A note on pheromone responses:
A small number of pheromones are known to directly affect Lmanel who inherit powerful breeding instincts from their aspectation or bonded animal. While ordinarily quite weak, requiring many weeks or months to work, G33018 is known to trigger feelings of possession or ownership in females who seek weaker males to dominate.An analogue of this pheromone is naturally produced by a very small number of natural humanoids (around 0.02% of the population among human-based life forms such as Nepleslians) - via their sweat, mucus, mucus membranes and liquid bodily secretions in levels usually too low to become consciously aware of. It is thought however that they have a part to play in bonding behaviors, with susceptible Lmanel more likely to respond favourably in negotiations and cooperation though further study is needed.
Individuals identified as natural producers of G33018 should be kept away from districts with a high concentration of Lmanel, though they may make excellent animal trainers. This is generally not a problem in controlled environments where discipline is important (the military being a good example).
As an important distinction, G33018's effect is usually very weak. In a majority of cases l'manel keep their aspectations in check (beneath 10-15%) and/or have excellent self-control, being driven rationally and emotionally rather than instinctively. As such, they experience very little of G33018 beyond feelings of familiarity and “butterflies” and improved mood. Those with poor impulse control, either due to personality typing, poor aspectation control or intoxication however will experience G33108 very differently.
Similar properties are true also for the animals which are aspected specifically, affecting the aspected l'manel:
For example, while ey'tis aspected l'manel may experience very basic bonding behaviour, taking an interest in the smell of the person but thinking little beyond that, a poe'tis aspected l'manel (a breed known for very poor self control) will obsessively seek out the smell with behaviour such as stalking, hoarding, the collection of items and symptoms including dizziness, forgetfulness, stuttering and flustering, along with euphoria and minor depersonalization in high prolonged doses.
Those with unaffected aspectations or little/no aspectation will experience no symptoms.
An analogue of the pheremone is also found in very high concentrations of some Lorath pollen, though it fails to successfully metabolize and as such demonstrates zero symptoms outside of specialist cases (such as those taking specific medications with interactions).