different formula for men and for women (H3 attracts men, S3 attracts women); sub-formulae have been popping up that target particular species as well ( ie a formula for nekos, a formula for Nepleslian girls ) but these are still in the highly experimental stage.
3 - It has to be applied in advance for a number of reasons; mainly because it would be in a form that doesn't evaporate much until it's brought closer to body temperature, which would take some time; another reason is the potential for allergies, so that people don't embarrass themselves by having asthma attacks in the middle of parties and being treated with CPR by people of the opposite gender with something else on their mind.
Emrys Industries will take this as an incursion on there field. They're the ones who do pheremone based drugs.

In fact they didn't release this form of drug because it goes against there morals, and because they where certain it was illegal.

I'm looking up the evidence right now, legal codes.
I think it's only illegal if you're on duty and in the Yamataian government, military, or major corporations. Otherwise, it should be good to go.

Use of the drug, could breach this law. Or go very close to it in aplication.

Perhaps Emrys industries, now that such a drug is legal, will put foward its own series.

On a personal level, I would hate to see this drug for public release. Emrys has some drugs that do worse, but there not for public release, it is basically Rape, and/or takes away your rights.

Vigour: This works as an aphrodisiac. I'm not going into any more details. It stimulates. Oh use your imagination people. 8 ks.

That's what Emrys currently has on market, but it only works on the person injected.
Oh, come on - it's not like there aren't any perfumes that already claim to make people horny. Besides, I thought 10% was a fairly modest amount - if you disagree, feel free to explain.
there isnt a 10% more horny XD

your horny or not, arousal isnt a number you can put your finger on.

"Im 10% more horny" sounds like something out of a videogame >
Reactions: Wes
A) Video game? Close enough
B) It is a gradient. For most guys, it's almost logarithmic, but there is a difference between 'kind of turned on' and 'really, really turned on'. It's more noticeable for women, though most won't tell you. In any case, think about the difference between having a dirty thought while at school, at home, or in bed next to your wife...Getting a whiff of this will just make you have more dirty thoughts, that's all
2. Unless it is a punishment or emergency measure conducted by authorized government agencies.

Ok, this part of that act really irks me.
Infact, it freaking scares me.

EDIT: And, the picture of a Neko telling me that I make them horney whe I post is NOT helping in this situation.
I didn't noticce that bit. That is scary. Wes, what sort of goverment are you running here?

(And now it's known to be legal Emrys is getting in on the market)
Yeah... that is scary.
Frightening as hell in fact. Rape as an interrogation or punishment technique?
I'd expect that on Nepleslia, but not Yamatai *shakes head sadly*

Think we should take this to the senate?

A ratification of the sexual offence law, and a ban on the public using behavior alttering drugs on others without out there knowledge and concent.

I'm serious.
gotta agree there, its a bit scary that this rape drug could be used anytime. It would be, degrading, also sexual laws that exclude governmental organizations are a BAD idea.
I am in agreement; it should definitely be brought before the Senate

Too open to abuse; and while nothing is *too* wrong with the "potion"; it could certainly be abused as well
Here's the pan.... we lauch both types of the drugs in concentrated form, in missile at a city we are about to attack then in an hour just walk in.
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