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Mace's Commissions

Well, I joined the ranks, so to speak. I'm not really a role player much anymore (although I do have a "total immersion" scenario for my sci-fi series Starship Moonhawk™ which I beta tested with mild success 3 years ago on our forum). But! I *DO* do all manner of sci-fi (and sometimes fantasy/horror) artwork for VERY reasonable prices. Just ask my oft partner-in-crime Kim. She'll tell ya!



Anyway... my rates are posted in my journal, and progress updates will be posted regularly. (in fact, it'll be the primary topic in my journals for a while... I need money...)

Oh well. Not the BEST intro thread, but at least I'm not beating around the bush.

Thanks, Missing! Even though I'm not gonna RP here, I feel that here is "mah peeps", if you will. We obviously share a love of sci-fi space-epic, even if Star Army is your only dose of that. As such, I figure there's a number of entertainment services I can offer the ranks here. Consider me... a virtual representation of the USO.

Oh, and I made a more formal intro thread elsewhere that gives a little more background on me. Feel free to PM me if anyone has questions about that or my artistic skills.
Cipher said:
Yes, about the art at the top of the page...

Are those real?
What are you talking about?
I get it now; The character's breasts. I disagree on the at being at the top of the page though, which is what confused me.
Ohhh - I like this style. I am interested. Where are the prices listed? (Or do you do sketches for free?)
Errr ... there's an asterisk next to bestiality. What's up there?

*feels like a really horrible person for asking, but curiosity compels him*
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