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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Lunch Break

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Inactive Member
ON> Horizon, Leistung Group Lab

Another shift drew to a close inside of the secretive Leistung Group Labs, leading to the transition of people from the lab to the various surrounding hallways. Sam's head was throbbing and his stomach growling. His hand moved up to massage the back of his neck while his legs took him to the nearest cafeteria on the ship.

The cafeteria was a rather plain afair, cheap tables, and a line up to a few bored looking dinner men and women handing out nutritious food, that may or may not have no taste. If you wanted real food you went somewhere else. There where some half decent cakes; and very good coffee (Ephesus had threatened to do unmentionable things to them if they didn't get good coffee). Sitting down on one of these tables was the young scientist Ithaco.

Sam went into the line to get enough of the food to sustain him for the next few hours, picking up some of the cake and coffee in hopes that it would have better texture than the rather bland looking food that was dished out into his tray. Sam looked for a seat that was vacenta nd finding none he settled for a space near Ithaco. The tray of food was placed on the table and he made a few quick modifications to his mind/machine interface using the touch interface being projected on his arm before taking a bite.

"H-hello, y-you're one of L-L-Leistung G-Group aren't y-you?" Ithaco said, recognizing Sam from somewhere, "I-I'm Ithaco, a-a sc-scientist here." He took a bite from a rather droopy ham sandwich.

"Ya." Sam replied, taking a bite of the food they had dished out and washing it down with some of the coffee. "Are you cold or something? You studder a lot."

"N-natural lisp. H-had it since b-birth." Ithico smiled.

"Ah," Sam said, trying a peice of the cake and finding it preferable to the mush they were passing off as food. "Um, why haven't you gotten a gene mod for that? They have that kind of technology here right?"

"S-sure, j-just didn't t-think it was ne-ne-necesary, th-that's all. We h-have that t-tech sure, and p-plenty other s-stuff, n-not as ad-ad-advanced as y-yours th-though. Y-you ha-have s-some pretty gr-great stuff." Ithico winced as he bit his tongue.

"Ya, they give us some cool things to play with," Sam said as he continued to eat with his right hand and trace designs on his right arm with his left. "What kinda stuff do they have you working on?"

"Pla-plasmonic sh-shielding and so-sonic we-weapons currently. I-It's intresting." Ithico took out a pen and began to weave it through his fingers.

"Directed Ultrasound or the area broadcast stuff?" Sam asked as his curiosity started to spike.

"B-both." Ithico said happily.

"Fun stuffs. That sort of tech gets a lot of use in the lab." He said, taking another drink.

"Y-you should have s-seen what h-happaned when E-Ephesus increased t-the p-power o-of a d-dentists u-ultrasound drill by a f-factor of ten. W-without t-telling the d-dentist." Ithico grinned.

".... I'm eating right now so do I want to know?" Sam asked.

"P-probably n-not. E-ephesus m-managed to f-fix it though. A-actualy I th-think it m-may have been an opp-oppurtunity to f-fix it, those where some p-pretty weird t-teeth."

He paused, "Wh-what a-are y-you working on?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to say." Sam said, pausing to look around for a moment, "Ah good she isn't around.... anyways they have us working on networked equipment, well me specifically. They have me developing a networked combat weapon of sorts for sale here. They won't let me use the normal power sources for it though so I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get it to work with the normal battery cells they sell in this place."

"B-battaries, a g-good th-thing n-now some anti-ae-aetheric and hy-hyperspace te-technology has been int-introduced. I heard ru-rumours of so-something with th-that na-nature. NovaCorp d-does a lot with ba-battaries actually, we t-try to k-keep away fr-rom of Ae-aetherics when we can." Ithico was begining to enjoy this conversation for one reason or another.

"Why is that? The Aetherics to complicated for your companies liking? Or are you going with something lower tech so you can manage it more efficiently?" Sam asked.

"B-bit of b-both. And we d-don't like to al-always use the tech-technology wh-which is g-given to us by the SA, Ep-Ephesus is kn-known to d-dislike Ae-Aetherics, much pre-prefering Hy-Hyper-space tech. Other than th-that we j-just s-seem to use ba-battaries on o-our sm-smaller projects, such as our d-drones and an-androids." He didn't want to get into a position where he was defending the tech level of his company.

"Ah, I can understand. A lot of people prefer not to use components from an outside source." Sam took another bite of cake and looked at the display on his hand, "Who's Ephesus? Your boss?"

"Y-you c-could s-say that, h-he's the head of science and research, he b-basicly c-comes up with ev-everything the co-company does, all our t-tech. We're co-complete no-novices c-compared to him. He re-really is a genius, a very we-weird genius."

"Can't say I've ever worked with anyone like that, all of my coworkers are usually to involved with their work to respond to a message," Sam said.

"H-he won't re-respond to the sh-ship bl-blowing up if he's b-vusy. Really, we si-simmulated it." He smiled, "Y-your work s-ounds i-intresting."

"Thanks," Sam said, "... you simulated the ship blowing up?"

"Y-yep, l-lots of h-hard l-light, w-we got K-Kip in on it." Sam looked nostalgic, "He di-didn't fl-flinch."

Sam chuckled, "Sorry, my next shift is about to start up. I'd love to probe your mind about that simulated destruction but I have to return to the lab," He started to clean up his tray of food a bit before heading back.

"N-nice t-to talk t-to you. W-we m-must d-do it again s-some time." Ithico looked pleased at the prospect, "M-maybe I c-can sh-show y-you s-some designs I h-have."

"Sure thing, I'll ask Kip to hunt you down for me when my next shift ends." Sam said as he got up and disposed of his tray as he went back to the lab along with the rest of the Leistung Group members.

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