Star Army

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RP: UOC Government Message from the Freespacers


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
Tio brought the communication up on the volumetric screen for discussion.

Exhack said:
Public Communications... source from !P0LY$3NT13NCE \\ !N0D3... [[UNKNOWN]] \\ !MULT1PL3 PR0X13$ D3T3CT3D...

From: Codespinner Deneb Kaitos Schemali Nine-Nine 99-2257-72
To: Nepleslian Senate, UOC Assembly
Subject: Freespacer Prisoners in Yamatai

Attached: Neppetition.stf, UOCpetition.stf

This has been a stressful and ravaging many days for my kin and myself that have chosen to live in the DIoN since our first encounter with the Nepleslians. My name is Deneb Kaitos Schemali, and I am a Freespacer.

For the sake of a young meatbag who lives for his people and the sake of knowledge, please understand. I am not a terrorist, a radical or a criminal, and the vast majority of the people slaughtered in my people's travelling space were no different. I am a scholar of the machine languages by trade, and a philosopher at heart, who in spite of the horrendous unforgivable violence that has been committed under the starry banner of your parent nation, wishes for things to be resolved peacefully.

I can neither confirm nor deny that an unnamed Hacker Cultist made any formal or informal deals with the Mishhu warlord Mellisson, but I can advise you that there has been a severe breakdown in the thinking of the people who made decisions after the meeting was brought to light. I can give my assurances that this isolated Automata had made no agreement with the monstrous beauty, nor made any pledges. Had he attempted to do so, our networks would have been rife with polls, debates and digital paraphernalia over the issue.

Secondly, during the first Halna purge, the group operating on the pirate moon was known as the Guild of Cyberempathy, not affiliated. They are abolitionists with passionate dislikes of slavery and the crude senseless violence of common thugs, but do operate in certain less than legal channels. A militia of well-organized opportunists seeking to make profit, create order in the criminal sector of this region, and happened to be entirely unaffiliated with the Hacker Cult. The attack on this planet was not only unintelligent and uninformed in excess, but bloody, senseless and barbaric.

The repugnance of these acts reached their zenith during an unprecedented assault on our systems, which (should you choose the believe the numbers) left a great many Yamataian worlds defenseless for a scant few minutes. I have still received no messages from Freehold Factory, which mysteriously lost communications access several minutes into the battle. My kin are of the crafty sort, so I expect that a number of them escaped safely. However, thousands of survivors from the Great Lighthouse Massacre and Second Halna Purge were taken away to various prison facilities across Yamatai, most of them being civilians whom were unable to escape though a gate or by ship.

I am unsure of how they are being treated, but SAINT is a devious monster, draining away at the will and minds of those prisoners, and will likely wish to poison the well of my people's knowledge (Polysentience). While Yamatai's conventions publicly denounce the mistreatment of prisoners, can you really trust the bloody hands of Star Army of Intelligence to uphold them when those laws become inconvenient? I request that, in the name of freedom and justice, your governments confront Yamatai about this situation and bring about the liberation of these poor souls.

Enclosed is a petition that I ran in both of your nations over public datanetworks, though I have not checked the number recently. And forgive the use of proxies. I may have made myself a target in doing this, and sincerely wish to live long enough to see my fellows free.

A sincere thanks for your time,
CDKS 99-2257-72
Shinichi sighed before he spoke. "Halna was a massacre." Shinichi said solemnly before continuing. "If there are survivors that are prisoners of Yamatai I believe we should push for their release. Innocents are not prisoners of war, and war is what Yamatai declared upon the Freespacers. If this data is correct," Shinichi said as he glanced down at the polls taken in the UOC, "then our citizens also believe this. While I think this may be a reckless action on our part, it is an action that I believe must occur."
"Far too reckless, actually," Mr. Iga responded. "That is, unless we have the support of the Nepleslians on this."

He stretched at his seat and let out a yawn. It had been a long, long day.

"I think this is an atrocity as much as any freedom-loving individual would, but we are definitely not in the position to exert authority on our sister nation. Even with their wide-scale fleet reductions, they could crush us in the blink of an eye."

The man let out a small laugh, his eyes watering slightly.

"My friends, they're still singing our national anthem on the communications channels, and we're considering making demands on Yamatai? This "Codespinner Deneb Kaitos Schemali Nine-Nine 99-2257-72" or whatever... she?... calls herself is trying to tug at our heartstrings. She sees the opportunity to ask for our help, but she needs to be patient, too. I'd like to extend this suggestion to all of us present, who may or may not continue to be caught up in our patriotism. Not to be cynical, either, but how do we even know this 'petition' is real in the first place? A random letter, sent across our public networks... any person with a computer could do this.

The best course of action is to draft a letter of sympathy for the Freespacers and request, key word here, at least an explanation of Yamatai's position on this matter. I hesitate to pursue the matter further than that, if not only to prevent establishing a precedent that we impulsively act upon any document that hits our table."
"Mr. Iga you're logical as always. It was too brash of me to speak like I did. You are correct, we are in no position to demand anything from Yamatai, and the support of the Nepleslians would indeed be a great boon. I agree, a letter of sympathy, such as what you have described, in addition to requesting Yamatai's position on this matter is the best course of action at this point." Shinichi said.
"We know very little about the Freespacers and how they function as a community. It pains me that such a massacre occurred but yes, we have no leverage to start demanding anything from Yamatai. We still haven't re-established the exact nature of our relationship to Yamatai. It is wonderful to have compassion for others but first- we have to fortify our current positions and relationships with the other bodies of power in our universe in order to do these things. I would also like to have more data in my hand about who, and what the Freespacers are besides victims," Ayana said with a long sigh and frown.

"We can express our compassion for their situation but let's get some more information before we go blindly into a situation the endangers ourselves and those of people that support us."