Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Laz Public Network Message intended for Takeyu-Nayacesen


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Encoding message......... message encoded

From: Unknown Party
To: Takeyu
Subject: What you had me look for


Takeyu! 'Shinten' here.

You requested me to look into a few matters for you yes? Well, it's taken me a good while, but I've found what you requested. I would've preferred to talk to you in person but having just found out that you went and joined the army, well that's just not possible now is it?

I doubt the army would permit you to take leave anyway; considering the war that's going. Anyway, the ship is still in the same area it was left in, though there are a few destroyed pirate ships in the area. I don't know if they were destroyed by Mishu, by the Yamatain military, or by another pirate group. Either way, the ships have been there awhile from appearance so it's safe to assume that you can freely search your old ship.

A few warnings though; I wasn't able to get ONBOARD it. I know your father was freaking paranoid but esh, the internal defense grid was STILL active - probably has to do with the portside solar panels still sucking in power from the sun and storing it. Though I'm amazed the batteries still work, the ships turrets don't seem functional and the top bridge section is gone. I thought about entering through there, but the blast door stopped that plan.

I don't have the explosive to blow through the starboard storage tanks; that armor plating your father put in is very thick. The cost of getting the explosives needed wasn't covered in what you gave me, but the KS you did transfer to me before you joined is enough to cover expenses and then some.

That said; because this is a public network that I'm being forced to broadcast on, I won't include the coordinates of the ship. You should already know where it is, the ship itself is located roughly seven hundred kilometers inside the field though, but it seems to be in a stable orbit near one of the larger ones.

I know you hired me to confirm whether your younger sister was dead; and I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill that part of the request. We don't have power armor like you guys do in the military, and I'm certain the military wouldn't allow a freelance group to possess them - let alone the explosives needed to blow through that hull.

Anyway, if you need to talk to me you know how to contact me. Just be sure to include the passphrase so I'll know it's you.

Also, one last thing; you had asked me to look into your other sister? I've got a potential lead, but I'll need to look into it more thoroughly before I can give you the information. All I can say is this:

A few indications show that she is alive; and well, though she isn't free to do what she wishes.

That is all; safety my friend and don't go dying to the Mishu!

Oh! I nearly forgot. There 'was' a sensor ghost when we were searching the area. I say 'ghost' because it was probably just a stray object that had enough mass and size to appear on our sensors, but we never saw any ship nor anything that resembled one. It's probably nothing, but if you do investigate, keep an eye out.
