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*Teleport*: Subject moves so quickly it would seem to have teleported from place to place.
*Shadow Walking*: The subject fades into the shadows, becoming invisible to all forms of sensors.
I think the 25x stuff might be overpowered, but the quoted part above is the only other part I have an issue with. Just on a technical level, is this even possible?
Well, the only thing I will say in defense of the x25s is that the drug is meant to create a dangerous alternate personality sort of result. These are to be "Special Forces" of the Kohanian military, like NIWS weapons of the SAoY, or the UOCs SHROUD suits, or IPG.

As for the Shadow Walking being possible, I can't find other instances of the same thing in the setting other than maybe Araiah Jal, but the closest thing to it would be like the Ghost Mishhu ability to phase through matter. The difference is that instead of passing through something, this is being used to avoid combat and reposition oneself.
May I ask that this be given a verdict, since it does not seem that people have objections to it?
Can we take out "to all forms of sensors?"
May I ask why, Wes? If he even leaves one type open, then that completely negates the advantage of being invisible to the dozens of others, making that ability useless.

On the other hand, someone can adapt their tactics to that particular aspect...say, by looking at effects of the invisible opponent on the environment (footprints on soft surfaces, a breeze as it passes by plants, etc.), which has been done in many other fights.

Personnel untrained in fighting stealthed opponents would have problems, but those who think on their feet would have a better chance. Or are you worried about things you can't see? Your characters won't have any problems, and I'm sure this won't be abused so no one else will raise objections. As it is, you're the only one to have any beef with it at all.
As it's simply a three second effect, even if they were capable of running over 100 mph, they wouldn't be able to effect much with the stuff. I personally think that this is reasonable for an approval.
I would take Sub's comment one step further. Three seconds? You'd practically have to sneak up on the person anyway to kill them. I guess it's an added advantage ... but three seconds seems too short to bother.
I would love to have it be longer, but any extension to it would make it unfair, and have everyone up against me.

I would love to see it be 10-15 seconds, but that is too much and I know it. I wanted to give it something that would make the user a dangerous asset to have, but keep it balanced.

I will happily listen to reasonable suggestions on how to make this fair to both sides of the battle.
This Submission is Approved for IC Usage. Since in all fairness, three seconds is as stated quite fair, and short enough to alleviate concerns of abuse since in all honesty, you'd be relying more on your own capability at being stealthy then this with that short time frame anyways.
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