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Making an "Effective Resolution" Guide, Would like input.


Inactive Member
After another problem in the chat, I finally made an Effective Resolution guide draft. I hesitate making guides about OOC things, but we need one. I'm willing to change the name if something better exists.

I'd like input on this, as well as clarification, opinions, etc. Specifically, I feel as if the "Being Constrictive" area is a bit weak in its effective description of constructive criticism, and I also named the "So you're correct. Now what?" section such because Google and I couldn't think of a good antonym for "Condede". I don't want to use "Winning" because that's not the point of it.

Since I have been asked to do a guide for taking constructive criticism/dealing with tech submission on the submitter's side before and might wind up doing so, the first issue I have would be of particular interest in better defining.
After a quick read-through, this is great! It lays down a lot of basic knowledge that people forget when involved in SARP discussions. The fact that it explicitly pinpoints unacceptable behaviors that people may not realize they're using is very helpful, too.

The one criticism I've got is that's it's a really long document. Maybe throw in a few SARP appropriate artworks of characters looking like they're resolving conflicts to break up the monotony of the text.
I think this is wonderful and sadly needed.

Slimming it down so it is more palatable to the eyes and mind should happen. But yes.
I don't mind seeing this edited or added to, so people can make recommendations too, of course. I'm thankful for the feedback so far, and I am trying to include specific behaviors. Identifying and resisting them in one's self is as important or moreso than doing so in others.
Self-awareness is not the strongest suit of humanity. I also see this being pointed to as if to say, "you're guilty here and here and here, good bye".

I like the part about walking away. Maybe a part about staying away would be a good addition.