Star Army

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Laz Public Network [Message] Old Friends


Inactive Member
Arkase said:
TO: Silic Vas-Heisho
FROM: Oshiro Arkase-Juni
SUBJECT: Old Friend

Hello, Silic! I managed to find your communicator address while I was recovering from wounds earlier -- all is healed, but it's not the worst I've seen, and I hardly remember it at all.

I've been intending to send you a message for a while. I haven't seen nor heard from anyone from the Fourth Standard in a long time. At least not since I was there, in the thick of it. Spent some time in the Kyoto War College, got promoted, spent some more time with a small task force, hitting the NMX where it hurt for a little while. Didn't agree well with the commander, so I shipped out for a new posting.

I'm with a new ship, now. A Plumeria, of all things. Unlike the cruiser I hung around in at my previous posting, it doesn't feel like a step down from the Nadare. I've heard the Taisho met with some bad luck, since I left. I don't regret leaving, though.

The crew I'm with isn't all that bad. They all have good hearts. Things have gotten harder for me since that fight on the Nadare -- they don't like me, I'm just a little on the pessimistic side nowadays. I don't know how much longer I can continue to work with them, some unfortunate accusations have been leveled my way. The shame of it alone may force me to a new post, especially if the Taisa confronts me about them.

But I'm not here to talk about that. I have very few friends, Silic, and I'd like to count you among them. I'm glad I could finally track down your E-Mail, so I could talk to you.

How are things? Have you moved postings? Where are you at now?

-With Regards,
Oshiro Arkase-Juni
YSS Aeon
TO: Oshiro Arkase
FROM: Silic Vas
SUBJECT: Re Old Friend

Dear Arkase.

I still remember the day we met outside the PA bay of the Nadare, it was my first day out of bootcamp so everything was almost alien. It's good to hear from you again.

I'm afraid to say that the Nadare was lost with all hands shortly after I was dismissed from the Taisho's command after that little bit of French Leave that you witnessed. It seems none of the crew had had a back up from after the incident, and so I feared that I was all but forgotten. I still miss some of them despite the brevity of my stay.

I pretty much spent a few months relaxing happily in the reserves until I was suddenly yanked out into the frontier. I suspect the machinations of a snubbed intelligence officer from the Nadare in my reassignment, spiteful creatures that they are.

I've now landed in the a fighter squadron, I was hoping to settle in quickly into a quiet mechanics job but I've become person in the squadron that sits in the backseat of the aircraft, and frankly some of them scare me. I always seem to end up in bizzare, strange, and or dangerous situations and I kinda get freaked out, everyone else here seems to think that that's normal.

I'm sure you'll be able to work things out with your squad, but the people I'm with are just nuts. My former commanding officer thought it would be a good idea for a psychopath to be her protege, and I have to sit behind her every mission. It's so bad I've developed a small phobia of space. To make matters worse I seem to constant suffer physical assault in the presence of certain members of the squad, and most of the mechanics seem to blame me for everything that goes wrong.

I've also found a strange mention of a laser wound I don't remember getting in my (quite lengthy) medical record shortly after I arrived at the squadron. A strange occurance, maybe it's a mistake.

Anyway, I hope you're able to get things together over there. Maybe you just need a holiday somewhere sunny with happy people. Worst comes to worst, perhaps a new command is not the worst thing to happen. I sure wish I was transffered some times, but then I worry that the next assignment might be even worse.

Silic Vas
YSS Heitan

P.S. Do NOT holiday on a planet called Aqueous, just take my word for it.