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Closed Make Some Peacetime Map Changes for YE 43

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SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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Proposal - Since we're heading into peacetime, exploration and colonization can actually become a thing again. It would be nice to see some unnamed star systems placed on the Kikyo Star Map that would be open for colonization and exploration. That being said, to prevent another bunch of system grabs we would attach the following limitations to their use.

  1. The exploration and/or colony building actually has to be roleplayed out either in Open RP or on a Plotship. Absolutely has to have a story behind it! (Prior plans have to be properly discussed on the GM forum and RP planning forum, Interest Checks, etc.)
  2. The result has to include a fully fleshed out system/planet/associated places articles for that region. (No more slap-up copy and paste from the generator. Systems with this have already been earmarked for overhaul.)
  3. There have to be some systems earmarked for Independent/Neutral development - Pirates, Obscure Space Stations, Criminal Enterprise, etc. Maybe even the addition of some of these spotted near the borders of current factions to add "neutral zones".
  4. Only counts towards the MBL if a unique space-station or shipyard is added to the system, which includes actual plot hooks and a plan for RP usage. (Boring Power Grabs = Boring Roleplay)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey Andrew! I love the intention behind this one, but have some questions on each point:

1. So long as there is some reasonable RP in a system to justify sticking a flag on it, does that work for this? IE, I enter a system that's devoid of life, run some scans, check out the system's resource viability, etc, etc? I don't want to force players to repeat the same colony building story three times in a row for the sake of an over-strict rule. 'We fought the natives and placed our flag!' 'We fought pirates and placed our flag!' 'We met the locals and placed our flag!' all seem like fun ways to 'grab' a system etc etc.

2. Do we intend for every planet in a system to be fleshed out, or only the ones that were relevant to a plot? IE, can I say 'Jupiter is a massive gas giant with a bunch of moons.' or does it have to be something significantly more in depth for all worlds in a system? I'm all for 'points of interest' but against anything more than a reasonable length description for other worlds. If someone wants to go above and beyond that's awesome, but I don't want to over-tax the people developing our setting with things that aren't valuable to the RP.

3. This is my favorite item on the list. I'd like to see neutral zones between each of the site's major factions just to give us space to skirmish in, patrol, etc, that isn't under heavy lock-and-key. I think it's important for promoting pirates and mercenaries.

4. Is this retro-active or applying to new systems only? When you say, 'Only counts towards the MBL' do you mean that systems that don't meet these standards can still be held, but don't count towards the limit? I think I'm okay with the intention behind this one but want to understand it better.
--- And, can we widen it to a 'unique destination that can field RP' or something with better words? Like cities, etc

I want to add that we should be trying to adhere to the system limits that are established, so I don't want to miss anything that would let someone go over that cap. Some sort of 'territory decay' would help with this and make sure that factions continue to have opportunities to claim (or reclaim!) systems for players who like that sort of RP. That can be a different topic though!
  1. The idea behind this is that it may be years before they are actually grabbed. It keeps the progression slow and plots based. As it stands the factions are of adequate size so making the constraints to claim new systems tougher, makes it so that things have to be in compliance.
  2. No, I'm not suggesting the useless fleshing out of unimportant things. Key locations should be fleshed out. - Using the actual place template for the actual system is a must.
  3. More Indie!
  4. Again, this would be for the new systems only. I'm good with the wording you put but I'm looking to prevent what happened in the past, which was the use of a very bad generator and star systems being claimed just to up someones' numbers.
While we need to stick to system limits, we also need good stories for our players. Peace Time has always meant exploration and colonization for factions, it is just we have to be reasonable in how we approach things. Plus realistically, how many people are actually going to make these plotlines - maybe one or two? It is not enough to require a crackdown.
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