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RP: 188604 Mad Corgan



Uso's Palace

Corgan walked down the hallway of the palace leading to the room Cyrus was using as the CIC. The place was nearly unrecognizable. Normally there was little reason for him to visit the palace, but today he had a proposal. Something he had been thinking about for weeks and was finally ready to discuss. He had asked Uso and Cyrus to meet him in the CIC.

Cyrus walked along the holotable as he normally did. Coordinating all the Ragnarock units out in the field. He sighed, stretching out as he waited for the others to show up. He had been asked to speak with Corgan and Uso was to join them. He tapped a metal index finger against the holoboard as he waited. Patiently waiting.

When Corgan reached the door he stopped to speak to the guard. He didn't recognize him, but there were so many new faces around it wasn't a surprise. "Hey. Cyrus is expecting me. Can I go in?"

"Just go on in, you totally outrank this guy anyways," Uso said, walking right past the guard, one hand opening the door, the other holding her datapad.... Which seemed to be holding her attention more than either of the men nearby. Uso had her hair in a braid once again, dressed in her bodysuit... Implying she was at least pretending to be professional.

Cyrus called from the open door. "Let them through Private!" He called slightly annoyed that they would stop Corgan at all. "You will not question that man again. Am I understood!"

"Ye..Yes sir! I am sorry Mr. Corgan." The Guard stammered as he moved to let them in.

Cyrus nodded to the pair, looking over to Corgan. "How may I help you, Corgan?" He asked offering him his hand.

Corgan couldn't help checking Uso out as she walked by. Something about a neko in tight clothing. He turned a little red as he walked past her hoping she didn't notice. "It's fine, you're new." He said to the guard in passing.

He walked up to Cyrus and shook his hand. "Well, sir I have an idea. I've already talked to Arccos and she agreed to help. I can't pull it off on my own, but it should benefit everyone." Corgan explained.
Cyrus raised an eyebrow. "You have peaked my interest." He said looking to Corgan. He motioned to the holotable. "Go ahead, you have the floor."

"Glad you're taking some..." Uso pressed a button on her pad, "...initiative. Watcha need from us?"

Corgan walked up to the holotable and turned to face them. "The bandit activity is pretty high in the outlying areas. Right now we're using mostly soldiers on foot, right? We have space taken care of, or will soon, but we don't have much in the way of mechanized infantry. I want to fix that by establishing a corps. Arccos doesn't have any vehicle plans or any idea how to assemble anything that doesn't go into space. That's why I need your help. You both have resources I don't, manpower and connections. Will you help me?" He asked hopefully.

Cyrus nodded, looking thoughtful. After a moment he his mouth broke out in a grin. "Hell, I'm in. I can supply you with a few squads and technicians to form your corp. Maybe some extra weapons as well." He looked over to Uso. "What can you bring to the table, your highness?"

"I always wanted to have some sort of stupidly overbuilt truck... most of our production is spoken for but I'm sure Vier can spare a junker or two to build whatever. Have something in mind already for your new wheels?" Uso asked.

He thought about it for a moment. "I do have some money laying around, and I saw an advertisement from some salvage company. I could try my luck with that, but I don't have any way to get it. Don't exactly want to give out our location to anyone I don't know and draw too much attention."

He imagined himself driving a massive truck with huge cannons and saw blades. "Yeah, I have a few ideas. Maybe get a cargo truck and modify a cargo container. Add some big guns and a couple saw blades to keep other vehicles away. Is that too much?" Corgan asked innocently.

Cyrus nodded. "I can line up some cargo runners to relay their way here. As to limit how many know of your current doings. It will take a little longer to get the supplies here, but it will be safer." He added.
"We don't have any car parts laying around?" Uso asked.

"Because we haven't had a reason for them." Cyrus shrugged. "We have been using the helo for heavy lifting and troop transport." He answered.

"Balls... What good is having all these junkers if we can't put them to use building death-cars?" Uso said, huffing a bit as she set down her datapad, "Corgan! I'm going to need a list of vehicles and guns you need to make this work."

He nodded. "I've been looking through some catalogs. Cyrus might be able to help, he has more experience with warfare. I don't think it really matters on this mudball, but I would like to at least look like a professional army."

Cyrus nodded. "I can get ahold of some contacts and see what we can scrounge up." He said mentally pulling up a contact list and scrolling through the names.

"Either way I'm going to buy that salvage. Actually, I may have already purchased two of their grab bags.." Corgan said with a hint of nervousness. "That was something else I wanted to talk to you about. I'm a little short on DA. Do either of you mind giving me an advance of around.. 24,790 DA to keep me out of debt?"

"You're going to have to wait until next week when we can sell our next load of protein to the 'spacers, but take 40k DA and get something nice. I don't want the other planets looking at us and being all 'eeeew, they're driving last year's models..." Uso replied, mimicking a grossed out school girl with her last few words.

"Thanks. I guess we're going to Nepleslia then." He said excitedly. The strange mix of emotions when he thought about going home was overwhelming. Happiness, fear, nostalgia, anger, everything came rushing back at once. "You can meet my mother at her brothel while we're there. Just uh promise me one thing. If you see her and realize you've banged her before, please don't tell me."

"No promises... shit, I might own the place," Uso chuckled, grabbing Corgan in a hug from behind, "... gee, is it too early to meet your parents? I didn't know we were getting this serious..."

He nearly jumped when Uso suddenly grabbed him from behind. His cheeks turned red and he laughed halfheartedly. "Very funny, Empress. I'm not good enough for someone of your elevated status. Anyway I.. think I'm starting to have feelings for Arccos.." That was the first time he had said it out loud, and probably to the worst person imaginable at keeping secrets. "So, uh, I'll meet you on the ship!" Corgan said and ran off before she could say anything.