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Implemented Make a Common Template for Places


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Currently there's no common template for wiki pages about places in the Star Army. It seems kind of goofy we have templates for handguns and not for places.

Here's what I've come up with so far: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=templates:place

Note: This includes the popular suggestion of rumors.

Any suggestions?

Also: Reminder to upvote this if you like it!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
In regards to the transportation section are we talking common passenger or transport routes to and from the planet? As a example a run name would be the Yamatai Nartaria run ? Or something else?
Yes. there are some great examples of what I'm looking for in the Yamataian city pages and the Star Army bases on Yamatai.

Basically, it's things like:
  • Starports
  • Train lines and the next stop like "West: Ternifac (Use for Central Uesureya)"
  • PAINT routes
The idea is that you can actually navigate from place to place on the wiki the way you would in the SARPiverse (e.g you should be able to follow a train route from town to town on the wiki, stopping at each place on the way).
Thats cool honestly never saw "PAINT"on things I've explored over the years but love the ideas Wes.

May even encourage more civilian plot stuff as they have more ways to travel at quick glances
Implemented! We've started updating various locations to the new template!
It occurs to me we should probably add population count to the place template. It wouldn't have to be exact numbers but it might be nice to have a general idea of how many people are in a place (struct already has this too but struct data needs to come from the page itself).

What do you think?
I agree with this.

In terms of Yamatai - Maybe we should consider an in-character YE 43 census. A lot of population numbers are missing for core worlds and/or have not been updated since YE 30. It would be nice to have an updated number across the YSE. - Think this might pop up as a thing from Katsuko if she becomes Premier.
Reactions: Wes
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